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2. Raspbian install

Frank1119 edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

Download the OS image

Download Raspbian from Make sure to download Raspbian Stretch Lite, not the desktop. This guide supposes that the .zip format is downloaded.

Installing the image

  1. Insert your SD card into your computer
  2. On the official Raspberry site there is a good manual how to deploy an image:
  3. Do not eject the SD card yet. Sometimes the installation software ejects the SD card. Might that be the case, then re-insert the card again
  4. Windows might display a message about formatting a disk, but that is just because Windows does not understand ext4 partitions, so ignore this message

Modify cmdline.txt

  1. Open the boot partition on the SD card
  2. Open cmdline.txt in an editor suitable for linux formatted text files, like Notepad++
  3. Remove the init= part. Normally the filesystem is extended to use all space on first use, but because an extra partition is needed, we will do this manually
  4. Add modules-load=dwc2,g_ether after rootwait
  5. Save cmdline.txt
  6. Open config.txt in the same editor
  7. Add a line dtoverlay=dwc2
  8. Save config.txt
  9. Create a new file ssh on the boot partition on the SD card. Make sure the name is all lowercase. The content does not matter. Just one space will suffice

I did not invent all of this myself. See this manual by gbaman