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Releases: dstroud/dreamsequence


28 Aug 16:17
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  • don't kill notes_player on cleanup (just wipe table)
  • switched nb midi stop_all to use cc 123 rather than 120 (all notes off vs all sounds off). Seems to be more compatible.
  • fixed nb issue with note_players not being initialized
  • extend menu trim width


19 Aug 20:59
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  • Fix issue with custom chord not set on the correct step when Grid view is scrolled with E1
  • Fix issues with 16x16 grid keypresses on row 16 (after switcher keys)
  • More robust handling of keypresses if repeat key on events are received (e.g. defective grid or unplugged while key is held)


19 Aug 16:57
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  • Better colors, maybe, for mini piano


16 Aug 14:17
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  • Chord enhancements

    • Scale/degree-appropriate chord variants selectable by holding chord key and using E3 (scale/degree specific)
    • Custom chords editable by holding chord key and pressing K3 to enter editor
  • Scale masking

    • Hold Seq view switcher (bottom right Grid key) + K3 to access
    • 8 masks available per song scale
    • Masks selectable from list of scales or customizable with Grid
    • Available to Seqs and MIDI/CV Harmonizers via Notes param
    • Can be globally saved via Preferences
  • Sequencer (Seq) enhancements

    • 3 concurrent sequencers
    • 4 patterns each w/ copy+paste, instant/quantized switching configurable via Change param
    • Polyphonic seq modes
      • Grid param determines if Grid is mono or pool/poly, as well as order of note playback
      • Polyphony param determines number of notes played per step
    • Pattern shift param (in addition to loop shift)
    • Notes param options: kit/drum (chromatic starting from C1), scale masks. Also available for MIDI/CV harmonizers.
    • New Start/Reset options: Empty steps, Measure,
  • User Interface:

    • Holding K1 while changing menu values defers applying changes until K1 is released
    • Norns and Grid views will be synced by default when Sync Views is enabled in Preferences. Can be toggled by holding K1+K3.
    • Holding chord or seq Grid view switcher key and tapping a pattern will toggle muting of chord or seq.
    • Notifications preference adjusts or disables pop-up notifications
    • Preview notes preferences plays or silences pressed chords/notes while stopped
      • Enc 1-3: set encoder speed and acceleration
      • Rotation of full seq pattern or looped portion of pattern (param or destructive via seq key + E1/E2)
      • Pressing K2 when transport is stopped will reset arranger position, even if arranger is disabled
      • E1 can be used to scroll arranger continuously, in addition to the page jump keys
  • Modular dashboard

    • New options including metronome, chord pattern progress, elapsed play time
    • Configure with PARAMETERS>>EDIT>>PREFERENCES>>Dash 1-4
  • Events

    • Events Editor now tracks what event types are saved in each lane/column across the entire arrangement and provides a summary browsable using E2/3. Glyphs indicate lane type:
      • ☐ empty lane
      • ⊡ "single-event" lane containing only type of event
      • ☰ "multi-event" lane containing various types of events
    • Selecting a lane using E2/3 or tapping an empty event slot will show the last-saved event in that lane
    • Holding K1 in the Events Editor brings up a quick actions menu. Select an option with E2/3 and release K1 to perform the action. Currently the only option is to clear all events in the segment.
    • MIDI Bank Select and Program Change events
    • Song>>Arranger>>Next position event can create nonlinear/randomized arrangements. Can also be used to create sub loop (i.e. use segment 1 for song init events then loop from a later segment 2).
  • Quality of life

    • Custom MIDI voice with script control over MIDI channel
    • Reworked Grid drawing, use of pulses to indicate low-priority states (looping Arranger, pattern changes, selected events/lanes) and blinking to indicate high-priority state (muted chord/seqs, unsaved events, off-Grid patterns and Arranger position)
    • Pop-up notifications to confirm actions like copy+paste, Arranger enable/disable, etc...

Changes and FYI

  • Will reset load pset pref on first launch as compatibility with older psets is broken.
  • Rolled back requirements to 231114 for Fates. However, Norns 240221 is required for Ableton Link clock support.
  • Dropping MIDI device names and displaying by port # instead. Sorry, they're just too long.
  • Default seq reset value is now "measure".

