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Generates financial reports from various data sources.


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Generates financial reports from various data sources.

This software is still under heavy development, if you want to see the next plans consider reading the Future plans section.

Also checkout the available reports, to see what you can already do with this software.


I love to have an overview over my finances and I love programming. This is why I created cashflow. There will be plenty of reports in the future, so you (and me) can get the best overview on what your (or my) current financial situation looks like.

⚠ I am currently not working on this project! ⚠

There are two main reasons:

  1. The configuration is very tedious, and I have also lost my painstakingly crafted configuration.
  • In the future, I will adjust the project so that it will only be necessary to enter the fixed costs. Additionally, configuration should be possible through the web interface.
  1. It is very tedious to manually transfer the transactions from your own bank account into the application, especially since they become outdated again after 24 hours.
  • My hope was that the European PSD2 Payment Services Directive would provide a simple interface to access my data, which it does. However, I need to be registered as an Account Information Service Provider (AISP) and/or Account Servicing Payment Service Provider (ASPSP) and/or Payment Initiation Services Provider (PISP) for only €1000 a year ...
  • Alternatively, there are service providers like Enable Banking and SaltEdge, but €50 a month to get MY DATA is too expensive for me, especially since there are apps that can do all of this for less than €10 a month.


Run npm start to install, build and run the project.

Before you start, you need to configurate cashflow. When you are done, you can test your configuration running one of the available reports.

First you need to setup a .env in src/web with the following content:


Example data/config.json:

    // allowedLogLevel: determines which logs should be logged, "debug" allows all logs, default log level is "error"
    "allowedLogLevel": "error",
    // used in the reports, deffault is "€$"
    "currency": "€",
    // used to format dates for logs and in reports, see, default is "dd.MM.yyyy"
    "dateFormat": "dd.MM.yyyy",
    // used to format time for logs and in reports, see, default is "HH:mm:ss"
    "timeFormat": "HH:mm:ss",
    // default is false, uncategorized transaction are marked as "unmatched", when true every transaction needs to be matched or an error is printed
    "strict": false,
    // user configuration on when to start a report, otherwise "oldest" transaction is used
    "startDate": "01.01.2021",
    // user configuration on when to end a report, today is used as default
    "endDate": "31.12.2021",
    // has to be either "trend" or "fixedpayday", otherwise an error is printed
    "report": "trend",
    // only used in trend report, can be fixed, variable, special or income for a detailed categorized report on a specific transaction type,
    // default is a trend report on all transaction types, without showing the details of every category.
    "trendType": "fixed",
    // options for a data source
    "source": {
        "type": "csv", // api will be supported some day
        "path": "", // either a directory where all .csv files are loaded and merged or a path directly to one csv file
        "dataKeys": {
            // used to match the columns to generate transaction of every row in a csv file,
            // when started with ~ the following string has to be included and has not to match exactly
            "initiator": "",
            "purpose": "",
            "value": "",
            "date": ""
        "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy" // optional when date format in csv file and date format for logs and other output are different
    // a list of categories to categorize every transaction from source, can be used in combination with strict: true
    "categories": [
        // has to be filled apropriatly by the user
            "name": "example",
            "type": "fixed", // or fixed, special, income
            "period": "mothly", // default or yearly, quarter, half, only used in combination with fixed type
            "samples": [
                    "initiator": "", // exact initiator of a transaction to match, when started with ~ the following string has to be included
                    "purpose": "" // optional, used in combination with the initiator sample, only as included search

An example configuration, like this, is created on first start up.

Available reports

Fixed pay day

Uses every as fixed categorized transaction and displays there data in a table. This report is usefull to see the height of ones fix costs, how much is to pay in the current month and the last booking date gives an asumption on when the next expense is expected.


npm run report:fixedpayday -- -c data/sample-config.json


│ (index) │       category       │ paid  │    cost     │ lastBookingDate │  period   │
│    0    │        'rent'true'-700.00 $''01/03/2022''monthly' │
│    1    │      'internet'false'-44.97 $''12/30/2021''monthly' │
│    2    │       'mobile'false'-39.99 $''12/21/2021''monthly' │
│    3    │    'electricity'true'-58.00 $''01/04/2022''monthly' │
│    4    │        'car'false'-169.47 $''12/21/2021''monthly' │
│    5    │ 'music subcription'false'-9.99 $''12/22/2021''monthly' │
│    6    │ 'movie subscription'true'-7.99 $''01/03/2022''monthly' │
│    7    │   'car insurance'true'-70.74 $''11/30/2021''yearly'  │
│    8    │        'loan'false'-19.45 $''06/07/2021''monthly' │
│    9    │        'Sum'         │ null  │ '1120.60 $' │      null       │   null    │
│   10    │       'Unpaid'       │ null  │ '283.87 $'  │      null       │   null    │


