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Dom Charlesworth edited this page Nov 7, 2016 · 5 revisions

Code | Usage | Future

All the Icons can be used to enrich the visual representation of your Mode Line using Spaceline.

I have personally switched to using Spaceline rather than a custom made Mode Line I had previously. So, if you use spaceline already, you can just add in these


The package code can be saved from the code below somewhere in your load path as spaceline-all-the-icons.el.

;;; spaceline-all-the-icons.el --- Custom install for all the icons Spaceline

;; Copyright (C) 2016  Dominic Charlesworth <[email protected]>

;; Author: Dominic Charlesworth <[email protected]>
;; Keywords: lisp

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'spaceline)
(require 'spaceline-config)
(require 'all-the-icons)

;; First Segment ;;

    ati-modified "An `all-the-icons' modified segment"
    (let* ((config-alist
            '(("*" all-the-icons-faicon-family all-the-icons-faicon "chain-broken" :height 1.2 :v-adjust -0.0)
              ("-" all-the-icons-faicon-family all-the-icons-faicon "link" :height 1.2 :v-adjust -0.0)
              ("%" all-the-icons-octicon-family all-the-icons-octicon "lock" :height 1.2 :v-adjust 0.1)))
           (result (cdr (assoc (format-mode-line "%*") config-alist))))

      (propertize (format "%s" (apply (cadr result) (cddr result))) 'face `(:family ,(funcall (car result)) :inherit )))
    :tight t)

    ati-window-numbering "An `all-the-icons' window numbering segment"
    (propertize (format "%c" (+ 9311 (window-numbering-get-number)))
                'face `(:height 1.3 :inherit)
                'display '(raise -0.0))
    :tight t :when (fboundp 'window-numbering-mode))

    ati-projectile "An `all-the-icons' segment for current `projectile' project"
     (propertize "|" 'face '(:height 1.1 :inherit))
     " "
     (if (and (fboundp 'projectile-project-name)
         (propertize (format "%s" (concat (projectile-project-name) ))
                     'face '(:height 0.8 :inherit)
                     'display '(raise 0.2)
                     'help-echo "Switch Project"
                     'mouse-face '(:box 1)
                     'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
                                 'mouse-1 (lambda () (interactive) (projectile-switch-project))))
       (propertize "×" 'face '(:height 0.8 :inherit)))
     " "
     (propertize "|" 'face '(:height 1.1 :inherit)))
    :tight t)

    ati-mode-icon "An `all-the-icons' segment for the current buffer mode"
    (let ((icon (all-the-icons-icon-for-buffer)))
      (unless (symbolp icon) ;; This implies it's the major mode
        (propertize icon
                    'help-echo (format "Major-mode: `%s`" major-mode)
                    'display '(raise 0.0)
                    'face `(:height 1.0 :family ,(all-the-icons-icon-family-for-buffer) :inherit)))))

    ati-buffer-id "An `all-the-icons' segment for the current buffer id"
    (if (fboundp 'projectile-project-root)
        (let* ((buf (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name)))
               (proj (ignore-errors (projectile-project-root)) )
               (name (if (buffer-file-name)
                         (or (cadr (split-string buf proj))
                             (format-mode-line "%b"))
                       (format-mode-line "%b"))))
          (propertize (format "%s" name)
                      'face `(:height 0.8 :inherit)
                      'display '(raise 0.2)
                      'help-echo (format "Major-mode: `%s`" major-mode)))
      (propertize (format-mode-line "%b ") 'face '(:height 0.8 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1)))
    :tight t)

