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Tanxees Arena Edition

Tank icon

First of all, to give this project a try, download our release. It contains the UI client for this game (the only component which source isn't published here)

Client screenshot

In this repository you can find the server and API for Java and Python languages.


To build the project, simply run

gradle copyJars

in the root directory. That will build everything and put into target directory.

Running server

To run the server, go to its folder and there use

gradle run

Hacking the dumb bot in Java

To use Java bot API, start with a sample project. To run the project, enter the directory and type

gradle run -PplayerId=bot1

(you may use bot2 or bot3 instead)

Start your own AI with modifying the class as you wish. Happy hacking!

Hacking the dumb bot in Python

To use Python bot API, start with a sample repository. To run the project do the following:

  • Get new enough Python (2.7 or >=3.4 will do)
  • Run "pip install websocket-client wsaccel"
  • Launch the server
  • Add full path to to PYTHONPATH environment variable (that's the directory that holds Python API, not yet available as a package), e.g. like this:
  • Launch "python bot1"

Happy hacking! Start with as a sample and create a fun-to-watch or clever AI.