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KAIST 감사원 시스템

KAIST board of audit and inspection system backend


docker compose up

For development

docker compose -f compose-dev.yaml up
npm run dev

How to contribute?

  1. CAUTION: new commits of master branch cause automatic the deployment to published API server. It might cause unexpected API errors or data losses.
  2. Refer to

API Document

API document



%%{init: {'theme': 'default' } }%%
    organizations {
        int id PK
        string name UK
    users ||--o| organizations : belongs
    users {
        int id PK
        int OrganizationId FK
        string email UK
        string password
        string initialPassword
        enum role
        boolean isDisabled
    organizations ||--o{ budgets: has
    budgets {
        int id PK
        int OrganizationId FK
        string manager
        int year
        string half
        boolean isReadOnly
    budgets ||--o{ incomes: has
    incomes {
        int id PK
        int BudgetId FK
        string code
        enum source
        string category
        string content
        int amount
        string note
    budgets ||--o{ expenses: has
    expenses {
        int id PK
        int BudgetId FK
        string code
        enum source
        string category
        string project
        string content
        int amount
        string note
    incomes ||--o{ transactions: has
    expenses ||--o{ transactions: has
    transactions {
        int id PK
        int IncomeId FK
        int ExpenseId FK
        date projectAt
        string manager
        string content
        enum type
        int amount
        date transactionAt
        int balance
        string accountNumber
        string accountBank
        string accountOwner
        string receivingAccountNumber
        string receivingAccountBank
        string receivingAccountOwner
        boolean hasBill
    transactions ||--o{ transactions_records: has
    transactions_records {
        int id PK
        int TransactionId FK
        string URI
        string note
    audit_periods {
        int year PK
        string half PK
        date start
        date end
    organizations ||--o{ card_records: has
    card_records {
        int id PK
        int OrganizationId FK
        int year
        string half
        string URI
    organizations ||--o{ cards: has
    cards {
        int id PK
        int OrganizationId FK
        int year
        string half
        string name
        string cardNumber
    organizations ||--o{ accounts : has
    accounts {
        int id PK
        int OrganizationId FK
        int year
        string half
        string name
        string accountNumber
        string accountBank
        string accountOwner
    accounts ||--|| account_records: has
    account_records {
        int id PK
        int AccountId FK
        string URI
        string note




Name Email
Kyungho Byoun [email protected]
Youngmin Ryou [email protected]


KAIST board of audit and inspection system backend




