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This is a Node.js engineering team project to create a alternative-reality clone of Facebook.

It uses:

Github page:

Trello board:

Feature List

  • User can signup for an account
    • Signing up twice with the same email address is not allowed
    • Signing with blank input fields is not allowed
  • User can signin with an account
    • Signing in with blank input fields is not allowed
  • User can create a post
    • A post can have multiple lines, it is displayed correctly on wall
    • Posts have date
    • Posts are displayed with most recent on top
  • User can delete a post
  • Users can react to a post by
    • liking a post (each user can only like a post once)
    • commenting on a post
  • User has a Profile Page
    • User can make posts to another user on Profile Page
    • User can see posts made by themselves and made to them on Profile Page
  • User passwords are encrypted using Bcrypt before they are stored in the database
  • Jedi features
    • A random emoji is attached to each post comment made.



Install Node.js

  1. Install Node Version Manager (NVM)
    brew install nvm
    Then follow the instructions to update your ~/.bash_profile.
  2. Open a new terminal
  3. Install the latest version of Node.js, currently 18.1.0.
    nvm install 18

Set up your project

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Rename your fork to acebook-<team name>
  3. Clone your fork to your local machine
  4. Install Node.js dependencies
    npm install
  5. Install an ESLint plugin for your editor. For example: linter-eslint for Atom.
  6. Install MongoDB
    brew tap mongodb/brew
    brew install [email protected]
    Note: If you see a message that says If you need to have [email protected] first in your PATH, run:, follow the instruction. Restart your terminal after this.
  7. Start MongoDB
    brew services start [email protected]

Check Mongo DB and X Server are running

  1. On WSL2
    sudo service mongodb start
    Launch Xserver (with access control disabled for integration tests to work)


  1. Start the server
    npm start
  2. Browse to http://localhost:3000

Start test server

The server must be running locally with test configuration for the integration tests to pass.

  1. Start the test server
npm run start:test

This starts the server on port 3030 and uses the acebook_test MongoDB database, so that integration tests do not interact with the development server.


  • Run all tests
    npm test
  • Run a check
    npm run lint              # linter only
    npm run test:unit         # unit tests only
    npm run test:integration  # integration tests only

Test Coverage

Test coverage is shown for unit tests by using collectCoverageFrom in jest.config.js. Jest calculates the coverage from the following directories:

  • ./controllers/**
  • ./models/**

Cypress test coverage is currently unavailable.

MongoDB Tutorial

MongoDb documentation:

Mongoosh documentation:

MongoDB Shell (mongosh) documentation:

The MongoDB Shell, mongosh, is a fully functional JavaScript and Node.js 16.x REPL environment for interacting with MongoDB deployments. Mongosh can be used to test queries and operations directly with the database.

With MongoDB Shell, we can interact with MongoDB using command lines in termainl:

$ mongosh

To see all databases available on the current connection, type:

> show dbs
acebook_test  64.00 KiB
admin         40.00 KiB
config        72.00 KiB
local         72.00 KiB

To connect to one database:

> use acebook_test
switched to db acebook_test

When connected to a database, it is possible to show the "collections", equialvent to TABLES in SQL:

> show collections

It is possible to look into these collections:

> db.posts.find()
    _id: ObjectId("62ce9ed31099b91369b89370"),
    message: 'Hello, world!',
    __v: 0
    _id: ObjectId("62ce9efa1099b91369b8937e"),
    message: 'Hello, world!',
    __v: 0

It is also possible to view local MongoDB with TablePlus.

  • Create a new connection...
  • Mongo -> Create
  • Name: Acebook_test; URL: mongodb://
  • Connect

MongoDB Connection Errors?

Some people occasionally experience MongoDB connection errors when running the tests or trying to use the application. Here are some tips which might help resolve such issues.

  • Check that MongoDB is installed using mongo --version
  • Check that it's running using brew services list

If you have issues that are not resolved by these tips, please reach out to a coach and, once the issue is resolved, we can add a new tip!

Known bugs

  • User can't see posts made by other users on their own wall when using the profile button on the nav bar, but can see posts made by other users on their own wall when using the profile buttons on the main wall posts.


Node.js template for the Acebook project







No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 78.6%
  • Handlebars 14.0%
  • CSS 7.4%