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free-types | Use Cases | Documentation | Guide | Algebraic data types


Definition | Application | Evaluation | Return type | Arity | Constraints | Contracts | Dynamic free types | Boilerplate and API


Type is some refinement of the following type

{ type: unknown, arguments: unknown[] }

Extending it with an interface enables overriding the type field and referencing the arguments list:

interface $Foo extends Type { type: Foo<this['arguments'][0]> }

// For convenience, arguments can also be referenced like so:
interface $Foo extends Type { type: Foo<this[0]> }


apply is the preferred way of applying arguments.

type FooBar = apply<$Foo, ['bar']> // Foo<'bar'>

You can think of application as the following 2-step process:

type Step1 = $Foo & { arguments: ['bar'] };
// { type: Foo<this['arguments'][0]>, arguments: unknown[] & ['bar'] }

Since unknown is the neutral element of intersection, unknown[] is replaced by ['bar'] relatively transparently.

type Step2 = Step1['type'] // Foo<'bar'>

The final evaluation is deferred until the type field is accessed, and that's our second step.

The arguments list is a little broken:

Because it is an intersection type, the arguments list has lost its capacity to spread:

type KnownIssue = [...[1, 2] & [unknown, unknown]] // (1|2)[]

Utils such as ToTuple or Slice which recursively construct a new tuple can be used to work around this issue:

interface $Foo extends Type { type: ['foo', ...ToTuple<this['arguments']>] }
// now arguments can spread                    --------------------------


Contrary to classic types using generics, a free type has no way to know whether an argument is set or not. This can lead to surprising behaviours.

Take the following type:

// I am purposely omitting the type constraint on `N`
type Tuple<T, N, R extends unknown[] = []> =
    N extends R['length'] ? R : Tuple<T, N, [T, ...R]>;

type Foo3 = Tuple<'foo', 3> // ["foo", "foo", "foo"]

It would be trivial to wrap it in a classic type:

type TupleWrap<T, N> = Tuple<T, N>

Typescript would expand it like so:

type TupleWrap<T, N> = N extends 0 ? [] : Tuple<T, N, [T]>

We would observe a different behaviour if we wrapped it in a free type:

// Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite
interface $Tuple extends Type {
//        ~~~~~~
    type: Tuple<this[0], this[1]>

This happens because the type field is eagerly evaluated and the parameter this[1] is still holding the value unknown. The trouble is that, in our implementation of Tuple, unknown never extends R['length'], so we recur indefinitely.

The return type of a free type can be checked in a number of scenarios, for example when trying to compose it with other free types, or when passing it as an argument to a type constraining the return type of its input. Then, the compiler will need to evaluate the type field even though no argument has been passed by a user.

Instead of burdening the user with finding the cause of a mystical type instantiation error in these scenarios, I purposely forced this evaluation at the definition site as well, so that the implementer is made aware that their free type is not composable.

Now, how can we fix our free type?

  1. We can tune the type, for example by inverting the predicate:

    type Tuple<T, N, R extends unknown[] = []> =
        R['length'] extends N ? R : Tuple2<T, N, [T, ...R]>;

    R['length'] extends unknown is true and we return early.

  2. We can use a inline conditional:

    interface $Tuple extends Type {
        type: Tuple<this[0], this[1] extends number ? this[1] : never>

    never extends R['length'] is true and we return early.

  3. Or a surrounding conditional:

    interface $Tuple extends Type {
        type: this[1] extends number ? Tuple<this[0], this[1]> : never

When a free type has type constraints (we will cover them later), it is reasonable to assume that if the value of an argument does not match its type constraint, it means it is unset.

If there are no type constraints, it sometimes makes sense to suppose that if the value of an argument is exactly unknown, then it is unset, because passing exactly unknown makes no sense for this type even though any other value would do.

In other situations there is nothing we can do.

Return type 

The result of the evaluation of the type field at the definition site defines the return type of a free type.