;; Second Segment ;;

    ati-process "An `all-the-icons' segment for the current process"
    (let ((icon (all-the-icons-icon-for-buffer)))
       (when (or (symbolp icon) mode-line-process)
         (propertize (format-mode-line "%m") 'face `(:height 0.8 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.2)))
       (when mode-line-process
         (propertize (format-mode-line mode-line-process) 'face '(:height 0.7 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.2)))))
    :tight t)

    ati-position "An `all-the-icons' segment for the Row and Column of the current point"
    (propertize (format-mode-line "%l:%c") 'face `(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1)))

    ati-region-info "An `all-the-icons' segment for the currently marked region"
    (when mark-active
      (let ((words (count-lines (region-beginning) (region-end)))
            (chars (count-words (region-end) (region-beginning))))
         (propertize (format "%s " (all-the-icons-octicon "pencil") words chars)
                     'face `(:family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family) :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1))
         (propertize (format "(%s, %s)" words chars)
                     'face `(:height 0.9 :inherit))))))

    ati-color-control "An `all-the-icons' segment for the currently marked region" "")

;; Third Segement ;;

(defun spaceline---github-vc ()
  "Function to return the Spaceline formatted GIT Version Control text."
  (let ((branch (mapconcat 'concat (cdr (split-string vc-mode "[:-]")) "-")))
     (propertize (all-the-icons-alltheicon "git") 'face '(:height 1.1 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1))
     (propertize " · ")
     (propertize (format "%s" (all-the-icons-octicon "git-branch"))
                 'face `(:family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family) :height 1.0 :inherit)
                 'display '(raise 0.2))
     (propertize (format " %s" branch) 'face `(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.2)))))

(defun spaceline---svn-vc ()
  "Function to return the Spaceline formatted SVN Version Control text."
  (let ((revision (cadr (split-string vc-mode "-"))))
     (propertize (format " %s" (all-the-icons-faicon "cloud")) 'face `(:height 1.2) 'display '(raise -0.1))
     (propertize (format " · %s" revision) 'face `(:height 0.9)))))

    ati-vc-icon "An `all-the-icons' segment for the current Version Control icon"
    (when vc-mode
      (cond ((string-match "Git[:-]" vc-mode) (spaceline---github-vc))
            ((string-match "SVN-" vc-mode) (spaceline---svn-vc))
            (t (propertize (format "%s" vc-mode)))))
    :when active)

    ati-flycheck-status "An `all-the-icons' representaiton of `flycheck-status'"
    (let* ((text
            (pcase flycheck-last-status-change
              (`finished (if flycheck-current-errors
                             (let ((count (let-alist (flycheck-count-errors flycheck-current-errors)
                                            (+ (or .warning 0) (or .error 0)))))
                               (format "%s Issue%s" count (if (eq 1 count) "" "s")))
                           "✔ No Issues"))
              (`running     "⟲ Running")
              (`no-checker  "⚠ No Checker")
              (`not-checked "✖ Disabled")
              (`errored     "⚠ Error")
              (`interrupted "⛔ Interrupted")
              (`suspicious  "")))
           (f (cond
               ((string-match "" text) `(:height 0.9 :foreground ,(face-attribute 'spaceline-flycheck-warning :foreground)))
               ((string-match "✖ [0-9]" text) `(:height 0.9 :foreground ,(face-attribute 'spaceline-flycheck-error :foreground)))
               ((string-match "✖ Disabled" text) `(:height 0.9 :foreground ,(face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face :foreground)))
               (t '(:height 0.9 :inherit)))))
      (propertize (format "%s" text)
                  'face f
                  'help-echo "Show Flycheck Errors"
                  'display '(raise 0.2)
                  'mouse-face '(:box 1)
                  'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map 'mouse-1 (lambda () (interactive) (flycheck-list-errors)))))
    :when active :tight t )

(defvar spaceline--upgrades nil)
(defun spaceline--count-upgrades ()
  "Function to count the number of package upgrades needed."
  (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
    (with-current-buffer "*Packages*"
      (setq spaceline--upgrades (length (package-menu--find-upgrades))))
    (switch-to-buffer buf)))
(advice-add 'package-menu-execute :after 'spaceline--count-upgrades)

    ati-package-updates "An `all-the-icons' spaceline segment to indicate number of package updates needed"
    (let ((num (or spaceline--upgrades (spaceline--count-upgrades))))
        (propertize (format "%s" (all-the-icons-octicon "package"))
                    'face `(:family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family) :height 1.1 :inherit)
                    'display '(raise 0.1))
        (propertize (format " %d updates " num) 'face `(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.2)))
       'help-echo "Open Packages Menu"
       'mouse-face '(:box 1)
       'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
                   'mouse-1 (lambda () (interactive) (package-list-packages)))))
    :when (and active (> (or spaceline--upgrades (spaceline--count-upgrades)) 0)))

