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My first rice!

This is my first rice so it might not be perfect! If you like it feel free to clone the repo :)


In order to have exacty what you saw in my gif/screenshots you should have installed:

In order for all the scripts & keybindings to work fine, you should have installed:

.vimrc big update soon!

My .vimrc has not many functionalities, more to be added in 1-2 days!



I have keybindings in i3 for:

  • opening Firefox: Mod4+Shift+f
  • opening Spotify: Mod4+Shift+m
  • opening Android Studio: Mod4+Shift+p
  • taking a screenshot: Mod4+Shift+z, saves it in ~/Desktop/screenshots/
  • change volume using <F10>(mute) <F11>(lower by 5%) <F12>(higher by 5%)

TODO: make the startRecording && stopRecording to work from keybindings TODO2: make the dmenumount && dmenuumount to work from keybindings


I have the following blocks for i3blocks:

  • user welcome -> "Welcome, %YOURUSERNAME%"
  • weather -> Shows the weather for a hardcoded city in this format: CITY EMOJI CORESPONDING THE WEATHER CONDITIONS DEGREES CELSIUS OUTSIDE. If you want it to work for you edit the .scripts/weather script!
  • update checker -> Shows a white dot if no update is necessary, a black dot and the number of packages to update if there are updates available
  • volume -> shows the volume, also has mouse controls: right-click -> mute, scroll-up -> volume up by 5%, scroll-down -> volume down by 5%
  • home space free -> shows how much free space there is left in home
  • battery -> shows how much battery is left and the status: Charging / Not Charging
  • date & time -> shows year-month-day hour:min:sec
  • melody -> shows the current playing melody! I have 2 scripts to see what is playing in cmus and in spotify even if they play in the same time. It has mouse controls: left-click -> prev, middle-click -> pause (the color of the text becomes pinky), right-click -> next
  • caps / num -> shows if I have caps / num activated


I have the following modified things for ranger:

  • preview_images true

  • goto bindings: formed from g +

    • do = Documents
    • D = downloads
    • de = desktop
    • it = Documents/git
    • c = .config
    • w = Downloads/wall
    • i have folder in my documents folder named deutsch that, but I don't think you have it so you might want to remove the line 401 from rc.conf
  • move bindings: formed from M +

    • d = Documents
    • D = Downloads
    • desk = desktop
    • git = Documents/git
    • deutsch = Documents/deutsch (you might want to delete line 410 as well)
    • c = .config
    • w = Downloads/wall
  • copy bindings: formed from c + (same thing as above)

  • util bindings:

    • bg -> sets the image you are previewing to be the background and with wal sets a proper color scheme for it, but if you want to make the change permanent you should check .config/i3/config file
    • X -> extracts an archive
    • VI -> opens in vim the file you are previewing
    • vim -> opens vim


I have the following scripts in the .scripts folder (some of them are being used by programs listed above)

  • bat -> used by i3blocks for the battery block
  • compile -> it's deprecated here, check this
  • dmenumount -> mounts an usb using a dmenu (stolen from Luke Smith)
  • dmenuumount -> unmounts an usb using a dmenu (stolen from the same dank guy as above)
  • makeproj -> makes a project for different kinds of programming languages + Latex
  • media + media2 -> used by i3blocks to give me what music is playing in cmus / spotify
  • startRecording -> script to start recording the screen! it has 2 modes (working): normal (you just type bash startRecording) and mute (type: bash startRecording mute). Mute doesn't record the mic, while normal does
  • stopRecording -> script to stop the recording started by the script above
  • updatechecker -> used by i3blocks for the updates block
  • volume -> used by i3blocks for the volume block
  • weather -> used by i3blocks for the weather block
  • deadkeys.vim -> used by vim for the deadkeys feature


It has the following commands:

  • compile -> compiles .cpp, .java, and .tex files. It also runs the executable!
  • dmenumount -> same as dmenumount from scripts
  • extract -> used by ranger to extract archives
  • makeproj -> same as makeproj from .scripts
  • screenshot -> takes a screenshot and saves it to ~/Desktop/screenshots/


It has the following functionalities:

  • number for lines

  • Ctrl + c copys text to clipboard

  • Ctrl + v pastes text from clipboard

  • <space><space>d activates deadkeys

  • <space><tab> goes to the closest <++> (for navigation)

  • <F3> shows word count (for latex there is a special function so it only counts actual word not things like \end{document}

  • <F9> compiles .cpp and .tex files

  • Latex snippets:

    • ,s = \subsection{}
    • ,s* = \subsection*{}


Because a lot of my work means that I have to work with some deadkeys, I have stolen Luke Smith's ideea and implemented to be good for my purposes. It has the following bindings:

  • " + A/O/U/a/o/u = that letter with umlaut
  • You should have a font capable of reproducing Romanian special characters to see this:
  • ) + a/A = ă
  • ^ + a/i/A/I = â/î/Â/Î
  • , + s/t/S/T = ș/ț/Ș/Ț


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