If you want your free type to be composable, you need to care about that return type, because other types may perform checks against it to decide whether or not to accept it and you want these checks to be accurate.

If you look back at our different implementations of $Tuple, the resulting return types are pretty bad: [] is too narrow and never disables type checking.

Here is one way to address this issue:

type Tuple<T, N, R extends unknown[] = []> =
    unknown extends N ? T[]
    : N extends R['length'] ? R
    : Tuple<T, N, [T, ...R]>;

interface $Tuple extends Type {
    type: Tuple<this[0], this[1]>

Now the return type of $Tuple is unknown[] as you can tell by inspecting $Tuple['type'] or by using Signature.

Focusing on the happy path truly breaks down when designing free types, so try to consider edge cases even when you are confident no user will trigger them, because the compiler will.


The arity of a free type can be of 3 kinds: specific, variadic and wildcard.

Specific arity

This is by far the most common kind. Extending Type<N> (where N is a number) is one way to create such free types:

interface $Foo extends Type<1> {}

You can also make the arity of a free type depend on a generic:

interface $Foo<N extends number> extends Type<N> {}

Setting the arity upon creation makes a number of helper types available, the simplest of which being At:

interface $FailSilently extends Type<1> { type: Foo<this[1]> }
// silent off-by-1 error            ---             -------

interface $CompileError extends Type<1> { type: Foo<At<1, this>> }
// Type 'this' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<2>'  ~~~~

Variadic arity

Variadic free types can be created by extending exactly Type, Type<number> or Type<T> where T is an array, like unknown[], or an open-ended tuple, like [unknown, ...unknown[]].

Contrary to functions, variadic free types can't be passed as an argument to a type expecting a specific arity:

type ExpectUnary<$T extends Type<1>> = apply<$T, ['foo']>;

interface $Foo extends Type { type: ... }

type Woops = ExpectUnary<$Foo>;
//                       ~~~~
// Type '$Foo' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<1, unknown>'

One way to deal with it is to make variadicity contagious:

type ExpectVariadic<$T extends Type> = apply<$T, ['foo']>
type Ok = ExpectVariadic<$Foo>;

Another is to use the adapter $Arity:

type Ok = ExpectUnary<$Arity<1, $Foo>>;

Finally, you can use Contra to make the arguments contravariant, and by this mean accept the wider type:

type ExpectAtLeastUnary<$T extends Contra<$T, Type<1>>> = apply<$T, ['foo']>;
type Ok = ExpectAtLeastUnary<$Foo>;

Optional arguments

In-between finite and unspecified arity lie optional arguments. You can create such types by using the optional tuple symtax, for example Type<[unknown, unknown?]> has an arity of 1 or 2.

They behave as described in the preceiding chapter, however, there is a subtlety in the way they are defined.

Generally, when you want to test whether an argument was passed, you need to use a heuristic and suppose for example that if an argument is exactly unknown, then it was probably not provided. This is the strategy you would use with the open tuple syntax:

interface $RecordAB extends Type<[unknown, ...unknown[]]> {
    type: Record<'a', this[0]> & (
        unknown extends this[1] ? unknown
    //  -------
        : Record<'b', this[1]>

type Foo = apply<$RecordAB, [1]> // { a: 1 }
type Bar = apply<$RecordAB, [1, 2]> // { a: 1, b: 2 }

This would not work with the optional tuple syntax, as unset values are undefined:

interface $RecordAB extends Type<[unknown, unknown?]> {
    type: Record<'a', this[0]> & (
        this[1] extends undefined ? unknown
    //                  ---------
        : Record<'b', this[1]>

type Foo = apply<$RecordAB, [1]> // { a: 1 }
type Bar = apply<$RecordAB, [1, 2]> // { a: 1, b: 2 }

Although this behaviour is inconsistent, it is too convenient for me to be bothered to change it. I am open to dicussion though.

