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Telemetry monitor

If you're using KITTI raw dataset, first accumulate all GNSS/IMU readings.
In order to work with custom-formatted data, change implementation of parseData() methods in ./client/js/data_processors.js.


  • Choose file - is for file uploading
  • play/stop buttons are for animation of the finished ride (when the socket is closed)
  • Socket button opens and closes web-socket connetction with the embedded server (see server address input in the middle)
  • Download - is for downloading parsed data to the local machine
  • Upload - to upload a *.yaml config file to the server
  • use slider to choose a batch size for visualization

Building and running

Install dependencies:

npm run install

Make a client bundle via webpack and run the server:

npm run wp_dev  
npm run up_server  

Or use docker, if you need to:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Also, to host the project on github pages, I just copy all static files from the public into the gh-pages branch, commited and pushed changes.

Embedded-server "emulator"

Remove previous boost version:

sudo apt-get update
# to uninstall deb version
sudo apt-get -y --purge remove libboost-all-dev libboost-doc libboost-dev
# to uninstall the version which we installed from source
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/libboost_*
sudo rm -rf /usr/include/boost
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/cmake/boost_*
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/cmake/Boost_*

Install boost 1.66 (first version contains beast library):

wget -O /tmp/boost_1_66_0.tar.gz
cd /usr/local
sudo tar -xf /tmp/boost_1_66_0.tar.gz
cd ./boost_1_66_0
sudo ./ --prefix=/usr --show-libraries
sudo ./bjam --prefix=/usr install 

Compile the project:

cd ./embedded_server_proto
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make

Run the server:

./websocket-server-sync 8008

Messages processing logic is implemented in ./embedded_server_proto/src/session_processor.hpp-->do_session.

Kitti data format specs

  - lat:     latitude of the oxts-unit (deg)
  - lon:     longitude of the oxts-unit (deg)
  - alt:     altitude of the oxts-unit (m)
  - roll:    roll angle (rad),  0 = level, positive = left side up (-pi..pi)
  - pitch:   pitch angle (rad), 0 = level, positive = front down (-pi/2..pi/2)
  - yaw:     heading (rad),     0 = east,  positive = counter clockwise (-pi..pi)
  - vn:      velocity towards north (m/s)
  - ve:      velocity towards east (m/s)
  - vf:      forward velocity, i.e. parallel to earth-surface (m/s)
  - vl:      leftward velocity, i.e. parallel to earth-surface (m/s)
  - vu:      upward velocity, i.e. perpendicular to earth-surface (m/s)
  - ax:      acceleration in x, i.e. in direction of vehicle front (m/s^2)
  - ay:      acceleration in y, i.e. in direction of vehicle left (m/s^2)
  - az:      acceleration in z, i.e. in direction of vehicle top (m/s^2)
  - af:      forward acceleration (m/s^2)
  - al:      leftward acceleration (m/s^2)
  - au:      upward acceleration (m/s^2)
  - wx:      angular rate around x (rad/s)
  - wy:      angular rate around y (rad/s)
  - wz:      angular rate around z (rad/s)
  - wf:      angular rate around forward axis (rad/s)
  - wl:      angular rate around leftward axis (rad/s)
  - wu:      angular rate around upward axis (rad/s)
  - posacc:  velocity accuracy (north/east in m)
  - velacc:  velocity accuracy (north/east in m/s)
  - navstat: navigation status
  - numsats: number of satellites tracked by primary GPS receiver
  - posmode: position mode of primary GPS receiver
  - velmode: velocity mode of primary GPS receiver
  - orimode: orientation mode of primary GPS receiver

To do:

  • First order:
    • make data parser for custom data --> look at the processing from ins repo
  • Second order:
    • fix small delay at start of data transfer through web-socket
    • fix classes and ids mess in layout and styles
    • work with graphs' zooming/panning - smth wrong on large files
    • add configurable plots (smth like plus sign...) == components?
    • charts.js --> D3.js (?)