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Python Packaging 101

A brief tutorial about tips and tricks for packaging a python gui linked to cpp code, and how to release it through conda-forge.

VS Code setup for remote dev on NAS

  • Install Visual Studio Code extensions: Remote SSH, Python, C/C++
  • Setup passthrough HECC Knowledgebase and enable multiplexing
  • Connect using: ssh -XY pfe and add the following function to pfe:$~/.bashrc:
gpu() {qsub -X -I -q v100@pbspl4 -l walltime=$2:00:00,select=1:model=sky_gpu:ncpus=16:ngpus=$1:mem=180g,place=vscatter:shared -W group_list=[ADD_GROUP]}
  • Request node using gpu 1 24 and add the following in local:$~/.ssh/config (modify HostName according to node assigned)
Host pfe-intgpu
HostName                r101i0n1
ProxyJump               pfe
ForwardAgent            yes
ForwardX11              yes
ControlMaster           auto
ServerAliveInterval     120
ServerAliveCountMax     2
User                    ADD_USERNAME
  • Connect to node from VS Code (N.B. no internet connection inside node!)
  • Request access to Anaconda Nucleus to create conda environments on NAS

Quick Start with: git

Git is a powerful tool for keeping version control of your package. To create a new repository and push it to Github run:

mkdir python_packaging101
cd python_packaging101
git init
# create necessary files ...
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git status
git add -A
git commit -m 'Initial commit'
git push origin main

To clone an existing repository use: git clone

Quick Start with: conda

Conda is a cross-platform package manager that enables the creation of independent environments on a system and install the dependencies you need (not only python!).

Add the following to your pfe:$~/.bashrc:

module use -a /swbuild/analytix/tools/modulefiles
module load miniconda3/v4
export CONDA_ENVS_PATH=/nobackup/$USER/.conda/envs
export CONDA_PKGS_DIRS=/nobackup/$USER/.conda/pkgs
conda config --append envs_dirs /nobackup/$USER/.conda/envs
source activate

Then you can run this to create and activate the environment:

conda env create --file environment.yaml 
conda activate packaging101

Use cmd+shift+p to select the interpreter on VS Code.

Python Packaging


We can install the package using:

conda activate packaging101
cd packaging101
pip install .

We can now use packaging101 both calling the gui from the terminal directly or by importing it as a python package. To test the code we can use the test.ipynb notebook from within VS Code.

Project file structure:

└── 📁packaging101
    └── 📁gui
    └── 📁utils
        └── fastfactorial.cpp


Documentation Status

Here is the docs (sphinx) file structure to be built on readthedocs:

└── 📁docs
    └── Makefile
    └── 📁source
        └── 📁placeholders
        └── 📁template
    └── sphinx_env.yml

Tests and CI/CD

packaging101 Tests

Here is the file structure for testing packaging101 every time that a push happens to main:

└── 📁tests
└── 📁workflows
    └── test-packaging101.yml

Release on conda-forge

Lots of resources can be found here. These are the main steps to release an already open-source and released package (note that every dependency has to be already available through conda-forge):

  • Fork staged-recipes repo
  • Create conda-forge recipe by creating a new folder under staged-recipes/recipes, like shown here
  • Create a tag to your package and update the url field in the meta.yaml (need a link to the .tar.gz tag)
  • Update sha256 field in meta.yaml, which you can find by running:
curl -sL | openssl sha256`)
  • Open Pull Request (PR) between your fork and conda-forge's staged-recipes (example) --> builds package on Azure Pipelines
  • Once build is successfull, ping the conda-forge developers for a review
  • Once approved, a packaging101-feedstock repo will be created under conda-forge (PuMA example)
  • The package is now installable using: conda install conda-forge::packaging101
  • Maintain package as explained here