Wildcard arity

Free types with wildcard arity can only be produced with Const.

type $ConstFoo = Const<'foo'>; // Type<❋, "foo">

Contrary to Type<0>, Const types don't expect 0 arguments: they simply ignore any arguments list passed to them:

type Foo = apply<$ConstFoo>; // "foo"
type Foo = apply<$ConstFoo, [1]>; // "foo"
type Foo = apply<$ConstFoo, ['a', 'b']>; // "foo"

Consequently they don't concern themselves with type constraints on the input, making them easy to plug in to any higher order type:

type Ok = ExpectUnary<$ConstFoo>;

Type constraints 

Wiring constraints | Defusing errors

Some types have constraints which need to be dealt with:

interface $Foo extends Type<1> {
    type: `foo ${this[0]}!`
    //           ~~~~~~~
    // Type 'this[0]' does not satisfy the constraint 'string | number | bigint | boolean...'
    //   Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string | number | bigint | boolean...'

The problem is twofold:

  1. Defusing type constraint errors at the type definition site;
  2. Carrying over type constraints so that callers are forced to apply the correct arguments.

Defusing type constraint errors

Let's first enumerate the different ways we can deal with type constraints and discuss their tradeoffs regarding free types.

Reviving our $Tuple example:

// now with a type constraint
type Tuple<T, N extends number, R extends unknown[] = []> =
//            ----------------
    R['length'] extends N ? R : Tuple<T, N, [T, ...R]>;

interface $Tuple extends Type<2> {
    type: Tuple<this[0], this[1]>
//                       ~~~~~~~
// Type 'this[1]' does not satisfy the constraint 'number'.


type: Tuple<this[0], this[1] & number>

Intersection has some quirks, such as the one we mentioned about tuples, but is perfectly suitable for most types.

The TS language server also does not always simplify intersections (notoriously with function types), so you might simply not like the way some of your types appear in tooltips.

Finally, the situations in which intersecting the input can help prevent infinite recursion are certainly very rare.

Inline conditional

type: Tuple<this[0], this[1] extends number ? this[1] : never>

This pattern does not have the disadvantages of intersection and can make it a little easier to work with recursion because it is pretty easy to handle a never case explicitly in Tuple and return early:

type Tuple<T, N extends number, R extends unknown[] = []> =
    [N] extends [never] ? T[] // <-- this is all we need to add
    : N extends R['length'] ? R : Tuple<T, N, [T, ...R]>;

It also allows us to care a little more about the implicit return type.

Surrounding conditional

interface $Tuple extends Type<2> {
    type: this[1] extends number
        ? Tuple<this[0], this[1]>
        : this[0][]

This approach helps separating concerns, as it does not require modifying Tuple directly, but it has the downside of rapidly becoming noisy when more than one constraint need to be dealt with.


Despite the disadvantages of intersection, I would prefer it as a first-line treatment because it produces simpler implicit return types. I found that the compiler seemed to "give up" resolving conditionals past a certain point of complexity.

Then I would choose inline conditionals if the implicit return type works out alright, or a surrounding conditional otherwise.

Wiring constraints

Constraints on the input

On top of specifying the arity, Type's first argument can be used to express specific type constraints.

It will generally be a tuple listing every constraint, although arrays and open-ended tuples are also valid. The length of the tuple defines the arity of your free type:

interface $Foo extends Type<[number, string, unknown]> {}

The following syntax is equivalent

interface $Foo extends Type {
    constraints: [number, string, unknown]

Trying to apply $Foo with the wrong arguments now yields an error:

type Foo = apply<$Foo, [1, 2, 3]>
//                     ~~~~~~~~
// Type '[1, 2, 3]' does not satisfy the constraint '[number, string, unknown]'


The following helpers take care of indexing and defusing type constraints in one step. On top of reducing boilerplate, this prevents mistakenly asserting a type constraint for the wrong parameter.

