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forked-from-1kasper committed May 29, 2024
1 parent 86adb04 commit 04dc591
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Showing 11 changed files with 74 additions and 65 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions GroundZero/Algebra/EilenbergMacLane.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ namespace K1
hott definition decode (z : K1 G) : code z → base = z :=
induction z; exact loop;
case loopπ x =>
{ change _ = _; transitivity; apply Equiv.transportCharacterization;
{ case loopπ x =>
change _ = _; transitivity; apply Equiv.transportCharacterization;
apply Theorems.funext; intro y; transitivity;
apply ap (λ p, Equiv.transport (λ x, base = x) (loop x) (loop p));
transitivity; apply Equiv.transportToTransportconst;
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions GroundZero/Algebra/Group/Absolutizer.lean
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Expand Up @@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ namespace Group
{ intros a b; apply Relquot.elem; exact G.φ (φ.ap a) (φ.ap b) };
{ apply Relquot.set };
{ intro a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ (p : ∥_∥); induction p;
case elemπ p =>
{ intro (q : ∥_∥); induction q;
case elemπ q =>
{ apply Id.ap Relquot.elem; apply Equiv.bimap;
{ case elemπ p =>
intro (q : ∥_∥); induction q;
{ case elemπ q =>
apply Id.ap Relquot.elem; apply Equiv.bimap;
{ induction p using Sum.casesOn;
{ apply Id.ap; assumption };
{ transitivity; apply Id.ap; assumption;
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions GroundZero/Algebra/Group/Presentation.lean
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Expand Up @@ -84,9 +84,11 @@ namespace Group
noncomputable hott theorem abelComm : (Abelianization G).isCommutative :=
intro (a : Relquot _) (b : Relquot _);
apply @commutes (Abelianization G); induction a; case elemπ a =>
{ induction b; case elemπ b =>
{ apply Factor.sound; intros y H; apply H.2.2; apply Merely.elem;
apply @commutes (Abelianization G); induction a;
{ case elemπ a =>
induction b;
{ case elemπ b =>
apply Factor.sound; intros y H; apply H.2.2; apply Merely.elem;
existsi (a, b); reflexivity };
apply Relquot.set; apply propIsSet; apply Relquot.set };
apply Relquot.set; apply propIsSet; apply Relquot.set
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions GroundZero/Algebra/Group/Subgroup.lean
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Expand Up @@ -188,17 +188,20 @@ namespace Group ( φ.1)
(HITs.Merely.elem ⟨e, homoUnit φ⟩)
intro a b (p : ∥_∥); induction p; case elemπ p =>
{ intro (q : ∥_∥); induction q; case elemπ q =>
{ apply HITs.Merely.elem; existsi p.1 * q.1;
intro a b (p : ∥_∥); induction p;
{ case elemπ p =>
intro (q : ∥_∥); induction q;
{ case elemπ q =>
apply HITs.Merely.elem; existsi p.1 * q.1;
transitivity; apply homoMul; apply Equiv.bimap H.φ;
apply p.2; apply q.2 };
apply HITs.Merely.uniq };
apply piProp; intro; apply HITs.Merely.uniq
intro a (p : ∥_∥); induction p; case elemπ p =>
{ apply HITs.Merely.elem; existsi p.1⁻¹;
intro a (p : ∥_∥); induction p;
{ case elemπ p =>
apply HITs.Merely.elem; existsi p.1⁻¹;
transitivity; apply homoInv; apply ap _ p.2 };
apply HITs.Merely.uniq
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions GroundZero/Algebra/Reals.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ namespace GroundZero.Algebra
noncomputable hott def doubleGeZeroImplGeZero {x : ℝ} : R.ρ 0 (x + x) → R.ρ 0 x :=
intro p; induction 0 x;
case inl q₁ => { apply q₁ };
case inr q₂ =>
{ apply explode; apply (strictIneqAdd R q₂ q₂).1;
{ case inl q₁ => apply q₁ };
{ case inr q₂ =>
apply explode; apply (strictIneqAdd R q₂ q₂).1;
apply @antisymmetric.asymm R.κ; apply ineqAdd <;> exact q₂.2;
apply Equiv.transport (R.ρ · (x + x)); symmetry; apply R.τ⁺.mulOne; exact p }
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48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions GroundZero/Exercises/Chap3.lean
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Expand Up @@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ namespace «3.18»
apply; intro lem P H nnp;
induction lem P H using Sum.casesOn;
case inl p => { exact p };
case inr np => { apply explode (nnp np) };
{ case inl p => exact p };
{ case inr np => apply explode (nnp np) };

intro dneg P H; apply dneg; apply propEM H; intro npnp;
apply npnp; right; intro p; apply npnp; left; exact p
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,20 +417,20 @@ namespace «3.19»
hott lemma BSP (n m : ℕ) : P (n + m) → P (BSA G n m) :=
intro h; induction m using Nat.casesOn;
case zero => { exact h };
case succ m => { show P (Coproduct.elim _ _ _); induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
case inl p => { exact p };
case inr np => { apply BSP (Nat.succ n) m;
{ case zero => exact h };
{ case succ m => show P (Coproduct.elim _ _ _); induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
{ case inl p => exact p };
{ case inr np => apply BSP (Nat.succ n) m;
exact transport P (Nat.succPlus n m)⁻¹ h }; };

