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📓 A tiny bash tool for taking and organizing notes.


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A tiny bash script for taking and organizing simple text notes.

  • Write a TODO list.
  • Use as a copy/paste clipboard.
  • Make ASCII art. :)

❓ Why use this instead of just typing vim /path/to/my/ ?

  • Type fewer characters.
  • Print and manage note files easily.
  • Open the same note from any directory.
  • Automatically organizes notes with a sane directory structure.



  • Notekeeper can be easily installed via homebrew!
brew tap dcchambers/tap
brew update && brew install notekeeper

Arch Linux

paru -S notekeeper

Manual Install

  • Simply download the note.bash script file.
  • Place it somewhere nice (mv note.bash /usr/local/bin/note).
  • Make it executable with chmod +x /usr/local/bin/note
  • Add it to your path if necessary (e.g. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin)
  • You can then run the script anywhere by simply typing note at the command line.


  • Running note by itself with no arguments will create a new note file at ~/$NOTE_DIR/$year/$month/$day/$year-$month-$ if one does not exist, and will open that note file in Vim.

  • -c | --create

    • Use the -c flag to create a note without opening it.
  • -p | --print

    • Use the -p flag to print the contents of the note.
  • -n | --name <FILENAME>

    • Set filename for note. Will be created in $NOTE_DIR. Can be combined with other options (-c, -p, -t)
  • -e | --edit <FILENAME>

    • Use the -e flag with a DATE argument to edit a note from a specific date.
  • -h | --help

    • Use the -h flag to print usage information.
  • -t | --time

    • Use the -t flag to add a timestamp when creating/opening note.
  • -d | --delete <FILENAME

    • Use the -d flag to move a file into trash ($NOTE_DIR/trash)
  • --destroy <FILENAME>

    • Use the --destroy flag to permanently delete a note.
  • -l | --list [<FILE EXTENSION>]

    • Use this --list flag to list note files. Defaults to .md files if no extension is specified.

Demo (Asciinema)


File Organization

❱❱ tree ~/notes
└── 2020
    ├── 06
    │   ├── 21
    │   │   └──
    │   └── 22
    │       └──
    └── 07
        └── 28


  • The default editor is set by your $EDITOR environment variable.
    • If no default editor is set, it will use Vim.
      • It opens Vim in insert mode.
  • The default location to store notes is in the ~/notes/ directory.
    • To change this, set a NOTE_DIR value in your noterc file.

Customize with noterc

You can use a noterc file to customize Notekeeper!

  • Create this file at ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/notekeeper/noterc
    • On MacOS, this will be ~/.config/notekeeper/noterc
  • Example noterc file

The following variables can be set to overwrite Notekeeper defaults:

  • NOTE_DIR - The base directory for storing notes.
    • Default is ~/notes
    • By default Notekeeper uses whatever is in your system $EDITOR variable, and falls back to vim if none is set.
  • NOTE_NAME - Default name for new notes that are created.
    • The default is $YEAR-$MONTH-$
    • Default is cat
  • organize_by_date
    • Default is true. Set organize_by_date=false if you do not want to use a date-based directory structure for organizing notes.


  • Notekeeper uses a few simple tools that you probably already have installed.
    • A text editor (such as Vim or Emacs)
    • The find program
    • A program to print files (like cat)
    • Basic programs that should be included in almost all Linux/Unix distributions, including mkdir, touch, mv, rm, echo, printf