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Dual channel registration

eftychios pnevmatikakis edited this page Nov 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

In the case where a static channel is available, image registration can be done by:

  1. Determining the shifts on the structural/static (red) channel using normcorre/normcorre_batch
  2. Applying the shifts on the functional (green) channel using the function apply_shifts.

When performing these steps make sure that if a relative shift due to bidirectional scanning is detected at step 1 this is passed on to the apply_shifts function so that the same relative shift is applied to the functional channel. This is done by having the options structure as a fourth output argument when using the normcorre/normcorre_batch functions. It is done automatically if you use the MotionCorrection class.

Note that the approach of using the structural channel to register the functional channel is not guaranteed to give better results as sometimes static channels can suffer from poor SNR and/or leaking. See our paper for more information.