Lossy<i, this>

Lossy behave like At but additionally performs an intersection with the relevant type constraint:

interface $Foo extends Type<[string]> {
    type: `Foo_${Lossy<0, this>}`

// is equivalent to:
interface $Foo extends Type<[string]> {
    type: `Foo_${this[0] & string}`
Checked<i, this, F?>

Checked will instead perform an inline conditional on the arguments:

interface $Foo extends Type<[unknown[]]> {
    type: [1, ...Checked<0, this>]

// is equivalent to:
interface $Foo extends Type<[unknown[]]> {
    type: [1, ...(this[0] extends unknown[] ? this[0] : unknown[])]
Optional<i, this, F?>

Optional behaves like Checked but deals with the possibility that the argument may not be set:

interface $Foo extends Type<[unknown, unknown[]?]> {
    type: [this[0], ...Optional<1, this>]

// is equivalent to:
interface $Foo extends Type<[unknown[]]> {
    type: [this[0], ...(this[1] extends undefined ? unknown[] : this[1])]

Alphabetical helpers are shorthands for Lossy. They are the go to solution for indexing this with arities up to 5 as they don't take more real estate than this[i] but offer much more functionality:

interface $Foo extends Type<[string]> {
    type: `Foo_${A<this>}`

When no argument is provided, they are aliases for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, allowing you to remain consistent when using At, Checked or a surrounding conditional:

interface $Foo extends Type<[unknown, unknown[]]> {
    type: [A<this>, ...Checked<B, this>]

Constraint on the return type

Type takes yet another parameter: a return type.

It enforces that your type field matches the supplied return type.

type Obj = { [k: string | number | symbol]: unknown };

interface $StringKeys extends Type<[Obj], string> {
    //    ~~~~~~~~~~~                     ------
    // '$StringKeys' incorrectly extends interface Type<[Obj], string>
    // 'string | number | symbol' is not assignable to type 'string'
    type: keyof Checked<A, this>

// With proper handling
interface $StringKeys extends Type<[Obj], string> {
    type: keyof Checked<A, this> & string
} //                             --------

Our constraint also informs the call site about the return type:

type PrefixedKeys<T extends Obj, $T extends Type<[Obj]>> =
    `prefix-${apply<$T, [T]>}`
    //        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    // not assignable to type 'string | number | ...'
type PrefixedKeys<T extends Obj, $T extends Type<[Obj], string>> =
    `prefix-${apply<$T, [T]>}` // OK

Implicit return type

As mentioned in the section dedicated to evaluation, free types have a return type anyway, which is the result of the first evaluation of the type field.

As a consequence it is not a requirement for $StringKeys to extend Type<[Obj], string> for it to be accepted by PrefixedKeys, because its return type is implicitly string:

interface $StringKeys extends Type<[Obj]> {
    type: keyof Checked<A, this> & string // not type checked

type PrefixedKeys<T extends Obj, $T extends Type<[Obj], string>> =
    `prefix-${apply<$T, [T]>}` // still OK

It is also the occasion to repeat my warning about never turing off type checking:

interface $StringKeys extends Type<[Obj], string> {
    type: At<A, this> extends this['constraints'][A]
        ? keyof At<A, this> & string
        : never // should be 'string' but evades type checking
type Woops = $StringKeys['type'] // never

Passing on constraints to higher order types

The constraints field can also be used to make type constraints bubble up to the user:

type MapOver<T extends $T['constraints'][0][], $T extends Type<1>> = {
    [K in keyof T]: K extends keyof [] ? T[K] : apply<$T, [T[K]]>

type ShouldFail = MapOver<['a', 'b', 'c'], $Next> // with $Next: Type<[number]>
//                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Type '["a", "b", "c"]' does not satisfy the constraint 'number[]'

This is not bad, but a problem with this design is that the following edge case compiles without warning:

type Foo<$T extends Type<1>> = MapOver<['a', 'b', 'c'], $T>;
type ShouldFail = Foo<$Next>;

