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Elm Autocomplete

Elm Autocomplete with debouncing and async fetching of data.

Design Philosophy

This package provides the core autocomplete logic and state but does NOT provide any view functions to display the autocomplete.

The reason behind not providing view functions is to maximise customizability when rendering and styling the autocomplete component while the logic of handling async fetching and deboucing events are handled by this package.

This also allows custom events to be added to the Autocomplete view to handle custom behavior such as maintaining the Autocomplete choices so users can select multiple choices instead of just one.

For example, Autocomplete can create a country drop down that allows user to only select one country from a list or multiple countries from the same list.

See our /examples for all the different kinds of Autocomplete you can build with this package.


To install, run

elm install futureworkz/elm-autocomplete

Single Value Autocomplete Example

Code below is taken from examples/src/SingleValue.elm:

module SingleValue exposing (main)

import Autocomplete exposing (Autocomplete)
import Autocomplete.View as AutocompleteView
import Browser
import Html exposing (Attribute, Html)
import Html.Attributes
import Html.Events
import Task exposing (Task)

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = always init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = always Sub.none

type alias Model =
    { -- Add Autocomplete state to your model
      autocompleteState : Autocomplete String

    -- (Optional) final selected value from user
    , selectedValue : Maybe String

type Msg
    = -- Autocomplete Msg
      OnAutocomplete (Autocomplete.Msg String)
      -- Your msg to be emitted when user selects a value
    | OnAutocompleteSelect
      -- (Optional) Your msg to be emitted on blur (to close autocomplete)
    | OnAutocompleteBlur

{-| Define your own fetcher function
which takes a `Autocomplete.Choices a`
and returns a `Task String (Autocomplete.Choices a)`.

    type alias Choices a =
        { query : String -- current query of the user
        , choices : List a -- previous list of choices
        , ignoreList : List a -- (optional) ignore list for cases like selected value

The fetcher function is called by Autocomplete
whenever it needs to fetch new data with debouncing handled automatically.

fetcher : Autocomplete.Choices String -> Task String (Autocomplete.Choices String)
fetcher lastChoices =
        dogs =
            [ "Hunter"
            , "Polo"
            , "Loki"
            , "Angel"
            , "Scout"
            , "Lexi"
            , "Zara"
            , "Maya"
            , "Baby"
            , "Bud"
            , "Ella"
            , "Ace"
            , "Kahlua"
            , "Jake"
            , "Apollo"
            , "Sammy"
            , "Puppy"
            , "Gucci"
            , "Mac"
            , "Belle"

        insensitiveStringContains : String -> String -> Bool
        insensitiveStringContains a b =
            String.contains (String.toLower a) (String.toLower b)

        choiceList : List String
        choiceList =
            if String.length lastChoices.query == 0 then

                List.filter (insensitiveStringContains lastChoices.query) dogs
    Task.succeed { lastChoices | choices = choiceList }

-- Model

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( { -- Initialize the Autocomplete state
        autocompleteState = Autocomplete.init { query = "", choices = [], ignoreList = [] } fetcher
      , selectedValue = Nothing
    , Cmd.none

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        -- This is the main wire-up to pass Autocomplete Msg to Autocomplete state
        OnAutocomplete autocompleteMsg ->
                ( newAutocompleteState, autoCompleteCmd ) =
                    Autocomplete.update autocompleteMsg model.autocompleteState
            ( { model | autocompleteState = newAutocompleteState }
            , OnAutocomplete autoCompleteCmd

        -- Optional msg to handle when user selects a choices
        OnAutocompleteSelect ->
                { autocompleteState } =

                query =
                    Autocomplete.query autocompleteState

                selectedValue =
                    Autocomplete.selectedValue autocompleteState
            ( { model
                -- Save the selectedValue into our own state
                | selectedValue = selectedValue

                -- Reset AutocompleteState
                , autocompleteState =
                        { query = Maybe.withDefault query selectedValue
                        , choices = []
                        , ignoreList = []
            , Cmd.none

        -- Optional msg to handle when user lose focus on Autocomplete
        OnAutocompleteBlur ->
                { autocompleteState } =

                query =
                    Autocomplete.query autocompleteState
            ( { model
                | autocompleteState =
                        { query = query
                        , choices = []
                        , ignoreList = []
            , Cmd.none

-- View

{-| Autocomplete does not provide a view renderer function
so we have to create one ourselves from the Autocomplete state
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
        { selectedValue, autocompleteState } =

        -- Get view-related state from the Autocomplete State
        { query, choices, selectedIndex, status } =
            Autocomplete.viewState autocompleteState

        -- Important! We need to attach input and choice events to our view
        { inputEvents, choiceEvents } =
                { onSelect = OnAutocompleteSelect
                , mapHtml = OnAutocomplete
    Html.div []
        [ Html.div [] [ Html.text <| "Selected Value: " ++ Maybe.withDefault "Nothing" selectedValue ]

        -- Our simple input view with the inputEvents from
        -- which handles keydown/input events
        -- We add our own custom onBlur event to close the Autocomplete when focus is lost
        , Html.input
                ++ [ Html.Attributes.value query, Html.Events.onBlur OnAutocompleteBlur ]

        -- The container for our choices
        , Html.div [] <|
            -- Autocomplete.viewState provides a fetching status type
            -- We can use this to render our choices
            case status of
                Autocomplete.NotFetched ->
                    [ Html.text "" ]

                Autocomplete.Fetching ->
                    [ Html.text "Fetching..." ]

                Autocomplete.Error s ->
                    [ Html.text s ]

                Autocomplete.FetchedChoices ->
                    if String.length query > 0 then
                        -- Our simple div view for each choice with choiceEvent
                        -- from which handles mouse click events
                        List.indexedMap (renderChoice choiceEvents selectedIndex) choices

                        [ Html.text "" ]

renderChoice : (Int -> List (Attribute Msg)) -> Maybe Int -> Int -> String -> Html Msg
renderChoice events selectedIndex index s =
        (if Autocomplete.isSelected selectedIndex index then
   "backgroundColor" "#EEE" :: events index

   "backgroundColor" "#FFF" :: events index
        [ Html.text s ]

Try it out

Navigate to /examples and run elm reactor to play with the examples.