Known issues

  • Breaks compatibility with pre-1.4 PSETs
  • Seq start/reset triggered by a new measure will occur before events fire
  • Time signature (beats per bar and beat length) can not be changed unless transport is stopped


09 May 11:14
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  • Fix arranger shift crash


12 Apr 21:16
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Seq probability


12 Apr 16:51
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  • PARAMETERS>>EDIT>>PREFERENCES template options
    • 'Save template' trigger saves current script state as pset 00
    • 'Load pset: Template' option loads template (pset 00) on script launch
  • Naming of song 'Key' and chords is informed by the selected Mode
    • For enharmonically equivalent keys, the one with fewer nonstandard chords (##, ♭♭, B#, C♭, E#, F♭) is shown
    • On-screen chord readout will show the chord names within the selected mode + key rather than simply using sharps any time an accidental chord appears
  • Support for hotswapping Grids and detecting new size while script is running
  • Improved glyphs to indicate when at the end of menu/parameter ranges


05 Apr 21:04
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  • Nota Bene (NB) voice support. MIDI and Crow are supported by default and additional voices can be installed via the following Maiden commands. See the NB topic on Lines for details.

    Soft synths:

    ;install 2-layer synth a la CS-80

    ;install Polyphonic MI Plaits

    ;install Norns PolyPerc

    ;install Rudiments percussion

    i2c devices:

    ;install Whimsical Raps W/synth

    ;install Whimsical Raps Just Friends

    ;install Expert Sleepers Disting EX

    ;install Monome Ansible

  • Swing settings for Chord, Seq, CV harmonizer, and Crow clock out.

  • Seq ‘Accent’ param applies a positive or negative dynamics offset to swing steps.

  • "Step" duration setting adjusts note duration to always match the step length (Chord and Seq) or Trigger division (CV harmonizer).

  • Pressing a Grid pattern key when transport is stopped will play that chord or note.

  • Chromatic mapping option added to Notes parameter.

  • The SONG menu now has settings for configuring Crow's outputs which will result in various CV or CV/Env pair options appearing in Voice parameters. All outs can send CV, Env, and Events while out 4 can send also send a Clock pulse when transport is running.

  • Crow events event category has been created with subcategories for outputs 1-4. There's also a new event "5v 8-steps" event for driving a sequential switch (i.e. Vice Virga) that maybe works with similar devices (0.31v, 0.94v, 1.56v, 2.19v, 2.81v, 3.44v, 4.06v, 4.69v).

Changes and FYI

  • Requires Norns 240221

  • An event category is created for each NB voice at script launch, allowing script control over each voice's sound. Event verification occurs on .pset load. WARNING: if a pset is loaded that includes events for a NB voice mod that has since been disabled, those events will be deleted.

  • Events now respect controlspec/taper parameter mappings. E.g. Increment/Wander will result in the same values as if performing a parameter change via encoders.

  • Chord preload setting is disabled. I’m not sure how necessary this feature was (it was intended to allow jamming on a keyboard into the MIDI/CV harmonizers, even if the notes were hit a little before the chord change). I never really used it and it’s a bit complicated to implement with Lattice so I’m just turning it off for now. LMK if you need this and I can look into bringing it back.

  • MIDI device names may be shortened to fit (acronym-based) and will appear alphabetically as if they have an invisible prefix of "MIDI". The numbers at the end are port.instance where port is the assigned MIDI port in system>>devices and instance is the number of instances of the NB voice (default 1).

  • Chord division change events will now occur before the chord plays rather than on the next step.

  • Important transport changes (depending on clock source):

    • Internal clock source (preferred)

      • Pressing K2 will immediately pause Dreamsequence and send a stop message out to synced devices.
      • New MIDI CLOCK OUT settings are available for each MIDI clock port via K3>>PARAMETERS>>EDIT>>PREFERENCES and determine behavior when continuing after pausing.
        • The “song” option will send out MIDI Song Position Pointer (SPP) and ‘continue’ messages which should work well for things like DAWs.
        • The “pattern” setting will cause Dreamsequence to continue playback and then send a ’start’ message at the beginning of the next measure. This works well for devices that don’t support SPP: drum machines, loopers, Ableton live’s “Session” view, etc…
        • In order for pattern mode to work as expected, you must set a time signature via SONG>>Beats per bar/Beat length (time signature numerator and denominator). Changing the time signature requires a stop and restart, I think.
    • Link clock source (limited support)

      • The good news: the issue with starting Link from Norns is addressed in update 240221!
      • The bad news: the way the Link issue is being addressed prevents pause/continue from working at all. I’ve raised an issue about this and hopefully a solution can be found. For now, K2 or a stop message from a synced device will result in a full stop.
    • MIDI clock source

      • K2/K3 are disabled.
      • No pause/continue (full stop/start only).
    • Crow clock source (not supported)

Known issues

  • At the end of a 1-shot arrangement, a MIDI/Link stop message is sent. This technically occurs at the start of the next measure which may cause synced devices to stop late (Link in particular as there's no latency compensation).
  • Live time signature changes probably will break something.


15 Nov 13:51
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  • Fixed issue with MIDI harmonizer input port param not appearing for all outputs.


30 Oct 17:41
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  • Fixed issue with MIDI/EX note deduplication truncating notes
  • Fixed Crow clock PPQN rates being misconfigured