Free types arguments being accidentally covariant, type safety is kind of "opt-in" and, when you do opt in, it is too restrictive:

type Foo<$T extends Type<[string]>> = MapOver<['a', 'b', 'c'], $T>;
//                  --------------
type ShouldFail = Foo<$Next>;
//                    ~~~~~
// Type '$Next' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<[string]>'

type UnfairlyRejected = Foo<free.Array> // with free.Array: Type<[unknown]>
//                          ~~~~~~~~~~
// Type '$Array' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<[string]>'

We could constrain $T based on the input, but then the constraint would be too narrow:

type MapOver<T extends unknown[], $T extends Type<[T[number]]>> = ...

type ShouldWork = MapOver<[1, 2, 3], $Next>
//                                   ~~~~~
// Type '$Next' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<[1 | 2 | 3]>'.

Our Widen helper would work around that problem, but would still be too restrictive:

type MapOver<T extends unknown[], $T extends Type<[Widen<T[number]>]>> =
    T extends $T['constraints'][0][] ? {
        [K in keyof T]: K extends keyof [] ? T[K]
        : apply<$T, [T[K]]>
    } : never

type ShouldWork = MapOver<[1, 2, 3], $Next>;
type UnfairlyRejected = MapOver<[1,2,3], free.Array>
//                               ~~~~~
// Type '$Array' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<[number]>'

That's where Contra comes in. It simply checks that one type extends the other, but in the opposite order than usual:

type MapOver<T extends unknown[], $T extends Contra<$T, Type<[T[number]]>>> = {
    [K in keyof T]: K extends keyof [] ? T[K] : apply<$T, [T[K]]>

type ShouldWork = MapOver<[1,2,3], free.Array>
type ShouldWork = MapOver<[1,2,3], $Next>
type ShouldFail = MapOver<['a', 'b', 'c'], $Next>
//                                         ~~~~~
// Type '$Next' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<unknown[], unknown> & { 'Contravariance issue': { 'the input': ["a" | "b" | "c"]; 'is not assignable to': [number]; }; }'.

The error message is not beautiful but gets the job done.

To covers our edge case we need the caller type to also use Contra with the exact same arguments:

type Foo<$T extends Contra<$T, Type<['a'|'b'|'c']>>> =
    MapOver<['a', 'b', 'c'], $T>;

type ShouldFail = Foo<$Next>;
//                    ~~~~~
// Type '$Next' does not satisfy the constraint 'Type<unknown[], unknown> & { 'Contravariance issue': { 'the input': ["a" | "b" | "c"]; 'is not assignable to': [number]; }; }'.

type ShouldWork = Foo<free.Array>;
type ShouldWork = Foo<$UpperCase>; // with $UpperCase: Type<[string]>

I did not use either of those helpers in the actual implementation of MapOver but I hope this use case made the issue more concrete.

Other limitations

Interdependent constraints are impossible to express:

interface $Foo extends Type<2> {
    constraints: [string, Record<this[0] & string, number>]
} //                             -------
// It is not going to work because `this[0]` is `unknown` at this stage.

Similarly, you can't procedurally check a parameter

interface $Foo extends Type<1> {
    constraints: [Check<this[0]>] // Check<unknown>

This limitation could be lifted with thunks but it feels a bit out of scope for a user library. We would kind of be re-implementing generics.


Since Type can express constraints both on the parameters and on the return type, it enables programing to an interface and inverting dependencies.

In the example above, we were sharing Type<[Obj], string>. We can give it a name and pair it with the type which requires that interface:

export type $KeysFilter = Type<[Obj], string>

export type PrefixedKeys<T extends Obj, $T extends $KeysFilter> =
    `prefix-${apply<$T, [T]>}`

Now we can reuse this interface to safely add variants:

import { $KeysFilter } from './PrefixedKeys';

interface $StringKeys extends $KeysFilter {
    type: keyof Checked<A, this> & string

interface $StartingWithA extends $KeysFilter {
    type: keyof this['Filter'] & string
    Filter: {
        [K in keyof A<this> as K extends `a${string}` ? K : never]: never

Dynamic free types 

Partial application (parameters) | Partial application (partial) | Composition | Ad hoc constructors

There are several ways ou can create free types dynamically.