hott lemma minimality (n m k : ℕ) : P k → n ≤ k → BSA G n m ≤ k :=
intro pk h; induction m using Nat.casesOn;
case zero => { exact h };
case succ m => { show Coproduct.elim _ _ _ ≤ _; induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
case inl p => { exact h };
case inr np => { apply minimality (Nat.succ n) m k pk;
{ case zero => exact h };
{ case succ m => show Coproduct.elim _ _ _ ≤ _; induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
{ case inl p => exact h };
{ case inr np => apply minimality (Nat.succ n) m k pk;
apply Nat.le.neqSucc;
{ intro ω; apply np; apply transport P;
symmetry; apply ap Nat.pred ω; exact pk };
Expand All @@ -457,20 +457,20 @@ namespace «3.19»
hott lemma upperEstimate (n m : ℕ) : BSA G n m ≤ n + m :=
induction m using Nat.casesOn;
case zero => { apply Nat.max.refl };
case succ m => { show Coproduct.elim _ _ _ ≤ _; induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
case inl p => { apply Nat.le.addl; apply Nat.max.zeroLeft };
case inr np => { apply transport (_ ≤ ·); apply Nat.succPlus;
{ case zero => apply Nat.max.refl };
{ case succ m => show Coproduct.elim _ _ _ ≤ _; induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
{ case inl p => apply Nat.le.addl; apply Nat.max.zeroLeft };
{ case inr np => apply transport (_ ≤ ·); apply Nat.succPlus;
apply upperEstimate (Nat.succ n) m } }

hott lemma lowerEstimate (n m : ℕ) : n ≤ BSA G n m :=
induction m using Nat.casesOn;
case zero => { apply Nat.max.refl };
case succ m => { show _ ≤ Coproduct.elim _ _ _; induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
case inl p => { apply Nat.max.refl };
case inr np => { apply Nat.le.trans; apply Nat.le.succ;
{ case zero => apply Nat.max.refl };
{ case succ m => show _ ≤ Coproduct.elim _ _ _; induction G n using Sum.casesOn;
{ case inl p => apply Nat.max.refl };
{ case inr np => apply Nat.le.trans; apply Nat.le.succ;
apply lowerEstimate (Nat.succ n) m } }
end «3.19»
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,26 +521,26 @@ namespace «3.23»
hott definition decMerely.elem {A : Type u} (G : dec A) : A → decMerely G :=
intro x; induction G using Sum.casesOn;
case inl y => { existsi y; apply idp };
case inr φ => { apply explode (φ x) }
{ case inl y => existsi y; apply idp };
{ case inr φ => apply explode (φ x) }

hott definition decMerely.uniq {A : Type u} (G : dec A) : prop (decMerely G) :=
induction G using Sum.casesOn;
case inl _ => { intro w₁ w₂; fapply;
{ case inl _ => intro w₁ w₂; fapply;
{ transitivity; apply w₁.2; symmetry; apply w₂.2 };
{ transitivity; apply transportCompositionRev;
apply Equiv.rewriteComp; symmetry;
apply Id.cancelInvComp } };
case inr φ => { intro w₁ w₂; apply explode (φ w₁.1) }
{ case inr φ => intro w₁ w₂; apply explode (φ w₁.1) }

hott definition decMerely.dec {A : Type u} (G : dec A) : dec (@decMerely A G) :=
induction G using Sum.casesOn;
case inl x => { left; existsi x; apply idp };
case inr φ => { right; intro w; apply φ w.1 }
{ case inl x => left; existsi x; apply idp };
{ case inr φ => right; intro w; apply φ w.1 }

-- so for decidable type propositional truncation can be constructed explicitly (i.e. without HITs)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions GroundZero/HITs/Reals.lean
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Expand Up @@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ namespace Reals
noncomputable hott lemma helixOverCis (x : R) : helix (cis x) = ℤ :=
induction x;
case cz x => { apply (Integer.shift x)⁻¹ };
case sz z => {
{ case cz x => apply (Integer.shift x)⁻¹ };
{ case sz z =>
change _ = _; let p := Integer.shift z; apply calc
Equiv.transport (λ x, helix (cis x) = ℤ) (glue z) (Integer.shift z)⁻¹
= @ap R Type _ _ (helix ∘ cis) (glue z)⁻¹ ⬝ (Integer.shift z)⁻¹ :
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions GroundZero/Structures.lean
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Expand Up @@ -165,10 +165,9 @@ noncomputable hott corollary hlevel.strongCumulative (n m : hlevel) (ρ : n ≤
Π {A : Type u}, (is-n-type A) → (is-m-type A) :=
induction ρ; intros; assumption;
case step m ρ ih => {
{ case step m ρ ih =>
intros A G; apply @hlevel.cumulative;
apply ih; assumption
apply ih; assumption }

