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IdentityNow Management Loopback SaaS Connector

Loopback connector to manage IdentityNow like any other managed system. Allows to manage user levels, governance groups and lifecycle states.


  • User levels: when enabled, the connector manages user levels as entitlements. It aggregates all identities with a user level different from User or every single one if Aggregate all identities regardless of their user level? option is enabled.
  • Governance groups: when enabled, the connector manages governance groups as entitlements.
  • Lifecycle states: when enabled, the connector manages lifecycle states as entitlements. Each different lifecycle state in the system generates an entitlement that can be assigned to an identity. Lifecycle state entitlements removals do nothing, they're only there to be assigned by request. Assigning a lifecycle state from an identity profile different from the target identity's one does nothing. The idea behind lifecycle states entitlements is bundling equivalent ones into access profiles, like A - inactive, B - inactive entitlements into inactive access profile and assign the access profile by request. The connector will only apply the matching LCS. Do not use this feature with roles or with entitlements directly.
  • Enable/disable account: identity enable/disable is supported. This is often used in lifecycle states like leaver in combination with the Aggregate all identities regardless their user level? option. Just enable the option and configure your lifecycle state to disable the account, which in turn disables the identity.



  • 2.1.7:
    • Added keepalive responses
    • Added account aggregation performance improvements
    • Made debug messages optional
  • 2.1.6:
    • sailpoint-api-client update (v2 API deprecation)
  • 2.1.5:
    • General library update
  • 2.1.4:
    • Performance enhancements
  • 2.1.3:
    • Added extensive logging for better debugging
  • 2.1.2:
    • Removed option to remove entitlements when account is disabled. There are better ways of doing this outside the scope of the connector.
    • Added option to aggregate all identities regardless of their user level. See features section for explanation.

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  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


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