Partial application

Partial application can be used to pass dependencies. A tacit/point-free style of programming is also useful to reduce the noise caused by the repetition of type constraints on arguments.


You may use regular type parameters to pass dependencies to a free type:

interface $Foo<B> extends Type<1> {
    type: Foo<A<this>, B>

Note that $Foo is no longer "free", since this dependency will have to be supplied.

However, some types are meant to be applied in 2 steps and can require interdependent constraints (which is a known limitation of free types), in which case this pattern makes more sense:

interface $Prop<K extends string | number | symbol, R=unknown>
    extends Type<[Record<K, R>], R>
        { type: A<this>[K] }

Not the actual implementation of $Prop

Partial application spares us the noisy wiring of parameters:

type $GetValue = $Prop<'value'>
type $GetNumericValue = $Prop<'value', number>

A specificity of this pattern is that we only have one opportunity to apply dependencies: either K or K and R, at once.

Some higher order utility types such as Map take care of the application step, reducing noise to the minimum:

type Input = [{value: 1}, {value: 2}, {value: 3}];

type Values = MapOver<Input, $GetValue>; // [1, 2, 3]

These higher order types can be free types and accept regular parameters themselves:

type $GetValues = $MapOver<$GetValue>;
type $Sum = $Reduce<$Add>;

At no point did we need to wire constraints, which is exceptionally terse for Typescript, but if we inspected our types with Signature we would confirm that every information was carried over:

{ // $GetValues
    input: [Mappable<Record<"value", unknown>>]
    output:  Mappable<unknown>

{ // $Sum
    input: [NonEmptyMappable<number>]
    output: number


Contrary to regular type parameters, partial and partialRight allow to supply any number of arguments any number of times until the type is fully applied:

interface $Cuboid extends Type<[number, number, number]> {
    type: `H${A<this>} x W${B<this>} x L${C<this>}`

type $H1 = partial<$Cuboid, [1]>;
type HWL = apply<$H1, [2, 3]>; // H1 x W2 x L3

A partial type is undistinguishable from a regular old free type:

type Foo<$T extends Type<[number, number]>> = apply<$T, [2, 3]>
type Bar = Foo<$H1>;

It can be useful in its own right to fix some parameters while leaving others open:

// $H1['type'] = `H1 x W${number} x L${number}`
type Foo<Cuboid extends $H1['type']> = ... 

type Accepted = Foo<'H1 x W2 x L3'>
type Accepted = Foo<'H1 x W5 x L4'>
type Rejected = Foo<'H2 x W4 x L1'>
//       "H2" ≠ "H1" -- 

partial limitation

When passing down arguments incrementally through multiple levels of depth, satisfying the type checker becomes impossible:

type Baz = Foo<$H1>;

type Foo<$T extends Remaining<$Vec3, 2>> =
    Bar<partial<$T, [2]>>
//      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~≈~ nonsensical errors

type Bar<$T extends Remaining<$Vec3, 1>> =
    apply<$T, [3]>

I don't think this can be fixed on my end, and since the return value is fine, you may silence the error with a directive and wait for the day of grace it fixes itself.



Pipe threads a value through a pipeline of free types.

Reviving our previous example with $Sum and $GetValues:

type Input = [{value: 1}, {value: 2}, {value: 3}];

type Sum = Pipe<[Input], $MapOver<$Prop<'value'>>, $Reduce<$Add>>; // 6

We avoided nested calls to apply:

type Intricate = apply<$Reduce<$Add>, [apply<$MapOver<$Prop<'value'>>, [Input]>]> // 6

There exists compositions over generics that Pipe cannot express, because Pipe is eager (see documentation).