Shows the trend of every category type, fixed, variable, income and special in a monthly period.


npm run report:trend -- -c data/sample-config.json


│ (index) │  category  │   2021.08    │   2021.09    │   2021.10   │   2021.11    │   2021.12    │   2022.01   │
│    0    │  'fixed''-870.27 $''-1003.43 $''-853.61 $''-1868.30 $''-972.41 $''-765.99 $' │
│    1    │ 'variable''-1271.41 $''-1281.17 $''-694.19 $''-1457.65 $''-1601.41 $''-229.79 $' │
│    2    │  'income''2915.94 $''2915.94 $''2915.94 $''2915.94 $''3431.01 $''0.00 $'   │
│    3    │ 'special''0.00 $''-1638.78 $''0.00 $''0.00 $''0.00 $''0.00 $'   │

Trend (type)

Shows the trend for a specific category type, e.g. fixed, variable, income or special in a monthly period. Every category used in this type is printed in each line of the result.


The example only shows the fixed type, but the type can be switched to variable, income or special.

npm run report:trend:fixed -- -c data/sample-config.json


│ (index) │       category       │        2021.08         │        2021.09         │        2021.10         │        2021.11         │        2021.12         │        2022.01         │
│    0    │        'rent''-700.00 $ 08/02/2021''-700.00 $ 09/01/2021''-700.00 $ 10/01/2021''-700.00 $ 11/01/2021''-700.00 $ 12/01/2021''-700.00 $ 01/03/2022' │
│    1    │      'internet''-44.97 $ 08/31/2021''-44.97 $ 09/30/2021''-44.97 $ 10/29/2021''-44.97 $ 11/30/2021''-44.97 $ 12/30/2021''0.00 $'        │
│    2    │       'mobile''-29.98 $ 08/20/2021''-32.00 $ 09/21/2021''-39.66 $ 10/25/2021''-39.99 $ 11/19/2021''-39.99 $ 12/21/2021''0.00 $'        │
│    3    │    'electricity''-47.00 $ 08/24/2021''-47.00 $ 09/23/2021''-47.00 $ 10/27/2021''-47.00 $ 11/23/2021''0.00 $''-58.00 $ 01/04/2022'  │
│    4    │        'car''-3.30 $ 08/05/2021''-169.47 $ 09/21/2021''-4.00 $ 10/12/2021''-169.47 $ 11/22/2021''-169.47 $ 12/21/2021''0.00 $'        │
│    5    │ 'music subcription''-9.99 $ 08/24/2021''-9.99 $ 09/22/2021''-9.99 $ 10/22/2021''-9.99 $ 11/23/2021''-9.99 $ 12/22/2021''0.00 $'        │
│    6    │ 'movie subscription''-7.99 $ 08/02/2021''0.00 $''-7.99 $ 10/01/2021''-7.99 $ 11/02/2021''-7.99 $ 12/01/2021''-7.99 $ 01/03/2022'  │
│    7    │   'car insurance''-27.04 $ 08/30/2021''0.00 $''0.00 $''-848.89 $ 11/30/2021''0.00 $''0.00 $'        │


I used this project to train my TDD skills. This means, I wrote the tests first and then the production code. So nearly every line of code in this project has a corresponding unit test.

To run every test, type:

npm test

Also check out the tests to see how the software was planned to be used.

To see test coverage, run:

npm test:coverage

Web Mode

Since 0.14.0 there is also a web mode besides the cli mode of this application. You can start it as following:

# in project root
npm run build
node dist/index.js -m server -c <path-to-your-config>
# in src/web
# create a file .env with the following content
# I also need to run wsl-portforward.ps1,
# but only because I run this application in wsl and want to expose it to my network
# Now run the following in src/web
# rebuilds the styles
npm run styles:watch
# start frontend
npm run dev

As you can see, there is no "ready to go" build that you can start. I'll plan to add it as soon that i deploy the app in my home network.

The reports (currently only FixedPayDay is available in web mode) will now be available in web:

fixedpayday report

Future plans

This software is still under heavy development and these are the next steps:

  • Implementing ApiConnector, to get the freshest Data from a web server
    • I reached out to my bank and waiting now, that my bank finishes its API for private use.
  • Implementing a budget report


Generates financial reports from various data sources.







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