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Pre-Development Phase (1st Day)

March 9: Setup and Planning

  • Initial setup and planning phase.
  • Team meeting to define roles and tasks.

Development Phase I: Building Core Features

March 10-13: User Authentication, User Profile, and Project Portfolio Management

  • Implement JWT authentication for user login and registration.
  • Develop functionalities for users to create, update, and display profiles and portfolio projects.

March 14-16: Social Feature Implementation, Employer Profile

  • Add abilities to like, comment, follow users, and save projects.
  • Develop special views and functionalities for employer profiles.

March 17-20: Advanced Features (Search & API Pull)

  • Implement advanced search functionalities.
  • Integrate third-party APIs as required.

Styling & Organization Phase: Integrating Design with Functional Components

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 4 38 12 PM Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 7 02 26 PM

March 19-23: Begin Styling Integration

  • Focus on applying consistent styling across the application.
  • Enhance user interfaces based on usability principles.

March 20: Component, Pages, & Files Review

  • Ensure all necessary components, pages, and files are in place.

March 20: Comprehensive README File

  • Write out a comprehensive README file detailing project setup, usage, and contribution guidelines.

March 23: Finalize Styling Efforts and Deployment

  • Resolve any design and functionality discrepancies.
  • DEPLOY the application.

Testing & Refinements Phase

March 20-24: Thorough Testing

  • Conduct thorough testing for all features, including UI/UX testing.
  • Identify any design or functional bugs.

March 24-25: Finalize Fixes

  • Address and fix any issues identified during testing.
  • Coordinate between developers and designers for necessary adjustments.

March 26: Final Preparations

  • Conduct a final group review of the project to ensure all components work seamlessly.
  • Prepare for the project presentation, ensuring all documentation is ready and the project is fully deployed.

Presentation Day

March 27: Presentation and Demonstration

  • Present the project, emphasizing the collaborative effort between functionality and design.
  • Showcase the application's features with a focus on the enhanced user experience.
  • Explain the motivation behind the app and encourage classmates to sign up.



  1. npm i nodemailer (used for sending emails out in the utilities/email files)

  2. npm i express-fileupload (used for attachments/files encoded in base64.)

  3. npm i @octokit/rest (Used for Github API.)

  4. npm i react-markdown (Renders markdown in react files.)

  5. npm i axios (Allows to make HTTP request from nodeJS.)

  6. npm i fileUpload (used for attachments)


Create User

Create a new user.

  • Request

    • Method: POST
    • Endpoint: /api/users
    • Headers: None
    • Body:
      • name (required): Name of the user
      • email (required): Email address of the user
      • password (required): Password for the user
      • userType (optional): Type of user (developer or employer)
      • picture (optional): URL to the user's profile picture
      • bio (optional): user bio
      • location (optional): user location
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the newly created user and authentication token
    • Example:
        "user": {
          "_id": "65f50499a42ef6a2b817768d",
          "name": "John Doe",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "userType": "developer",
          "picture": "",
          "createdAt": "2024-03-10T12:00:00.000Z",
          "updatedAt": "2024-03-10T12:00:00.000Z"
        "token": "<authentication_token>"

User Login

Authenticate an existing user.

  • Request

    • Method: POST
    • Endpoint: /api/users/login
    • Headers: None
    • Body:
      • email (required): Email address of the user
      • password (required): Password for the user
      • rememberMe (optional): Boolean indicating whether to remember the user's session
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the authenticated user and authentication token (same format as the "Create User" response)



Nodemailer must be installed

  1. npm i nodemailer

  2. in your own .env file replace GMAIL=(GMAIL LOGIN GOES HERE)

  3. Create a gmail app pass in security settings to then replace GMAILPASS=(APP PASS KEY IN HERE) in .env.

User Password Reset

Authenticate an existing user. Request

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /api/users/reset-password

  • Headers: None

  • Body:

    • email (required): Email address of the user
    • temporaryPassword (Created and sent in the email)
    • temporaryToken (Created and sent to email expires in 30 minutes)
  • Response

    • A email sent using the npm package nodemailer
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing Password reset successful. Check your email for the temporary password and token


User Password Reset


  • Method: PUT

  • Endpoint: /api/users/reset-password/:token

  • Headers: None

  • Body:

    • newPassword: (required): new password using the JWT token created sent to the email.
    • token: (required): The Link sent to the email will have the token, and the page will know to grab it to fill the value.
  • Response

    • A email sent using the npm package nodemailer
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing Password updated successfully.


Is used for the email function nodemailer used.

Customer Support


  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /api/users/support

  • Headers: None

  • Body:

    • name: Your name sent
    • email (required/must be in the db): Email sent to the support email and to user who inputed an email.
    • message: Whatever message you want added
    • attachments: (can add around 5 attachments)
  • Response

    • A email sent using the npm package nodemailer
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing Password updated successfully.


Is used for the email function nodemailer used.

Get User Profile

Retrieve user profile information by ID.

  • Request

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /api/users/:id
    • Headers: None
    • Parameters:
      • id (required): ID of the user
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the user profile information
    • Example:
        "_id": "65f50499a42ef6a2b817768d",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "userType": "developer",
        "picture": "",
        "createdAt": "2024-03-10T12:00:00.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2024-03-10T12:00:00.000Z"

Update User Profile

Update user profile information.

