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Intro to Dataproc

Google Cloud Dataproc is a tool for launching clusters of VMs in Google Cloud.

To try it out, login to the Google Cloud Console, click the Navigation menu on the top left, and scroll down until you see Dataproc under the "Big Data" section. You can use it to create a cluster which you can login to or interact with directly. You can launch a "job" (a data processing script to run on a newly provisioned cluster), or a "workflow", which is a series of jobs.

RAPIDS in Dataproc requires you to use the Google Cloud SDK command line interface. Future versions of Dataproc will support configuring GPUs in Dataproc clusters through its web UI.


  1. Install Google Cloud SDK
  2. Initialize the Google Cloud SDK

The SDK setup process will create new SSH keys in ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine

Dataproc cluster creation process:

  1. Dataproc creates a cluster with a master and workers
  2. On startup, "initialization action" scripts are run on all nodes
  3. RAPIDS init actions do the following:

Create a Dataproc cluster:

Note that the shell variable "$DATAPROC_BUCKET" tells your Dataproc cluster where to look for initialization action scripts. Until the PR merges, you can test by using $DATAPROC_BUCKET=rapidsai-test-1, which is an nvidia owned bucket where we have uploaded the init action scripts. Once the PR merges, you can use $DATAPROC_BUCKET=dataproc-initialization-actions tthe "official" source of Dataproc init actions.

If you don't have access to the "nv-ai-infra" project, you'll have to publish the RAPIDS init actions to your own bucket.

Using the gcloud CLI (script provided)[scripts/]:


gcloud beta dataproc clusters create <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> \
--zone us-east1-c \
--master-accelerator type=nvidia-tesla-t4,count=4 \
--master-machine-type n1-standard-32 \
--worker-accelerator type=nvidia-tesla-t4,count=4 \
--worker-machine-type n1-standard-32 \
--metadata "JUPYTER_PORT=8888" \
--bucket <YOUR_BUCKET> \
--initialization-actions gs://$DATAPROC_BUCKET/rapids/,gs://$DATAPROC_BUCKET/rapids/,gs://$DATAPROC_BUCKET/rapids/,gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/jupyter/

Note: RAPIDS init actions themselves do not install Jupyter. In the example above, we add Jupyter from Dataproc's existing initialization actions:


at the end of your --initialization-actions argument. You'll usually want to configure it to use port 8888 as well by including the following metadata argument:

--metadata "JUPYTER_PORT=8888"

Also note, the --bucket argument tells Jupyter where to look for and save notebooks. If you don't supply a bucket argument, Dataproc will create a new bucket for you with a unique ID. Any changes you make to the notebooks in that bucket will persist across clusters. For this reason, we don't automatically include the taxi notebook example. You'll have to upload it to your Jupyter instance.

Other Useful Info:

By default, Dataproc creates 2 "worker" VMs. In the example above, you'll get 4 T4s on the "master", and 4 each on your 2 workers, for a total of 12 GPUs, enough to run the full 3 years of taxi data in the notebook.

To specify more workers, you can use:

--num-workers $WORKER_COUNT

To use a single node, master-only cluster, use:


Delete a Cluster:

Given a cluster named "test"..

gcloud dataproc clusters delete test

SSH into the master (script avail):

gcloud compute --project ${YOUR_PROJECT} ssh --zone "us-east1-c" test-m

SSH into the first worker:

gcloud compute --project ${YOUR_PROJECT} ssh --zone "us-east1-c" test-w-0

Setup SSH tunnel for local access to Jupyter:

# get the external IP of the master from GCloud Console, or use "curl"
ssh -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine -L 8888:localhost:8888 -L 8787:localhost:8787 ${YOUR_USERNAME}@${EXTERNAL_IP}


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