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WooWoo Editor for Atom


Wootom is a package (an extension) for the popular text editor Atom. Wootom adds support for streamlining the process of editing WooWoo documents.

Added features:

  • WooWoo syntax highlighting
  • Live WYSIWYM preview of the currently open file (wootom:togglePreview) using the FIT Template, including support for displaying math expressions and TikZ images
  • Custom MathJax macros support, as well as custom LaTeX preamble support for generating TikZ SVGs, and different modes of displaying the SVGs (see the package settings)
  • Navigation pane with the table of contents and table of labels of the currently open file (wootom:toggleNavigation), including fuzzy search within the tables
  • WooWoo support for the editor:toggle-line-comments command
  • Snippets for the FIT Template

External Dependencies

Wootom relies on a local installation of a TeX distribution to render TikZ images. The TeX distribution must provide the latex and dvisvgm commands, as well as the following (La)TeX packages: amsmath, amssymb, bbding, fontenc, inputenc, libertine, pgfplots, standalone. If you don't intend to use TikZ images in your WooWoo documents, you may ignore this.

Development Setup

Node.js (with npm) is required for development in addition to the previously mentioned dependencies.

  1. apm link
  2. npm install
  3. npm run build

Useful Commands

  • npm test - Run package tests
  • npm run build - Build
  • npm run clean - Clean up build output
  • npm run format:check - Check formatting
  • npm run format:fix - Fix formatting
  • npm run lint:check - Lint
  • npm run lint:fix - Lint and attempt to fix issues
  • npm run pack - Create production package


Copyright ©‎ David Straka.

Licensed under the MIT license.