;; Right First Segment ;;
(defun spaceline--get-temp ()
  "Function to return the Temperature formatted for ATI Spacline."
  (let ((temp (yahoo-weather-info-format yahoo-weather-info "%(temperature)")))
    (unless (string= "" temp) (format "%s°C" (round (string-to-number temp))))))

    ati-weather "Weather"
    (let* ((weather (yahoo-weather-info-format yahoo-weather-info "%(weather)"))
           (temp (spaceline--get-temp))
           (help (concat "Weather is '" weather "' and the temperature is " temp))
           (icon (all-the-icons-icon-for-weather (downcase weather))))
       (if (> (length icon) 1)
           (propertize icon 'help-echo help 'face `(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1))
           (propertize icon
                    'help-echo help
                    'face `(:height 0.9 :family ,(all-the-icons-wicon-family) :inherit)
                    'display '(raise 0.0)))
       (propertize " " 'help-echo help)
       (propertize (spaceline--get-temp) 'face '(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'help-echo help)))
    :when (and active (boundp 'yahoo-weather-info) yahoo-weather-mode)
    :enabled nil
    :tight t)

    ati-suntime "Suntime"
    (let ((help (yahoo-weather-info-format yahoo-weather-info "Sunrise at %(sunrise-time), Sunset at %(sunset-time)")))
       (propertize (yahoo-weather-info-format yahoo-weather-info "%(sunrise-time) ")
                   'face '(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1) 'help-echo help)
       (propertize (format "%s" (all-the-icons-wicon "sunrise" :v-adjust 0.1))
                   'face `(:height 0.8 :family ,(all-the-icons-wicon-family) :inherit) 'help-echo help)
       (propertize " · " 'help-echo help)
       (propertize (yahoo-weather-info-format yahoo-weather-info "%(sunset-time) ")
                   'face '(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1) 'help-echo help)
       (propertize (format "%s" (all-the-icons-wicon "sunset" :v-adjust 0.1))
                   'face `(:height 0.8 :family ,(all-the-icons-wicon-family) :inherit) 'help-echo help)))
    :when (and active (boundp 'yahoo-weather-info) yahoo-weather-mode)
    :enabled nil
    :tight t )

    ati-time "Time"
    (let* ((hour (string-to-number (format-time-string "%I")))
           (icon (all-the-icons-wicon (format "time-%s" hour) :v-adjust 0.0)))
       (propertize (format-time-string "%H:%M ") 'face `(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1))
       (propertize (format "%s" icon)
                   'face `(:height 0.8 :family ,(all-the-icons-wicon-family) :inherit)
                   'display '(raise 0.1))))
    :tight t)

    ati-height-modifier "Modifies the height of inactive buffers"
    (propertize " " 'face '(:height 1.3 :inherit))
    :tight t :when (not active))

    ati-buffer-size "Buffer Size"
    (propertize (format-mode-line "%I") 'face `(:height 0.9 :inherit) 'display '(raise 0.1))
    :tight t)

