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Neovim config with Packer, Telescope, nvim-cmp, LSP, Mason.

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Neovim configuration

Setup symlink

~/.config/nvim -> ~/dotfiles/.config/nvim

$ ln -sf ~/dotfiles/.config/nvim/ ~/.config/nvim

# result: 
# ~/.config/nvim -> ~/dotfiles/.config/nvim

List of Plugins

Plugin Name Functionality
packer.nvim Plugin Manager
telescope.nvim Fuzzy Finder
nvim-lspconfig Builtin LSP (Language Server Protocol)
tokyonight, gruvbox Colorschemes
nvim.cmp Code Completion
LuaSnip The Snippet Engine
Nerd Font Font
alpha-nvim Startup Page
autopairs Autopair Bracket
comment.nvim Smart Comment
gitsigns.nvim Git
markdown-preview.nvim MarkdownPreview
toggleterm.nvim Toggle Floating Terminal
null-ls Linting
bufferline Buffers (Tags)
treesitter Syntax Parser
indent-blankline Indentation Visual Guide
vimtex Latex Support
numb.nvim Peek lines when typing :<line number>
goyo.vim Distraction free mode
lualine.nvim Status Line

Keymaps and Commands

General Keymaps

<leader> is <Space> in my setting.

config file: lua/user/keymaps.lua

Key / Commands Functionality
Shift-j, Shift-l switch between tabs (plugin: bufferline)
Ctrl-h, Ctrl-j, Ctrl-k, Ctrl-l switch between windows
:checkhealth PackageName check healthiness of packages
<esc><esc> toggle highlight of search results
Y copy until the end of the line
<leader>v / <Ctrl-v> enter visual block mode
<leader>sv source neovim config file
:map list all available keymaps


Key / Commands Mode Functionality
<leader><space> Normal Diagnostic Open float window
<leader>dgn Normal Diagnostic Goto Next
<leader>dgp Normal Diagnostic Goto Previous

Copy / Paste with system clipboard (iterm2 and OSX)

Key / Commands Mode Functionality
<leader>y Normal yank
<leader>y Visual yank visual block
<leader>Y Normal yank until the end of the line
<leader>yy Normal yank entire line
<leader>p, <leader>P Normal / Visual paste


config file: lua/user/plugins.lua

Key / Commands Functionality
:w run PackerSync when writing to plugins.lua
Note: how to install plugins with packer.nvim
-- ~/.conf/nvim/lua/user/plugins.lua

return packer.startup(function(use)
  use "user_name/repo_name"

nvim-tree (file explorer)

Key / Commands Functionality
<leader>tt toggle Nvim-tree on the left
<Ctrl-j>, <Ctrl-l> move between buffers
q (within Nvim-tree buffer) quit Nvim-tree
o, <enter> (within Nvim-tree buffer) open file / dir
a (within Nvim-tree buffer) add file / dir (recursively)
d (within Nvim-tree buffer) delete file / dir
r (within Nvim-tree buffer) rename file / dir
c (within Nvim-tree buffer) copy file / dir to clipblard
p (within Nvim-tree buffer) paste file / dir
x (within Nvim-tree buffer) cut file / dir to clipblard
y (within Nvim-tree buffer) copy file / dir NAME to system clipblard
Y (within Nvim-tree buffer) copy relative path to system clipboard
gy (within Nvim-tree buffer) copy abslute path to system clipboard
R (within Nvim-tree buffer) refresh Nvim-tree buffer
k (within Nvim-tree buffer) check information on the file


config file: lua/user/telescope.lua

Key / Commands Functionality
:help telescope fire up the help menu
<leader>ff Find Files
<leader>fg Find Grep (search string live results)
<leader>fb Find Buffers (aks tabs)
<leader>fh Find Help tabs (documentations)
<leader>fcmd Find available CoMmands
<leader>fch Find Commands Fistory
<leader>fsh Find Search History
<Tab> / <Shift-Tab> move selection in telescope window
<Ctrl-j> / <Ctrl-k> move selection in telescope window
<esc><esc> exit telescope window (both normal and insert mode)
<esc> exit insert mode (and enter normal mode) in telescope window
<Ctrl-d> / <Ctrl-u> preview scrolling in telescope window


config file: lua/user/colorscheme.lua

Commands / Commands Functionality
:colorscheme check the current color scheme
:colorscheme tokyonight set the color scheme (tab through different options)
:set background=light set background color (light / dark)
prefence: tokyonight (dark or light), gruvbox (dark)


config file: lua/user/cmp.lua

Key / Commands Functionality
<Ctrl-Space> show all available completion
<Tab> / <Shift-Tab> move selection in completion window
<Enter> confirm selection and exit completion mode
<Ctrl-e> exit completion mode


config file: lua/user/autopairs.lua

Key Functionality
<M-e> FastWrap (deprecated)


config file: lua/user/comment.lua

Key / Commands Functionality Style Mode
gcc toggle single line Line-wise Normal
gc toggle block Line-wise Visual
gb toggle block Block-wise Visual


config file: lua/user/gitsigns.lua

Key / Commands Functionality
<leader>gbl blame line
<leader>gnh goto next hunk
<leader>gph goto prev hunk


config file: lua/user/toggleterm.lua

Key / Commands Functionality
Ctrl-\ Toggle floating terminal


Key / Commands Functionality
:MarkdownPreview preview markdown in browser (live update)
:MarkdownPreviewStop stop preview
:MarkdownPreviewToggle toggle preview

Extra steps to fix markdown-preview.nvim not initializing properly

$ cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/markdown-preview.nvim/app/
$ ./

bufferline.nvim (tabs)

config file: lua/user/bufferline.lua

buffers are just files loaded in memory

Key / Commands Functionality
<Shift-j> / <Shift-l> Switch Tabs
<leader>fb Fuzzy Search Buffers (with telescope)
:BufferLineSortByExtension Sort Buffer (call with telescope, <space>fcmd)
:BufferLineSortByDirectory Sort Buffer (call with telescope, <space>fcmd)
<leader>ww / :Bdelete Close a buffer
Note: don't use :bdelete (with lowercase b)

as it causes unexpected behaviors like kicking you out of neovim


Key / Commands Functionality
:help vimtex get vimtex documentation
:help vimtex-default-mappings get vimtex default mappings
:VimtexView compile and open the pdf file in skim


config file: lua/user/treesitter.lua

Key / Commands Functionality
:TSInstallInfo Get list of all available languages and installation status
:TSUpdate / :TSUpdate all Update all parsers
:TSUninstall all / :TSUninstall NAME Uninstall parsers
:TSInstall all / :TSInstall NAME Install parsers

nvim-lspconfig & null-ls - LSP (Language Server Protocol)

config files: lua/user/lsp/*

Key / Commands Functionality
:Foramt Format current buffer

null-ls - LSP extension and injection (add extra sauce)


Try updating neovim and plugins and see if that fix the problem.

Usually the bug has appeared before and is already be fixed, so a update usually works.

  • For example, for parser errors, try:


  • For plugin errors, try:

:PlugUpdate (if using Packer)

  • For some functionality not working, such as live_grep() from telecope, check that is the executable is is installed in the path?


Neovim config with Packer, Telescope, nvim-cmp, LSP, Mason.





