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Slick extensions for MySQL8

This package is heavly based on slick-pg which brings addional support for different data structures to slick.

Currently this package supports:




Spatial extension

This package is working with org.locationtech.jts » jts-core instead of com.vividsolutions » jts-core


Play 2.8

libraryDependencies += "com.foerster-technologies" %% "slick-mysql" % "1.0.0"


Circle Json (version 0.13.0)

libraryDependencies += "com.foerster-technologies" %% "slick-circle-json" % "1.0.0"

JTS Support

libraryDependencies += "com.foerster-technologies" %% "slick-mysql_jts" % "1.0.0"

Joda Money

libraryDependencies += "com.foerster-technologies" %% "slick-mysql_joda-money" % "1.0.0"

is still under development and very minimal.

  • Has a default currency (EUR)
  • No currency field supported, only amount

JTS Support

libraryDependencies += "com.foerster-technologies" %% "slick-mysql_jts" % "1.0.0"

Play Json

libraryDependencies += "com.foerster-technologies" %% "slick-mysql_play-json" % "1.0.0"


Create your own Slick-Profile

this example includes the slick mysql profile with the spatial extension

package your.package

import com.foerstertechnologies.slickmysql.{ExMySQLProfile, MySQLSpatialSupport}

trait MySQLSpatialProfile extends ExMySQLProfile
  with MySQLSpatialSupport {

  override val api = new MyAPI {}

  trait MyAPI extends API
    with MySQLSpatialImplicits with MySQLSpatialAssistants

object MySQLSpatialProfile extends MySQLSpatialProfile

You can also use com.foerstertechnologies.slickmysql.MySQLSpatialProfile which comes with the JTS package.

Register your profile

For slick play: Set your own profile in your config

slick.dbs.default.profile = "your.package.MySQLSpatialProfile$"

In your code

Gps example with JTS

import your.package.MySQLSpatialProfile
import play.api.db.slick.HasDatabaseConfigProvider
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point

case class Test(id : Long, gps : Point)

class TestTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Test](tag, Some("xxx"), "Test") {
  def id = column[Long]("id", O.AutoInc, O.PrimaryKey)
  def gps = column[Point]("location")

  def * = (id, gps) <> (Test.tupled, Test.unapply)

trait MyTestClass extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[MySQLSpatialProfile]
    import profile.api._
    def findAroundPoint(position: Point, limit : Int) : DBIO[Seq[Test] = {



Stored SRID Values

The Geometry values are stored and loaded with the given SRID.
Make sure to add SRID to your value when you save it. Otherwise SRID 0 will be used as default value by mysql. For computations on multiple geometry values, all values must have the same SRID or an error occurs.


  • rleibman for adding circle-json support