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Objective-DC is a library you can use with your iOS applications for user authentication with Dailycred

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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You can view a demo app using this library here.

There is also a tutorial that walks you through creating an app from scratch with Dailycred.

##Installation ###Download

To get started, first clone this repository in your app's file directory:

cd your_app_directory
git clone git://

Open XCode, right click on your main project file in the navigation window and click Add Files to your_app_name. Choose the objective-dc.xcodeproj file that you just downloaded.

Add Files

Now that you've added the project to your app, there are a few settings you need to configure.

Configuring Your Target

Some of the pictures for this section were copied from the wonderful RestKit library's documentation. If you are confused when you see "ReskKit" in the pictures, assume it will be "objective-dc".

Now that your project is aware of Objective-DC, you need to configure a few settings and add some required Frameworks to your project's build configuration. Click on the top-most item in the Project Navigator to open the Project and Targets configuration pane.

Then click on the Build Settings item and input "other linker flags" into the search text box in the top right of the main editing pane. Double click on the build Setting titled Other Linker Flags. A panel will pop open prompting you to input the Linker Flags you wish to add. Input -ObjC -all_load and hit Done.

NOTE: Try removing the -all_load flag if you are receiving runtime errors related to selectors not being found, even though you followed all the steps faithfully.

Add Linker Flag

After configuring the Linker Flag, clear the text from the search box and input header search path. Double click on the build setting titled Header Search Paths. A panel will pop open prompting you to input the Header Search Path you wish to add. Input "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../../Headers". Be sure to include the surrounding quotes (-- they are important!) and hit Done. Add Header Search Path

Now click on the Build Phases tab and click the disclosure triangle next to the item titled Target Dependencies. A sheet will pop open asking you to select the target you want to add a dependency on. Click objective-dc and hit the Add button. Add Target Dependency Select RestKit Target

Once the Target Dependency has been configured, you now need to link the Objective-DC static libraries and the required Frameworks into your target. Click the disclosure triangle next to the item labeled Link Binary With Libraries and click the plus button: Add Libraries

Select the Objective-DC static library.

You are all set for using Objective-DC in your application. To make sure everything is working, open a file and insert #import "DCClient.h" at the top of the file. Build the project with ⌘ + b. If no error is seen, everything should be working well.

If you are still experiencing difficulties, copying the header files from objective-dc to your main file tree may fix compilation errors. Open the objective-dc.xcodeproj folder and objective-dc subfolder in your project navigator. Select the 4 headers files (the ones that end in .h) and drag them into a folder called Headers in your main folder.

Copy Headers

Custom URL scheme

You will need to setup a custom URL scheme to open your application from a browser. This will allow you to use links like myappcustomscheme://url to open your app from a browser (when your app is installed on the same device).

Open the info tab in your target settings. Click the plus sign in the bottom right and select Add URL Type. Add URL Type

Configure your URL Type with your own unique url scheme and identifier. Choose something like com.myappname for the Identifier and myappname for the URL schemes. Configure URL Type

You can now open your app from a link by using the URL scheme that you created. This will be used for redirecting your user back to your application after authenticating. Your redirect_uri must use this URL scheme with any domain (Dailycred currently requires a domain for redirect_uri). Make sure you approve whatever fake domain name you choose to use in your Dailycred settings. For example, if you choose to use fakedomainname with your custom URL scheme of myappscheme, your redirect_uri would be myappscheme://fakedomainname.

Dailycred Settings


If you've made it here, the rest is easy. At the very beginning of your application, configure the Dailycred Client with your client_id,client_secret, and optionally your redirect_uri.

[DCClient initWithClientId:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" andClientSecret:@"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" withRedirectUri:@"myappscheme://fakedomainname"];

This sets up a singleton client that can be accessed at [DCClient sharedClient]. To send a user to be authenticated, simply call

[[DCClient sharedClient] authorize];

This will send a user to with your proper API keys attached. To sign them in with a specific service, call:

[[DCClient sharedClient] authorizeWithIdentityProvider:@"facebook"];

This will send the user to

After successfully connecting, the user will be sent back to your app. Implement handleOpenURL in your appDelegate and tell the Dailycred client to authenticate.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url
    [[DCClient sharedClient] authenticateWithCallbackUrl:[url absoluteString]];
    NSLog(@"current user is: %@",[DCClient getCurrentUser]);

    //handle the new authenticated user

    return YES;

The client will then go through the entire OAuth flow and retrieve the user's details. The client serializes the user object in NSUserDefaults so that you can access the current user even after the app is closed. You can get all sorts of information about the user:

DCUser *user = [DCClient getCurrentUser];
NSLog(@"email: %@",;
NSLog(@"display: %@",user.display);
NSLog(@"picture url: %@",user.picture);
NSLog(@"access tokens: %@",user.accessTokens);
NSLog(@"identities: %@",user.identities);
NSLog(@"json response: %@",user.json); //returns a dictionary of the json response from

// For example, this code could display information from facebook if the user connected with facebook.

DCUser *user = [DCClient getCurrentUser];
NSDictionary *facebook = [user.identities objectForKey:@"facebook"];
if (facebook != nil){
    NSString *facebookLink = [facebook objectForKey:@"link"];
    NSLog("link to user's facebook: %@", facebookLink); //

// Or with GitHub:

NSDictionary *github = [user.identities objectForKey:@"github"];
if (github != nil){
    NSNumber *followers = [github objectForKey:@"followers"];
    NSNumber *publicRepos = [github objectForKey:@"public_repos"];

You can log out the current user:

[DCClient logout];

You can also login or sign up a user with just an email and password:

DCClient *dailycred = [DCClient sharedClient];
DCUser *user = [dailycred signinUserWithLogin:@"[email protected]" andPassword:@"password" andError:&error];

//this call will sign in or create a new user
user = [dailycred signupOrSigninUserWithLogin:@"[email protected]" andPassword:@"password" andError:&error];

//if signin or signup is successful, the user is persisted
DCUser *sameUser = [DCClient getCurrentUser];

Connect an existing user with another identity provider to get more social information:

DCUser *user = [DCClient getCurrentUser];
[[DCClient sharedClient] connectUser:user withIdentityProvider:@"google"];

Allow your users to reset their password via email or with a "Change password" form in your app

DCUser *user = [DCClient getCurrentUser];
[[DCClient sharedClient] resetPasswordForUser:user andError:nil];

[[DCClient sharedClient] changePasswordFrom:oldPassword to:newPassword forUser:user withError:&error];

Fire custom events see user activity on your Dailycred dashboard

DCUser *user = [CClient getCurrentUser];
[DCClient sharedClient] fireEventWithEventType:@"level completed" forUser:user withValue:@"temple of doom" andError:nil];

// 'value' for event can be nil
[DCClient sharedClient] fireEventWithEventType:@"finished onboarding" forUser:user withValue:nil andError:nil];

Tag users for performing special queries on your dailycred dashboard

DCUser *user = [CClient getCurrentUser];
[DCClient sharedClient] tagUserWithTag:@"expert" forUser:user andError:nil];

[DCClient sharedClient] untagUserWithTag:@"expert" forUser:user andError:nil];


Objective-DC is a library you can use with your iOS applications for user authentication with Dailycred






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