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Desiré Sánchez edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 2 revisions

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The purpose of the following WIKI is to inform the reader about the source code made for the program. For this reason, an explanation of how the system is integrated from a technical point of view will be carried out, so that those people who maintain the system, or if they do not, programmers can understand the structure accomplished.

The present project arises from the need of an entrepreneur of a mechanical workshop, due to the poor management he carries in his company, when making use of a spreadsheet document to keep up to date the inventory of the warehouse and the invoices with the suppliers. To cope with this, we have designed a program that meets your need, in which you will be able to manage the products available in your workshop, the suppliers that supply you, and the orders placed to these, also, with their corresponding delivery notes.