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Releases: gephi/gexf


03 Mar 20:05
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Compatible with Gephi 0.9.3 and above. Note that part of the specifications were already implemented since 0.9 but full support is only guaranteed in 0.9.3.

  • Add kind attribute on edge to support multi-graph (i.e. parallel edges)
  • The edge weight is now a double instead of a float
  • The edge id is now optional
  • Add xsd:longas possible idtype on <graph>
  • Add new attribute types bigdecimal, biginteger, char, short and byte
  • Add new list attributes like listboolean or listinteger for each atomic type


  • Add a timezone attribute on <graph> to use as a timezone in case it's omitted in the element timestamps
  • Open intervals attributes startopen and endopen are removed. Use regular inclusive start and end instead
  • Remove start and end attributes on <attributes> as it was redundant with <graph> attributes

Timestamp support

Add the ability to represent time with single timestamps instead of intervals. We want feature parity between the two time representations but note they can't be mixed.

  • Add a timerepresentation enum in <graph> with either interval (default) or timestamp to configure the way the time is represented
  • Add timestamp attribute to <node>, <edge>, <spell> and <attvalue> to support this new time representation

Alternative to spell elements

  • Add a timestamps attribute to <node> and <edge> to represent a list of timestamps without having to use spells
  • Similarly, add a intervals attribute to <node> and <edge>

New slice mode

The optional mode attribute on <graph> now has an additional slice value, in addition of static and dynamic. With slice, the expectation is that the <graph> also has either a timestamp or start / end intervals.

  • Add a timestamp attribute on <graph> to characterise the slice this graph represent
  • Change the meaning of the start and end attributes on <graph> to either characterise the slide instead of the time bounds, which should rather be inferred


  • Add hex attribute on <color> so it can support values like #FF00FF
  • The z position is no longer required
  • Dynamic attributes like start, end or child elements <spells> are no longer supported for viz attributes. To represent viz attributes over time, an alternative is to create multiple graphs each representing a slice


03 Jan 10:51
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Compatible with Gephi 0.8 and above.

  • The node label attribute is now optional
  • <meta> should be placed before <graph>


  • Rename the timetype attribute to timeformat. This attribute is set on <graph> to specify how time information is encoded, either like a date or like a double.
  • The timeformat is currently either float or date and default value is date. The float type is replaced by double, and is now the default value.
  • Added timeformat types integer and dateTime. DateTime is equivalent to timestamps.
  • Add open intervals (non-inclusive): startopen and endopen attributes.
  • <slices> and <slice> are renamed <spells> and <spell> respectively because slices are a different concept as remarked.


  • Add viz attributes support for dynamics.
  • Add the alpha channel to RGB. Colors are now encoded in RGBA. It is a float from 0.0 (invisible) to 1.0 (fully visible). If omitted, the default alpha-value is 1.0 (no transparency).


03 Jan 10:50
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Compatible with Gephi 0.7 and above.

  • Modules are stabilized and new ones appear: hierarchy and phylogeny.


03 Jan 10:49
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Compatible with Gephi 0.6 and above.

First specification. Basic topology, associated data and dynamics attempt constitute the core, plus a visualization extension.