    ati-battery-status "Show battery information"
    (let* ((charging? (equal "AC" (cdr (assoc ?L fancy-battery-last-status))))
           (percentage (string-to-int (cdr (assoc ?p fancy-battery-last-status))))
           (time (format "%s" (cdr (assoc ?t fancy-battery-last-status))))
           (icon-set (if charging? 'alltheicon 'faicon))
             (charging? '((icon . "charging") (inherit . success) (height . 1.3) (raise . -0.1)))
             ((> percentage 95) '((icon . "full") (inherit . success)))
             ((> percentage 70) '((icon . "three-quarters")))
             ((> percentage 35) '((icon . "half")))
             ((> percentage 15) '((icon . "quarter") (inherit . warning)))
             (t '((icon . "empty") (inherit . error)))))
           (icon-f (all-the-icons--function-name icon-set))
           (family (funcall (all-the-icons--family-name icon-set))))
      (let-alist icon-alist
         (if .inherit
             (let ((fg (face-attribute .inherit :foreground)))
               (propertize (funcall icon-f (format "battery-%s" .icon))
                           'face `(:height ,(or .height 1.0) :family ,family :foreground ,fg)
                           'display `(raise ,(or .raise 0.0))))
             (propertize (funcall icon-f (format "battery-%s" .icon))
                         'face `(:family ,family :inherit)
                         'display '(raise 0.0)))
         " "
         (if .inherit
             (let ((fg (face-attribute .inherit :foreground)))
               (propertize (if charging? (format "%s%%%%" percentage) time) 'face `(:height 0.9 :foreground ,fg)))
           (propertize time 'face '(:height 0.9 :inherit)))
    :global-override fancy-battery-mode-line :when (and active (fboundp 'fancy-battery-mode) fancy-battery-mode))

(defun spaceline--direction (dir)
  "Inverts DIR from right to left & vice versa."
  (if spaceline-invert-direction (if (equal dir "right") "left" "right") dir))

(defun spaceline--separator-type ()
  "Static function to return the separator type."

(defmacro define-separator (name dir start-face end-face &optional invert)
  "Macro to defined a NAME separator in DIR direction.
Provide the START-FACE and END-FACE to describe the way it should
fade between segmeents.  When INVERT is non-nil, it will invert
the directions of the separator."
         ,(intern (format "ati-%s-separator" name))
       (let ((dir (if spaceline-invert-direction (spaceline--direction ,dir) ,dir))
             (sep (spaceline--separator-type)))
         (propertize (all-the-icons-alltheicon (format "%s-%s" sep dir) :v-adjust 0.0)
                     'face `(:height 1.5
                             ,(face-attribute ,start-face :background)
                             ,(face-attribute ,end-face :background))))
       :skip-alternate t :tight t :when (if ,invert (not active) active))))

(defvar spaceline-invert-direction t)
(defvar spaceline-separator-type "slant")

(define-separator "left-inactive" "right" 'powerline-inactive1 'powerline-inactive2 t)
(define-separator "right-inactive" "left" 'powerline-inactive2 'mode-line-inactive t)

(define-separator "left-1" "right" 'spaceline-highlight-face 'powerline-active1)
(define-separator "left-2" "right" 'powerline-active1 'spaceline-highlight-face)
(define-separator "left-3" "right" 'spaceline-highlight-face 'mode-line)
(define-separator "left-4" "right" 'mode-line 'powerline-active2)

(define-separator "right-1" "left" 'powerline-active2 'powerline-active1)
(define-separator "right-2" "left" 'powerline-active1 'mode-line)

   ((ati-modified ati-window-numbering ati-buffer-size) :face highlight-face :skip-alternate t)
   ;; left-active-3
   ((ati-projectile ati-mode-icon ati-buffer-id) :face default-face)
   ((ati-process ati-position ati-region-info) :face highlight-face :separator " | ")
   ((ati-vc-icon ati-flycheck-status ati-package-updates purpose) :separator " · " :face other-face)

   ((ati-suntime ati-weather) :separator " · " :face other-face)
   ((ati-battery-status ati-time) :separator " | " :face other-face)

;; (setq mode-line-format '("%e" (:eval (spaceline-ml-main))))

(provide 'spaceline-all-the-icons)
;;; spaceline-all-the-icons.el ends here
;; Local Variables:
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:


Once you have the package installed, you can use it with the following snippet in your init.el. I use use-package and would highly recommend you do the same!

(use-package spaceline-all-the-icons :after spaceline 
  :load-path "path/to/spaceline-all-the-icons")
(use-package spaceline :after powerline
  :config (setq-default mode-line-format '("%e" (:eval (spaceline-ml-ati)))))


I intend to make a separate package for this code to complement Spaceline, but in the mean time feel free to use the snippets here and raise an issue if you find any problems.

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