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WPS PIN generator written in Python 3

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WPS PIN generator uses known MAC address based algorithms commonly found in routers firmware to generate their default PINs. The PIN can be used with programs like Reaver, Bully or OneShot to recover Wi-Fi password.


pip install wpspin

Or you can install from source with:

git clone
cd wpspin/
python install


Command line tool

wpspin [-A] MAC
Required arguments:
    MAC              : target MAC address to generate PIN code. Example: 11:22:33:44:55:66
Optional arguments:
    -A, --get-all    : get all PIN codes in addition to the suggested ones for a single MAC


$ wpspin 54:A0:50:75:D2:40
Found 1 PIN(s)
PIN        Name
40414089   ASUS PIN

Python module

Get all PINs for a single MAC

>>> import wpspin
>>> generator = wpspin.WPSpin()
>>> generator.getAll('54:A0:50:75:D2:40')
[{'id': 'pin24', 'name': '24-bit PIN', 'pin': '77215369'}, {'id': 'pin28', 'name': '28-bit PIN', 'pin': '77215369'}, {'id': 'pin32', 'name': '32-bit PIN', 'pin': '98988167'}, {'id': 'pin36', 'name': '36-bit PIN', 'pin': '98988167'}, {'id': 'pin40', 'name': '40-bit PIN', 'pin': '46661760'}, {'id': 'pin44', 'name': '44-bit PIN', 'pin': '11772804'}, {'id': 'pin48', 'name': '48-bit PIN', 'pin': '13993603'}, {'id': 'pinDLink', 'name': 'D-Link PIN', 'pin': '76793011'}, {'id': 'pinDLink1', 'name': 'D-Link PIN +1', 'pin': '65690444'}, {'id': 'pinASUS', 'name': 'ASUS PIN', 'pin': '40414089'}, {'id': 'pinAirocon', 'name': 'Airocon Realtek', 'pin': '40774848'}, {'id': 'pinInvNIC', 'name': 'Inv NIC to PIN', 'pin': '90556791'}, {'id': 'pinNIC2', 'name': 'NIC * 2', 'pin': '54430723'}, {'id': 'pinNIC3', 'name': 'NIC * 3', 'pin': '31646086'}, {'id': 'pinOUIaddNIC', 'name': 'OUI + NIC', 'pin': '32676006'}, {'id': 'pinOUIsubNIC', 'name': 'OUI − NIC', 'pin': '78245280'}, {'id': 'pinOUIxorNIC', 'name': 'OUI ^ NIC', 'pin': '21918889'}, {'id': 'pinEmpty', 'name': 'Empty PIN', 'pin': ''}, {'id': 'pinCisco', 'name': 'Static PIN — Cisco', 'pin': '12345670'}, {'id': 'pinBrcm1', 'name': 'Static PIN — Broadcom 1', 'pin': '20172527'}, {'id': 'pinBrcm2', 'name': 'Static PIN — Broadcom 2', 'pin': '46264848'}, {'id': 'pinBrcm3', 'name': 'Static PIN — Broadcom 3', 'pin': '76229909'}, {'id': 'pinBrcm4', 'name': 'Static PIN — Broadcom 4', 'pin': '62327145'}, {'id': 'pinBrcm5', 'name': 'Static PIN — Broadcom 5', 'pin': '10864111'}, {'id': 'pinBrcm6', 'name': 'Static PIN — Broadcom 6', 'pin': '31957199'}, {'id': 'pinAirc1', 'name': 'Static PIN — Airocon 1', 'pin': '30432031'}, {'id': 'pinAirc2', 'name': 'Static PIN — Airocon 2', 'pin': '71412252'}, {'id': 'pinDSL2740R', 'name': 'Static PIN — DSL-2740R', 'pin': '68175542'}, {'id': 'pinRealtek1', 'name': 'Static PIN — Realtek 1', 'pin': '95661469'}, {'id': 'pinRealtek2', 'name': 'Static PIN — Realtek 2', 'pin': '95719115'}, {'id': 'pinRealtek3', 'name': 'Static PIN — Realtek 3', 'pin': '48563710'}, {'id': 'pinUpvel', 'name': 'Static PIN — Upvel', 'pin': '20854836'}, {'id': 'pinUR814AC', 'name': 'Static PIN — UR-814AC', 'pin': '43977680'}, {'id': 'pinUR825AC', 'name': 'Static PIN — UR-825AC', 'pin': '05294176'}, {'id': 'pinOnlime', 'name': 'Static PIN — Onlime', 'pin': '99956042'}, {'id': 'pinEdimax', 'name': 'Static PIN — Edimax', 'pin': '35611530'}, {'id': 'pinThomson', 'name': 'Static PIN — Thomson', 'pin': '67958146'}, {'id': 'pinHG532x', 'name': 'Static PIN — HG532x', 'pin': '34259283'}, {'id': 'pinH108L', 'name': 'Static PIN — H108L', 'pin': '94229882'}, {'id': 'pinONO', 'name': 'Static PIN — CBN ONO', 'pin': '95755212'}]

