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Love2dCS is a C# wrapper for LÖVE, an awesome game framework. You can use it in your C#-based applications. (This document is still in the works.)

Love2dCS was designed to be as close as possible to the original LÖVE API, as such the documentation provided from LÖVE largely covers usage of Love2dCS.

🖥 Compatible table

widnows-x86/x64 MacOS-x64 ubuntu-16-x64 ubuntu-18-x64 ubuntu-19-x64
.net standard 1.0
.NET Framework 4.5.1+
Mono 4.6+ ? ? ? ? ?
.dotnet core 2.0+ ?

🎫 Function Modules

module description
Love.Audio Provides an interface to output sound to the user's speakers.
Love.Event Manages events, like key presses.
Love.Filesystem Provides an interface to the user's filesystem.
Love.Font Allows you to work with fonts.
Love.Graphics Drawing of shapes and images, management of screen geometry.
Love.Image Provides an interface to decode encoded image data.
Love.Joystick Provides an interface to connected joysticks.
Love.Keyboard Provides an interface to the user's keyboard.
Love.Mathf Provides system-independent mathematical functions.
Love.Mouse Provides an interface to the user's mouse.
Love.Sound This module is responsible for decoding sound files.
Love.Timer Provides high-resolution timing functionality.
Love.Touch Provides an interface to touch-screen presses.
Love.Video This module is responsible for decoding and streaming video files.
Love.Window Provides an interface for the program's window.
Love.Resource save/load data utils
Love.Misc.Moonshine A post-processing effect repository for LÖVE.
Love.Misc.FPSGraph A small FPS graphing utility for LÖVE.

It’s pretty easy to get started with LÖVE! Just check out these code snippets.

🆚 Drawing text

    using Love;
    class TestScene : Scene
        public override void Draw()
            Graphics.Print("Hello, World!", 400, 300);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Boot.Run(new TestScene());

🖼 Drawing an image

    using Love;
    class TestScene : Scene
        Image image = Graphics.NewImage("test.png");

        public override void Draw()
            Graphics.Draw(image, 300, 200);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Boot.Run(new TestScene());

🎶 Playing a sound

    using Love;
    class TestScene : Scene
        Source source = Audio.NewSource("test.mp3", SourceType.Stream);

        public override void Load()

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Boot.Run(new TestScene());


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