  • Request

    • Method: PUT
    • Endpoint: /api/users/:id
    • Headers: None
    • Parameters:
      • id (required): ID of the user
    • Body (fields to update):
      • name: New name of the user
      • email: New email address of the user
      • password: New password for the user
      • userType: New type of user (developer or employer)
      • picture: New URL to the user's profile picture
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the updated user profile information
    • Example:
        "_id": "65f50499a42ef6a2b817768d",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "userType": "employer",
        "picture": "",
        "createdAt": "2024-03-10T12:00:00.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2024-03-11T08:00:00.000Z"

Check Token

Check the validity of the authentication token.

  • Request

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /api/users/check-token
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer token
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object with a message indicating the token is valid
    • Example:
        "message": "Token is valid"

Follow a User

Allows a user to follow another user.

  • URL: /api/users/:userId/follow
  • Method: POST
  • Authentication required: Yes
  • Request Parameters:
    • userId (String, required): The ID of the user to follow.
    • developerId (String, required): The ID of the developer to follow.
  • Response:
    • user: Updated user object after following.
    • developer: Updated developer object after being followed.

Example Request

    "userId": "6123456789abcdef1234567",
    "developerId": "6123456789abcdef1234568"

Example Response

    "user": {
        "_id": "6123456789abcdef1234567",
        "name": "User Name",
        "followedDevelopers": ["6123456789abcdef1234568"],
    "developer": {
        "_id": "6123456789abcdef1234568",
        "name": "Developer Name",
        "usersThatFollowThisDeveloper": ["6123456789abcdef1234567"],

Unfollow a User

Allows a user to unfollow another user.

  • URL: /api/users/:userId/unfollow
  • Method : POST
  • Authentication required: Yes
  • **Request Parameters:
    • userId (String, required): The ID of the user to unfollow.
    • developerId (String, required): The ID of the developer to unfollow.
  • Response:
    • user:Updated user object after unfollowing.
    • developer:Updated developer object after being unfollowed.

Example Request

    "userId": "6123456789abcdef1234567",
    "developerId": "6123456789abcdef1234568"

Example Response

    "user": {
        "_id": "6123456789abcdef1234567",
        "name": "User Name",
        "followedDevelopers": [],
    "developer": {
        "_id": "6123456789abcdef1234568",
        "name": "Developer Name",
        "usersThatFollowThisDeveloper": [],


Create Post

Create a new post.

  • Request

    • Method: POST
    • Endpoint: /api/posts
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer {token}
    • Body:
      • githubLink (required): Link to the GitHub repository
      • content (required): Content of the post
      • projectTitle (required): Title of the project
      • projectDescription (required): Description of the project
      • image (required): URL of an image related to the project
  • Response

    • Status Code: 201 Created
    • Body: JSON object containing the newly created post
    • Example:
          "_id": "<Post_ID>",
          "user": "<User_ID>",
          "githubLink": "<GitHub_Link>",
          "content": "<Post_Content>",
          "projectTitle": "<Project_Title>",
          "projectDescription": "<Project_Description>",
          "image": "<Image_URL>",
          "likes": [],
          "comments": [],
          "createdAt": "<Creation_Date>",
          "updatedAt": "<Update_Date>",
          "__v": 0

Get All Posts

Retrieve all posts.

  • Request

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /api/posts
    • Headers: None
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON array containing all posts
    • Example:
              "_id": "<Post_ID_1>",
              "user": "<User_ID_1>",
              "githubLink": "<GitHub_Link_1>",
              "content": "<Post_Content_1>",
              "projectTitle": "<Project_Title_1>",
              "projectDescription": "<Project_Description_1>",
              "image": "<Image_URL_1>",
              "likes": [],
              "comments": [],
              "createdAt": "<Creation_Date_1>",
              "updatedAt": "<Update_Date_1>",
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "<Post_ID_2>",
              "user": "<User_ID_2>",
              "githubLink": "<GitHub_Link_2>",
              "content": "<Post_Content_2>",
              "projectTitle": "<Project_Title_2>",
              "projectDescription": "<Project_Description_2>",
              "image": "<Image_URL_2>",
              "likes": [],
              "comments": [],
              "createdAt": "<Creation_Date_2>",
              "updatedAt": "<Update_Date_2>",
              "__v": 0

Index posts by user

Retrieves all posts created by a specific user. Used for profile pages.

  • Request

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /api/posts/user/:userId
    • Headers: None
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON array containing all posts

Get Post by ID

Retrieve a specific post by its ID.

  • Request

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /api/posts/:id
    • Headers: None
    • Parameters:
      • id (required): ID of the post
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the post with the specified ID (same format as the "Create Post" response)

Update Post

Update an existing post.

  • Request

    • Method: PUT
    • Endpoint: /api/posts/:id
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer {token}
    • Parameters:
      • id (required): ID of the post to update
    • Body (fields to update):
      • Any of the fields mentioned in the "Create Post" request body
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the updated post (same format as the "Create Post" response)

Delete Post

Delete an existing post.

  • Request

    • Method: DELETE
    • Endpoint: /api/posts/:id
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer {token}
    • Parameters:
      • id (required): ID of the post to delete
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the deleted post (same format as the "Create Post" response)

Like Post

Like a post.

  • Request

    • Method: POST
    • Endpoint: /api/posts/:id/like
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer {token}
    • Parameters:
      • id (required): ID of the post to like
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the updated post with the user's like added

Unlike Post

Remove a like from a post.

  • Request

    • Method: POST
    • Endpoint: /api/posts/:id/unlike
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer {token}
    • Parameters:
      • id (required): ID of the post to unlike
  • Response

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: JSON object containing the updated post with the user's like removed


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