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"Legal document templates as an NFT" marketplace. This is my final project submission for the fall 2021 Consensys Academy bootcamp.


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This is my final project submission for the Consensys Academy Bootcamp 2021.

Legal Document Form Repository


The Legal Document Form Repository will be a datastore and marketplace to purchase common filable-PDF legal documents such as a simple will, articles of incorporation for specific states or provinces, bill of sale sample, building contract, business plan, etc. Currently, the legal documents are stored as .jpg files, but in future iterations, the documents will be filable-PDFs so that the user can use it for their own purposes and fill them with their own unique information. The legal documents are stored on IPFS and deployed to the Rinkeby Ethereum testnet as ERC721 NFTs. A live demo can be found at: .

Folder and Directory Structure

Legal Documents Marketplace

  • .vscode
  • build
  • node_modules
  • public
    • index.html
  • src
    • backEnd
      • abis
      • contracts
      • migrations
      • scripts
      • test
    • components
    • images
    • store
    • index.js
    • .env.example
    • truffle-config.js
    • yarn.lock


  1. Install Node 14.16.1 via nvm if not installed

     $ curl -o- | bash
     $ source ~/.nvm/
     $ nvm install 14.16.0
     $ nvm alias default 14.16.0
     $ nvm use default
  2. Install truffle if not installed

     $ truffle version
     $ npm install -g truffle
  3. Install ganache-cli if not installed

     $ ganache-cli --version
     $ npm install -g ganache-cli
     $ ganache-cli

    ganache-cli will now be running a development blockchain on port 8545 and give you 10 development network accounts with addresses and corresponding private keys which can be imported to Metamask each with 100 ETH for gas and testing. Make sure that port 8545 is listed in truffle-config.js for ganache-cli.

  4. Install and run IPFS if not installed

     $ jsipfs version
     $ npm i -g ipfs
     In another terminal run IPFS
     $ jsipfs daemon
  5. Install yarn if not installed

     $ yarn --version
     $ npm install --global yarn

Migrate contracts and Run app

  1. Git clone repo, enter directory and install

     $ git clone
     $ cd blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project/
     $ yarn install
  2. Create an .env file to hold your Metamask private key and Infura ID. Add those two pieces of data with no "'s or other symbols such as below:

  3. Compile, migrate and test contracts on development network. Make sure truffle-config.js is properly configured.

     Compile and migrate
     $ truffle compile
     $ truffle migrate --reset --network ganache_cli
     $ truffle test
  4. Interact with deployed contract and mint tokens. Make sure jsipfs daemon is running in another terminal.

     $ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network ganache_cli
  5. Run app on localhost:3000

    $ yarn start

    App should open up on localhost:3000

  6. Buying legal docs on app

    a. Make sure that you are logged on to Metamask, your network is set to Localhost 8545 and connected to localhost:3000

    b. Fund your Metamask account by grabbing the first private key from ganache-cli and import it. Now you have ETH for purchases.

    c. Under your chosen legal doc image, click the Buy button, confirm the purchase on the Metamask pop up window. You are now the proud owner of a legal doc to meet your needs.

  7. Ethereum Rinkeby testnet deployment. make sure that truffle-config.js is properly configured for the Rinkeby network.

    a. Switch Metamask network to Rinkeby with a funded Rinkeby ETH account.

    b. Migrate contracts for Rinkeby and mint tokens.

    $ truffle migrate --network goerli
    $ truffle exec src/backEnd/scripts/mint.js --network goerli

    c. Verify deployment at by searching your new contract address and checking under Erc721 Token Txns to see the minted tokens.

Live Demo URL

The demo was deployed as a website to the Rinkeby testnet at using Surge. The address of the deployed contract is at the bottom of the website page. Left-clicking on the contract address at the bottom of the web page will bring you to the page for the contract.

Project Demo Video

The following Youtube link will bring you to my final project demo video:

Please find a link to the short Canva slideshow used for the video submission at:

If I am eligible for a Consensys Academy certification, can you please send the certification NFT to mainnet address: 0xf0a345115815bc2C87B0EBE49DF8773a71A49063


"Legal document templates as an NFT" marketplace. This is my final project submission for the fall 2021 Consensys Academy bootcamp.







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