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Rently- The Future of Real Estate Management

Table of Contents

  1. 🤖 Introduction
  2. 🔗 Links
  3. ⚙️ TechStack
  4. 🖥️ Installation
  5. 🔋 Features
  6. 🕸️ Best Practises Used

🖥️ Links

  1. The FrontEnd GitHub Repository URL of the Application can be found here

  2. The BackEnd GitHub Repository URL of the Application can be found here

  3. You can access the live website here:

    • Frontend hosted on Vercel
    • Spring Boot backend hosted on Render
    • MySQL database hosted on Railway

Welcome to Rently - The Future of Real Estate Management. Developed using React JS for the frontend, Spring Boot for the backend, and MySQL for data storage, Rently offers a modern and efficient solution for both tenants and property owners.

  1. React JS (FrontEnd).
  2. Redux (Global State Management).
  3. Springboot (Backend).
  4. Tailwind CSS (CSS FrameWork).
  5. ShadcnUI (UI Library).

Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Frontend React-JS App

  1. Navigate to the client directory:
cd client
  1. Install dependencies:
npm i
  1. Start the REACT-JS App:
npm run dev

Backend SpringBoot App

  1. Navigate to the server directory:
cd server
  1. Update MySQL Configuration:

    • Open the file in the server/src/main/resources directory.
    • Modify the username and password fields to match your MySQL server credentials:
  2. Start the Spring Boot application:

    • Run the main Java file of the Spring Boot application in the server/src/main/java/com/example/rently/ . Typically, this involves running the main method as the Java Code in the IDE.

👉 Responsiveness: Smooth performance and adaptability across various devices and screen sizes for a consistent user experience.

👉 Role-Based Authentication: Secure access control with different permissions for buyer and sellers.

👉 Intuitive UI/UX: Visually appealing and user-friendly interface for seamless interactions.

👉 Seller Dashboard: Dashboard for seller to visually view,add,update and delete all their properties.

👉 Customer Portal: Dedicated page for buyers to use filter options to find properties and click "Interested" to notify property owners.

👉 Form Validation with Formik: Robust validation using Formik to ensure accurate and complete data entry across all forms.

👉 Exception Handling: Effective handling of errors and exceptions to maintain application stability and provide a smooth user experience.

👉 Email Notifications: Automated email notifications for buyers and sellers based on thier intrested posts.

👉 Like, Update, and Delete Posts: Allow users to like properties they are interested in, update their own property listings, and delete listings they no longer wish to offer, enhancing user control and engagement.

  1. Custom Hooks.
  2. Code Splitting.
  3. Well Organized Folder Structure.
  4. Global State Management using Redux.
  5. Responsiveness and Accessibility.
  6. Protected Routes.
  7. Pagination and Sorting.
  8. Filter Data.