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Character Remover

This library has the purpose of treating strings by removing or replacing, in a generic or specific way, characters that are within the UTF-8 standard.


const CharacterRemover = require('character-remover') 


The library has the following features:

    Name: removeAccents
    Description: Removes all accents from a string.
    Parameter: text = 'áàâãäéèêëíìïîóòôõöúûùüçñÁÀÂÃÄÉÊÈËÍÌÏÎÓÒÔÕÖÚÛÙÜÇÑ'
    Output: 'aaaaaeeeeiiiiooooouuuucnAAAAAEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUCN'
  removeAccents (text)

    Name: removeAll
    Description: Removes all special characters from a string.
    Parameter: text = '  ]-{&  } --- //          %   [~ Hello *-*. How {[ are you?'
    Output: 'HelloHowareyou'
  removeAll (text)

    Name: removeOnly
    Description: Removes only selected special characters from a string.
    Parameter 1: text = 'Hello *-*. How are you?'
    Parameter 2: chars = ['*', '-']
    Output: 'Hello . How are you?'
  removeOnly (text, chars = [])

    Name: removeExcept
    Description: Removes all the special characters except the selected ones from a string.
    Parameter 1: text = '  ]-{&  } --- //          %   [~ Hello *-*. How {[ are you?'
    Parameter 2: chars = ['?', '.', ' ']
    Output: '                    Hello . How  are you?'
  removeExcept (text, chars = [])

    Name: removeExtraSpaces
    Description: Removes all extra spaces from a string.
    Parameter: text = '                    Hello.                How are      you?'
    Output: 'Hello. How are you?'
  removeExtraSpaces (text)
