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Zigbee Error Codes in the Log

letszb edited this page Mar 22, 2023 · 11 revisions

When debug logging is enabled the following error codes might be shown when problems occure.

0xE1 MAC channel access failure

Indicates interference issues when displayed very often. It is issued when a message couldn't be send due the medium (air) is too busy, the radio uses a listen-before-talk mechanism before sending out any message.


0xE9 No MAC ACK received

Is issued when the coordinator sends out a command but no acknowledgement (ACK) was returned from the target receivers next hop (1-hop only).

0xA7 No application ACK received

Is similar to 0xE9 but works over a complete route.

0xD0 No route to the receiver exists

This appears usually when the receiver is powered off and is issued after a series of 0xE9 or 0xA7 codes. Note that routing is figured out and repaired automatically by all routing device.

0xD2 Zigbee broadcast table is full

This appears when too many broadcasts/group casts are send in fast succession.

0xF0 MAC transaction timeout

When a router/coordinator stores a message forwarded to a sleeping device and the device doesn't poll the parent within ca. 7 seconds, the message is discarded

Further error codes not mentioned here can be looked up here, chapter 2.2.9 - APS Sub-Layer Status Values, p. 61

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