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3. Data Binding

Emrah KONDUR edited this page Dec 17, 2022 · 11 revisions


Set the URL to retrieve data from any action with GET or POST method:

.URL(Url.Action("GetAll", "Person"), "POST")

If property names are pascal case like "FirstName" and JSON naming policy is camel case like "firstName", enable it.

.URL(Url.Action("GetDataResult"), "POST", camelCase: true)

Use DataRequest object to bind parameters of request. With .ToDataResult(request); extension method, if there is entity framework, execute IQueryable list server side from context. Otherwise manipulate data manually and return DataResult<T> object including data.

using DatatableJS.Data;

public JsonResult GetAll(DataRequest request)
     DataResult<Person> result = ctx.People.ToDataResult(request);
     return Json(result);


Enable server-side processing mode. By default DataTables operates in client-side processing mode. Reference:



Pass additional parameters with .Data("addParam") method and add script function to view.

function addParam() {
   return { Param1: "test1", Param2: true, Param3: 5 };

Get additional parameters with names.

public JsonResult GetAll(DataRequest request, string Param1, bool Param2, int Param3)

Or get parameters with object reference named "data".

public JsonResult GetAll(DataRequest request, AddData data)


Add additional filters before render datatable object. These filters are included in .ToDataResult(request) method with request while server side executing.

.Filters(filter =>
    filter.Add(a => a.BirthDate).LessThanOrEqual(DateTime.Now);
    filter.Add(a => a.Age).NotEqual(25);


Using this method you can define which column(s) the order is performed upon, and the ordering direction. Reference

.Orders(order => {
    order.Add(p => p.Name, OrderBy.Descending);
    order.Add(p => p.Age, OrderBy.Ascending);

Length Menu

This method allows you to readily specify the entries in the length drop down select list that DataTables shows . Reference

.LengthMenu(new int[] {5,10,15})

Set hasAll paramter true to show All option in select.

.LengthMenu(new int[] {5,10,15}, true)

Set allText paramter to change name of option All.

.LengthMenu(new int[] {5,10,15}, true, "All Pages")

Page Length

Number of rows to display on a single page when using pagination. Reference

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