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Benchmarking Synthetic Data Generation Models

Argument Type Default Value Description Possible Values
--library, --l str sdv Enter library {sdv, gretel, synthcity}
--modality, --m str tabular Enter dataset modality {tabular, sequential}
--synthesizer, --s str ctgan Enter synthesizer name {ctgan, tvae, gaussian_copula, par, dgan, actgan, goggle, nflow, arf, ddpm, rtvae}
--data str adult Enter dataset name {adult, census, child, covtype, credit, insurance, intrusion, health_insurance, drugs, loan, nasdaq, taxi, pums}
--imputer, --i str hyperimpute Enter hyperimputer plugin name {'simple', 'mice', 'missforest', 'hyperimpute'}
--optimizer_trials, --trials int 25
--num_epochs, --e int 0 Default epoch is set as 0 as statistical models do not need epochs
--data_folder, --d str data
--output_folder, --o str outputs
--train_test_data, --tt bool False Whether to return train and test data
--get_quality_report, --qr bool False Whether to generate SDV quality report
--get_diagnostic_report, --dr bool False Whether to generate SDV diagnostic report
--run_optimizer, --ro bool False Whether to run hyperparameter optimizer
--run_hyperimpute, --ri bool False Whether to run hyperimpute
--run_model_training, --rt bool False Whether to train a model
--use_gpu, --cuda bool False Whether to use GPU device(s)

Supported Models

Type Library Models
Tabular sdv gaussian_copula, ctgan, tvae
synthcity ddpm, nflow, goggle, arf, rtvae, ctgan, tvae
gretel-synthetics actgan
Sequential gretel-synthetics dgan
sdv par

Sample comamnds

python3 --m tabular --l sdv --s gaussian_copula --data loan --o outputs --rt
python3 --m tabular --l synthcity --s nflow --data adult --o outputs --rt

# ACTGAN model from gretel-synthetics requires sdv<0.18
python3 --m tabular --l gretel --s actgan --data adult --o outputs --rt

# run sequential model
python3 --m sequential --l gretel --s dgan --data nasdaq --o outputs --rt
python3 --m sequential --l sdv --s par --data nasdaq --o outputs --rt

# hyperparameter optimisation and imputation require train test split by setting --tt flag 

# run imputation before model training
python3 --m tabular --l sdv --s ctgan --data drugs --o outputs --rt --tt -ri --i missforest
python3 --m tabular --l sdv --s tvae --data drugs --o outputs --rt --tt -ri --i simple
python3 --m tabular --l sdv --s tvae --data drugs --o outputs --rt --tt -ri --i hyperimpute

# run hyperparameter optimiser
python3 --m tabular --l synthcity --s ddpm --data loan --o outputs --rt --ro --tt
python3 --m tabular --l synthcity --s arf --data loan --o outputs --rt --ro --tt --cuda
python3 --m tabular --l synthcity --s rtvae --data health_insurance --ro --tt --cuda

Key Packages Used

  • ydata-profiling: Provides comprehensive data profiling for understanding and assessing data quality.
  • hyperimpute: Advanced tool for imputing missing data in datasets using various techniques.
  • optuna: A hyperparameter optimization framework designed for machine learning models.
  • synthcity: Generates realistic synthetic datasets while preserving the statistical properties of original data.
  • sdv: A library for modeling and generating synthetic datasets.
  • rdt: Transforms data for compatibility with synthetic data generation and modeling.
  • metrics: Offers metrics for evaluating the quality of synthetic data models.
  • ctgan: Implements CTGAN, a model for generating synthetic tabular data.
  • gretel-synthetics: Creates synthetic data that maintains the privacy and utility of original datasets.
  • ydata-synthetics: Framework focused on generating statistically consistent synthetic data.


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