or without static PINs

>>> generator.getAll('54:A0:50:75:D2:40', get_static=False)
[{'id': 'pin24', 'name': '24-bit PIN', 'pin': '77215369'}, {'id': 'pin28', 'name': '28-bit PIN', 'pin': '77215369'}, {'id': 'pin32', 'name': '32-bit PIN', 'pin': '98988167'}, {'id': 'pin36', 'name': '36-bit PIN', 'pin': '98988167'}, {'id': 'pin40', 'name': '40-bit PIN', 'pin': '46661760'}, {'id': 'pin44', 'name': '44-bit PIN', 'pin': '11772804'}, {'id': 'pin48', 'name': '48-bit PIN', 'pin': '13993603'}, {'id': 'pinDLink', 'name': 'D-Link PIN', 'pin': '76793011'}, {'id': 'pinDLink1', 'name': 'D-Link PIN +1', 'pin': '65690444'}, {'id': 'pinASUS', 'name': 'ASUS PIN', 'pin': '40414089'}, {'id': 'pinAirocon', 'name': 'Airocon Realtek', 'pin': '40774848'}, {'id': 'pinInvNIC', 'name': 'Inv NIC to PIN', 'pin': '90556791'}, {'id': 'pinNIC2', 'name': 'NIC * 2', 'pin': '54430723'}, {'id': 'pinNIC3', 'name': 'NIC * 3', 'pin': '31646086'}, {'id': 'pinOUIaddNIC', 'name': 'OUI + NIC', 'pin': '32676006'}, {'id': 'pinOUIsubNIC', 'name': 'OUI − NIC', 'pin': '78245280'}, {'id': 'pinOUIxorNIC', 'name': 'OUI ^ NIC', 'pin': '21918889'}, {'id': 'pinEmpty', 'name': 'Empty PIN', 'pin': ''}]

Get all PINs as list

>>> generator.getList('54:A0:50:75:D2:40')
['77215369', '77215369', '98988167', '98988167', '46661760', '11772804', '13993603', '76793011', '65690444', '40414089', '40774848', '90556791', '54430723', '31646086', '32676006', '78245280', '21918889', '', '12345670', '20172527', '46264848', '76229909', '62327145', '10864111', '31957199', '30432031', '71412252', '68175542', '95661469', '95719115', '48563710', '20854836', '43977680', '05294176', '99956042', '35611530', '67958146', '34259283', '94229882', '95755212']

Get suggested PINs only

>>> generator.getSuggested('54:A0:50:75:D2:40')
[{'id': 'pinASUS', 'name': 'ASUS PIN', 'pin': '40414089'}]

or as list

>>> generator.getSuggestedList('54:A0:50:75:D2:40')

Generate specific PIN for a single MAC

>>> generator.generate('pin24', '54:A0:50:75:D2:40')