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Data Backup Tool (DBT)

The DBT is a centralized approach to backup your data from any linux PC to a central linux driven server. The tool should run on your central machine where you want to store your data.

Backups to the same machine (or to a connected external drive) are also possible.


After a given interval (or when starting fresh) a new full backup is created. Between the full backups the tool creates incremental backups for faster speeds. Only changed files are transferred.

Every backup (snapshot and full) contains the whole folderstructure of the included files. To achieve this for the snapshots, hardlinks are used. Disadvantage is, that files that do not change are only stored on time on the disk. If this file is damaged, it is damaged in all incremetal backups. To keep this risk low full backups are performed after a configured interval.


The configuration file needs the following layout:

target_dir: 'backup_destination_without_trailing_slash'
latest: 'latest'
  - '/'
  - '*'
date_format: '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'
    days: 90
    hours: 0
    minutes: 0
    seconds: 0
  - name: hourly
    prio: 4
    num: 20
      days: 0
      hours: 1
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0


The target_dir is the directory where the backup is stored. Important: Trailing slashes are ignored.


Name of the symlink to the newest backup


Array of source files and folders


Exclude patterns which should not be in the backup


Date format for the backup folders


Configuration for the full backup.


Array of intervals for the incremental backups. num specifies the number of backups to store. If this number is exceeded, the oldest backup gets deleted before a new backup is created.

The prio defines the priority of the interval. Backups are performed from the interval with the highest prio to the lowest. Backups with the shortest interval should have the highest priority.

Folder structure

The generated folder structure can look like

|- 2020-01-01_22-32-54
|  |
|  +- hourly
|  |  |
|  |  +- 2020-01-01-22-32-54
|  |  +- 2020-01-01-23-32-54
|  |  +- latest --> 2020-01-01-23-32-54
|  +- daily
|     |
|     +- 2020-01-01-22-32-54
|     +- 2020-01-02-22-32-54
|     +- latest --> 2020-01-02-22-32-54
+- latest --> 2020-01-01_22-32-54

The first level represent full backups, all unterlying levels are incremental snapshots.

Required tools

The following packages are neede:

  • rsync
  • cp
  • python >= 3.8
  • python-pip

Python requirements

The following packages are used

  • click
  • shutil
  • pyyaml


To get an overview of all options run

./src/ --help

The tool is called using


where CONFIG specifies your configuration file.


  -s, --ssh           Use ssh connection to get backup files
  -h, --host TEXT     When using ssh, connect to this host. May be hostname or
                      ip adress

  -p, --port INTEGER  When using ssh, use this port
  -u, --user TEXT     When using ssh, use this user
  -n, --no-relatives  Do not use relative path names. Disables the -R option
                      of rsync.

  -v, --verbose       Additional output to the logfile
  --help              Show this message and exit.

SSH connection

When you use the ssh connection make sure that your backup machine has access to your given host. Currently you can only sync from a remote machine to a local machine and not the other way around.


Logs are stored under /var/log/dbt/ with the naming scheme backup_HOST.log. On every run a new file is created. The last 10 files are kept.


You can simply call the script from a cronjob from your backup machine. This is the best solution, if you want to backup machines which are always online.

If you want to backup e.g. your laptop which is not online 24/7 you can create a cronjob on your local machine where you establish a ssh connection to your backup machine and call the script from there:

ssh -p <PORT> <USER>@<BACKUP_MACHINE> "<call of with all options>"

Lock process

To prevent starting the same configuration multiple times for the same host, a lockfile is generated at the start. After finishing the file is deleted. However under specific circumstances (e.g. unexpected shutdown) the file gets not deleted and the next backup process can't start. You have to manually delete the lockfile then to start the backup process again.

Unfinished/failed backups

When starting a new backup, the symlink to the latest backup is preserved and a new symlink named with the prefix _new is created. This link points to the newly created backup. After successfully finishing the backup the _new symlink gets renamed to the configured latest name. When a backup fails, the _new symlink and the folder it links to are deleted. This cleanup occurs at the end of the script if the error can be caught and at the start of the backup.


  • Sending email on failure
  • Do backup to remote machine


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