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Talk: Token Swapping and Robot Pivoting

This repository contains slides and animations for a talk presented at the Workshop on Rapid Reconfiguration of Programmable Matter at the 19th International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation (UCNC 2021).

The talk mainly presents the results of two 2021 papers:

  1. "Hardness of Token Swapping on Trees" by Oswin Aichholzer, Erik Demaine, Matias Korman, Jayson Lynch, Anna Lubiw, Zuzana Mas, Mikhail Rudoy, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, and Nicole Wein.
  2. "Characterizing Universal Reconfigurability of Modular Pivoting Robots" by Hugo Akitaya, Erik Demaine, Andrei Gonczi, Dylan Hendrickson, Adam Hesterberg, Matias Korman, Oliver Korten, Jayson Lynch, Irene Parada, and Vera Sacristán.

See the papers for more details about the results.

The first half of the talk builds on these slides about Token Swapping on Trees.

Title slide

Technology: reveal.js + Pug + Stylus + CoffeeScript + SVG Tiler + SVG.js + KaTeX

This repository uses the reveal-pug-talk template to make slides by combining the following technology (all free and open source):

  • reveal.js: a flexible HTML presentation framework, extendable by plugins and themes. Here we use:
  • Pug: a concise indentation-based notation for HTML, which makes it easier to express reveal.js slides, and to mix together other languages. Here we use:
    • Stylus: a concise indentation-based notation for CSS (styling of HTML)
    • CoffeeScript: an indentation-based language that compiles to JavaScript
  • SVG Tiler: a library for converting ASCII art into high-quality SVG graphics
  • SVG.js: a library that makes it easy to add animations to SVG drawings
  • KaTeX: a library for translating LaTeX math into HTML
  • Gulp: a tool that builds the Pug code into HTML


Here's an overview of the individual files and what they do:

  • Definitions of build and watch rules that run Pug on index.pug.
  • index.pug: Top-level Pug file that calls all other files. Defines the top-level structure of the document, but has no slides.
  • intro.pug: Title slide (included at the start and end of index.pug)
  • tokens.pug: First half of the slides, about token swapping.
  • robots.pug: Second half of the slides, about pivoting robots.
  • code to convert ASCII art of modular robot configurations in robots.pug into SVG Tiler drawings. Class robots indicates square-grid robots; class hexrobots indicates hexagonal-grid robots.
  • SVG.js-based code to implement token-swapping animations, enabling tokens.pug to define a triggerable animation sequence on a slide with a single line:
    .tokenswap.fragment(data-swaps="4,3 4,2 4,1 3,2 3,1 2,1")
  • SVG.js-based code to implement robot-pivoting animations on top of SVG Tiler drawings from This enables robots.pug to define a triggerable animation sequence on a slide with a single line:
    .robotpivot.fragment(data-target="id", data-pivots="1,5/-180@2,6/-90@3,6 3,1/-180@3,1")
    Here data-pivots gives the coordinates of a tile (such as 1,5 or 3,1), and uses /angle@coords to indicate pivoting around a single center. In hexagonal examples, the centers can be specified as tile corners via e.g. TL1,5 for the top-left corner of hex with coordinates (1, 5).
  • SVG.js-based code to implement a few specific animations of traversing the locking 2-toggle gadget.
  • index.styl: Some custom reveal.js styling, and general tools for styling slides.
  • tokens.styl: Styling specific to token swapping, including SVG figures. (Check out the cool glow/shadow effects!)
  • robots.styl: Styling specific to robot pivoting, including SVG figures. (Check out the cool SVG animations!)
  • cayley4.png: Image from Wikimedia Commons, licensed under CC-BY-SA
  • L2T_states.svg: Figure 15(a) from this paper
  • degree1.svg: Figure 9 from this paper
  • merge-example.svg: Figure from a future version of this paper

Build Instructions

To build the slides HTML (index.html) from the source files:

  1. Install NodeJS if you haven't already.

  2. Clone the repository

  3. Run the following:

    npm install
    npm run build

If you're live-editing the file and want index.html to continually build and update, use the following command:

npm run watch

To assemble just the needed files into a dist directory, use the following command:

npm run dist

To deploy these files to GitHub Pages, use the following command:

npm run deploy


Slides for talk about Token Swapping and Robot Pivoting







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