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roboticsalign edited this page Aug 2, 2020 · 5 revisions

The backup includes deCONZ and Phoscon App specific data for groups, lights, scenes, ZigBee network settings and other data like deCONZ GUI node positions and names.

Two scenarios:

  1. Move ConBee / RaspBee to a new gateway / Raspberry Pi
  2. Move network to a new controller (e.g. in case ConBee breaks and needs to be replaced)

Note: The old controller must be powered off completely before launching the new controller. In the case of a RaspBee, shutting down the system is not enough -- power must be cut from the Raspberry Pi (otherwise the RaspBee is still active as long as the power supply is connected).


  1. Open Phoscon App
  2. Open the Menu and go to Gateway > Settings


  1. Open Phoscon App
  2. If it is a new installation and the commissioning.html page is shown, replace it with index.html in the browser URL bar.
  3. Open the Menu and go to Gateway > Settings
  4. If you do not use the the Zigbee channel 15: manually change it in Gateway > advanced
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