Flow takes a list of free types and returns their composition:

//   $SumValues : Record<"value", number>[] -> number
type $SumValues = Flow<[$MapOver<$Prop<'value', number>>, $Fold<$Add, 0>]> 

type Input = [{value: 1}, {value: 2}, {value: 3}, {value: 4}];
type Result = apply<$SumValues, [Input]> // 10

It enables you to express those compositions Pipe struggles with.

Flow also removes the need to repeat type constraints since it is point free, although as you can tell, it requires more annotations than Pipe. This is because Flow doesn't know which input is going to flow in. It would reject our previous composition:

type Rejected = Flow<[$MapOver<$Prop<'value'>>, $Reduce<$Add>]>
//                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Type '[$MapOver<$Prop<"value", unknown>>, $Reduce<$Add>]' does not satisfy the constraint 'Composition & [Type<[Mappable<Record<"value", unknown>>], NonEmptyMappable<number>>, $Reduce<$Add>]'.
//   Type '[$MapOver<$Prop<"value", unknown>>, $Reduce<$Add>]' is not assignable to type '[Type<[Mappable<Record<"value", unknown>>], NonEmptyMappable<number>>, $Reduce<$Add>]'.
//     Type at position 0 in source is not compatible with type at position 0 in target.
//       Type '$MapOver<$Prop<"value", unknown>>' is not assignable to type 'Type<[Mappable<Record<"value", unknown>>], NonEmptyMappable<number>>'.
//         Type '$MapOver<$Prop<"value", unknown>>' is not assignable to type 'TypeFields<[Mappable<Record<"value", unknown>>], NonEmptyMappable<number>, [Mappable<Record<"value", unknown>>], [unknown]>'.
//           Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
//             Type 'Mappable<unknown>' is not assignable to type 'NonEmptyMappable<number>'.
//               Type 'unknown[]' is not assignable to type 'NonEmptyMappable<number>'.
//                 Type 'unknown[]' is not assignable to type '[number, ...number[]]'.
//                   Source provides no match for required element at position 0 in target

For your comfort I suggest you inspect the signature of your types with Signature when you want to debug a composition:

type Signatures = Signature<[$MapOver<$Prop<'value'>>, $Reduce<$Add>]>

[{ // Signatures
    type: $MapOver<$Prop<"value", unknown>>;
    input: [Mappable<Record<"value", unknown>>];
    output: Mappable<unknown>; // <----------- !!
}, {
    type: $Reduce<$Add>;
    input: [NonEmptyMappable<number>];  // <-- !!
    output: number;

For $Map to return Mappable<number>, $Prop needs to be annotated with number

type Signatures = Signature<[$MapOver<$Prop<'value', number>>, $Reduce<$Add>]>

[{ // Signatures
    type: $MapOver<$Prop<"value", number>>;
    input: [Mappable<Record<"value", number>>];
    output: Mappable<number>; // <------------ that's better
}, {
    type: $Reduce<$Add>;
    input: [NonEmptyMappable<number>];  // <-- not there yet
    output: number;

Now $Map doesn't know the length of the mappable it will receive ahead of time, so it can't guarantee NonEmptyMappable<number>. We need to use $Fold instead of $Reduce.

type Signatures = Signature<[$MapOver<$Prop<'value', number>>, $Fold<$Add, 0>]>

[{ // Signatures
    type: $MapOver<$Prop<"value", number>>;
    input: [Mappable<Record<"value", number>>];
    output: Mappable<number>; // <---- Good
}, {
    type: $Fold<$Add, 0>;
    input: [Mappable<number>];  // <-- Good
    output: number;

This is the occasion to reassess the way we had defined $Sum earlier: it is best to think of reuse when defining free types.


