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tingle tangle

tingle is a library to import modern markup and data languages into python programs. it provides machinery to tangle code from its document language to python modules. tangle is a concept from literate programming that describes converting document into compiled program languages.

currently, tingle supports

    from tingle import md, rst, yml, yaml

tingle is primarily designed for interactive computing to generalize the reuse of code in different formats. tingle can be used with jupyter or IPython to import alternative document formats as python modules.

tingle is a pytest extension that can test literate programs written in markdown or rst formats. it ensures that your documentation stays up to date with your code.

importing literate programs and data

tingle uses context managers to modify pythons conventional imports.

    import tingle
    with tingle.loaders.Markdown():

tingle.loaders.Markdown is a loader that can discover notebooks with cells written in markdown and individual markdown files.

context managers can combined into a single context manager.

    import importnb
    with importnb.Notebook(), tingle.loaders.Markdown():

or used in serial

    with importnb.Notebook():
    with tingle.loaders.Markdown():

serial loading is necessary in the special case that two modules are loaded from files with the same name, but different extensions.

parameterized modules

fuzzy imports

a feature of importnb is the discovery of invalidate python module names. consider a notebook that is a blog post. 1968-12-09-mother-of-all-demos.ipynb

    with tingle.loaders.Markdown():
            from .docs import _968_12_09_mother_of_all_demos, __mother_of_all_demos

the tingle extension

%load_ext tingle

tingle is an IPython extension that makes small modifications to the interactive computing experience.

  1. allows markdown input in cells, there is no weaving step, see nowidget for more on weaving.
  2. top level returns
  3. emojis

see the ""

what does it do?

the import discovery hooks are implemented in the importnb package. tingle is specifically concerned with the need to tangle input to source code.

it uses docutils and myst_parser to parse RST and Markdown to intermediate representations as docutils documents. from the docutils document heuristics are applied to transform the document language to python or yml files.


the tasks below require doit, #pip install doit.

    def task_book():

Build the docs using jupyter book.

        return dict(actions=[
            "jb build . --toc docs/_toc.yml --config docs/_config.yml"
        ], file_dep=['docs/_toc.yml', 'docs/_config.yml'], targets=['_build/html'])

    def task_pdf():

configure a pdf to build from the book task.

        object = task_book()
        object['actions'][0] += F"  --builder pdfhtml" 
        object['targets'][0] = object['targets'][0].replace('html', 'pdf')
        return object

    def task_test():

test the tingle package using pytest. extra pytest arguments are included in "pyproject.toml" meaning we can use the top-level pytest execution.

        return dict(actions=["pytest"])