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Vim dot-files

My vim setup with pathogen and pandemic, with common settings according to my preferences, and possibility for different configs for individual hosts.

See doc/dotvim.txt for more info.


  1. Clone this repo to '~/.vim:
    git clone <this-repo> ~/.vim
  2. Install pandemic and fetch bundles:

If you're interested in trying out this setup, you can also check out the repo anywhere, and simply source the vimrc. You'll loose out on anything in the plugins and autoload directories, but it's not much of a loss TBH.

If you like it, fork it, and adopt to your own liking.


The ~/.vim/vimrc is minimal. All it does is:

  1. Configure all vim turds to be written to ~/.vim/{.backup,.swap,.undo,.viminfo}
  2. Source configs from ~/.vim/{common,presets,hosts}


This vim setup is placed in the public domain (Unlicense), use it however you like.