$Before<$T, $P, I?> transforms one or every argument of $T with $P before they hit $T.

type $AbsAdd = $Before<$Add, $Abs>;
type Foo = apply<$AbsAdd, [1, -2]> // same as apply<$Add, [1, 2]>

It is valuable for tweaking n-ary types, since a regular composition would require a host of adaptations:

type $AbsAdd = Flow<[$Rest<$MapTuple<$Abs, 2>, 2>, $Spread<$Add>]>;
//                   --∧-- ----∧----       ∧   ∧   ---∧---
//     argsList -> tuple       |           arity      |
//            map over the tuple      tuple -> argsList

Ad hoc constructors

You can create free type factories with a special purpose, freeing the user from the need to create an interface. Bellow are 2 examples included in the library.


Free types bring their own boilerplate, so when all you need is turn a concrete type into a free type, you can use Const:

type $Foo = Const<'foo'>;

$Foo is now a constant free type:

type Foo = apply<$Foo, [1, 2, 3]>; // "foo"

Constant free types are easy to plug in to any higher order type because they ignore their arguments and thus don't concern themselves with type constraints:

type Foo = MapOver<[1, 2, 3], Const<'A'>>; // [A, A, A]

Only the return types need to match:

type Bar<$T extends Type<[number], string>> = ...
type Accepted = Bar<Const<'foo'>>
type Rejected = Bar<Const<boolean>>
// we expected a string  ~~~~~~~~


A limitation of our design is that producing object literals is tedious:

interface $Foo extends Type<[number, string]> {
    type: { foo: A<this>, bar: B<this> }
    //             ~~~~          ~~~~
    // 'this' is available only in a non-static
    // member of a class or interface

We are forced to use a helper type (we may need to repeat type constraints):

type Foo<A extends number, B extends string> = { foo: A, bar: B }

interface $Foo extends Type<[number, string]> {
    type: Foo<A<this>, B<this>>

or a mapped type with additional fields (could be worse, but is a bit messy):

interface $Foo extends Type<[number, string]> {
    type: { [K in 'foo'|'bar']: this[K] }
    foo: A<this>
    bar: B<this>

or Record (the return type will be an intersection and it's ugly):

interface $Foo extends Type<[number, string]> {
    type: Record<'foo', A<this>>
        & Record<'bar', B<this>>

From can be used to parameterise simple object literals:

type $Foo = From<{ a: number, b: string }, ['a', 'b']>;

type Foo = apply<$Foo, [1, 'foo']> // { a: 1, b: "foo" }

The template's original values are used for type checking

type Rejected = apply<$Foo, [1, 42]>
//                          ~~~~~~~
// Type '[1, 42]' does not satisfy the constraint '[number, string]'

More about it in the documentation.

Boilerplate and API 

It is actually not that bad

In many cases you don't need to wrap a classic type in a free type, you can write it directly or compose it.

If you find yourself needing intermediary variables in a type, you will find that using fields in an interface has some advantages over using extra type parameters with default values:

  • fields don't require type constraints
  • they can appear in any order
  • they are lazy (this one can backfire)

Conversion to classic type

Wrapping a free type is also a thing:

export type SumValues<T extends $SumValues['constraints'][0]> =
    apply<$SumValues, [T]>

This enables exposing a familiar API to the user while using the power of free types internally.

Lightweight partial and full application

The need for partial can be tempered by the use of $Optional

It is also possible to create free types which can be fully applied in the traditional way with $Alter:

type Direct = SumValues<Input>;
type Indirect = Foo<SumValues>;

type Foo<$T extends Type> = apply<$T, [Input]>;

type SumValues<T extends $SumValues['constraints'][0] = never> =
    $Alter<$SumValues [T]>

Another option for removing boilerplate would be to contribute to the introduction of free type constructors into the language natively 😁

There are still many challenges to overcome but I hope this preview gave you an idea of what this feature could bring to the language.

I leave you with that, with my thanks if you managed to go this far.