hott definition isTruncated {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (n : ℕ₋₂) (f : A → B) :=
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25 changes: 14 additions & 11 deletions GroundZero/Theorems/Classical.lean
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Expand Up @@ -54,26 +54,29 @@ section
noncomputable hott theorem lem {A : Type u} (H : prop A) : A + ¬A :=
have f := @choiceOfRel inh 𝟐 (λ φ x, φ.fst x) inh.hset boolIsSet (λ x, HITs.Merely.lift id x.2);
induction f; case elemπ w =>
{ let ⟨φ, p⟩ := w;
induction f;
{ case elemπ w =>
let ⟨φ, p⟩ := w;
let U : 𝟐 → Prop := λ x, ⟨∥(x = true) + A∥, HITs.Merely.uniq⟩;
let V : 𝟐 → Prop := λ x, ⟨∥(x = false) + A∥, HITs.Merely.uniq⟩;
have r : ∥_∥ := p ⟨U, HITs.Merely.elem ⟨true, HITs.Merely.elem (Sum.inl (idp _))⟩⟩;
have s : ∥_∥ := p ⟨V, HITs.Merely.elem ⟨false, HITs.Merely.elem (Sum.inl (idp _))⟩⟩;
induction r; case elemπ r' =>
{ induction s; case elemπ s' =>
{ induction r' using Sum.casesOn;
case inl r' =>
{ induction s' using Sum.casesOn;
case inl s' =>
{ right; intro z; apply ffNeqTt;
induction r;
{ case elemπ r' =>
induction s;
{ case elemπ s' =>
induction r' using Sum.casesOn;
{ case inl r' =>
induction s' using Sum.casesOn;
{ case inl s' =>
right; intro z; apply ffNeqTt;
transitivity; exact s'⁻¹; symmetry; transitivity; exact r'⁻¹;
apply ap; fapply; apply Theorems.funext;
intro x; apply Theorems.Equiv.propset.Id; apply propext;
apply HITs.Merely.uniq; apply HITs.Merely.uniq; apply <;>
intro <;> apply HITs.Merely.elem <;> right <;> exact z; apply HITs.Merely.uniq };
case inr => { left; assumption } };
case inr => { left; assumption } };
{ case inr => left; assumption } };
{ case inr => left; assumption } };
apply propEM H };
apply propEM H };
apply propEM H
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions GroundZero/Theorems/Connectedness.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ namespace Connectedness
{ fapply Trunc.ind;
{ intro y; transitivity; apply ap (Trunc.ap _);
apply Trunc.recβrule; induction (c y).1; case elemπ w =>
{ transitivity; apply ap (Trunc.ap f); apply Trunc.recβrule;
apply Trunc.recβrule; induction (c y).1;
{ case elemπ w =>
transitivity; apply ap (Trunc.ap f); apply Trunc.recβrule;
transitivity; apply Trunc.recβrule; apply ap Trunc.elem; exact w.2 };
{ apply hlevel.cumulative; apply Trunc.uniq } };
{ intro; apply hlevel.cumulative; apply Trunc.uniq } };
Expand All @@ -63,8 +64,9 @@ namespace Connectedness
{ intro s; apply Theorems.funext; intro a; transitivity;
apply ap (Trunc.rec _ _); apply (c (f a)).2; apply Trunc.elem;
exact ⟨a, idp (f a)⟩; apply Trunc.recβrule };
{ intro s; apply Theorems.funext; intro b; induction (c b).1; case elemπ w =>
{ transitivity; apply ap (Trunc.rec _ _); apply (c b).2 (Trunc.elem w);
{ intro s; apply Theorems.funext; intro b; induction (c b).1;
{ case elemπ w =>
transitivity; apply ap (Trunc.rec _ _); apply (c b).2 (Trunc.elem w);
transitivity; apply Trunc.recβrule; apply apd s w.2 };
{ apply hlevel.cumulative; apply (P b).2 } }
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions GroundZero/Theorems/Functions.lean
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Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ hott definition cut {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (f : A → B) : A → Ran f :=
hott lemma cutIsSurj {A : Type u} {B : Type v} (f : A → B) : surjective (cut f) :=
intro ⟨x, (H : ∥_∥)⟩; induction H;
case elemπ G =>
{ apply Merely.elem; existsi G.1; fapply;
{ case elemπ G =>
apply Merely.elem; existsi G.1; fapply;
exact G.2; apply Merely.uniq };
apply Merely.uniq
Expand All @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ hott lemma ranConstEqv {A : Type u} (a : A) {B : Type v}
existsi (λ _, ★); fapply <;> existsi (λ _, ranConst a b);
{ intro ⟨b', (G : ∥_∥)⟩; fapply; change b = b';
induction G; case elemπ w => { exact w.2 }; apply H;
apply Merely.uniq };
induction G; { case elemπ w => exact w.2 };
apply H; apply Merely.uniq };
{ intro ★; reflexivity }

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