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Domingo Mery edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 11 revisions

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Balu, for computer vision, pattern recognition, and image processing...


Considerable research efforts in computer vision applied to several areas have been developed in the last years, however, they have been concentrated on using or developing tailored methods based on visual features that are able to solve a specific task. Nevertheless, today's computer capabilities are giving us new ways to solve complex computer vision problems. Now, we are able to extract, process and test at the same time more image features and classifiers than before. Using this general methodology that designs a computer vision system automatically, i.e., it finds -without human interaction- the features and the classifiers for a given application avoiding the classical trial and error methodology commonly used by human designers. The key idea of the proposed methodology is to select from a large set of features and a bank of classifiers those features and classifiers that achieve the highest performance. We tested in many applications yielding good classification performance of 96% or more in every case.


  • More than 200 functions for image processing, feature extraction, feature transformation, feature analysis, feature selection, data selection and generation, classification, clustering, performance evaluation, multiple-view analysis, image sequence processing and tracking with geometrical constraints, see examples.

  • Each function has a "help" with one or more examples (see Bcl_knn.m, the code of knn classifier as example).

  • It includes a general framework that designs a computer vision system automatically in only 12-line code or using 2 graphic user interfaces (for feature extraction and for feature and classifier selection). It finds (without human interaction) the features and the classifiers for a given visual task avoiding the classical trial and error framework commonly used by human designers.


  • APA

Mery, D. (2011): BALU: A Matlab toolbox for computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing.

  • BibTex:


author = {Domingo Mery},

title = {{BALU}: A {Matlab} toolbox for computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing (},

year = {2011}}

Table of contents

  1. Installation & Requirements
  2. Examples
  3. Publications
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