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My Cool CV

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A simple use of the CLI tool kissmyresume for local building my own CV in to multiple formats by using a Json Resume theme as input. Also includes hosting in Github Pages.

Getting Started

Clone the repo and install the NPM dependencies with:

npm install

You can build my included CV into different formats with:

npm run build

Start a local server with live reloading:

npm start

Create or publish an index.html in the /docs directory for making it available through Github Pages.

npm run publish

You can test a themes and save each version in a folder with the same name as theme (inside /test folder):

theme=<theme-name> npm run test 


If the below commands doesn't work for you, try to install kissmyresume globally:

npm install -g kiss-my-resume

And after that, you will need to restart your terminal.


If you want to make your own CV, feel free to fork this repo and edit the input JSON file with your own info.

The default input file is /resume/base.json, but you can create a new empty Json Resume file with the all the posible fields with the following command:

kissmyresume new <your-resume-name>

Publish in Github Pages

If you run npm run publish, a /docs folder will be created with an index.html with your CV. Just configure your repo following this guide to point to your docs folders. And that's it! Now you have your new and shiny resume available in https://<your-github-username><your-cv-repo>/.

Find more themes

You can use any of the dozens of compatible JSON Resume themes.

And you can specify which one use with the local variables described below, or direct executing the kissmyresume commands.

NPM local variables

Inside the package.json, in the config section, you can change the variables for the following things:

  • resumefile: The input JSON Resume file.
  • themepath: Path of the theme to use in building, local serve, etc.
  • buildpath:: The desired path for generated output files.
  • publishpath:: The desired path to contain the index.html file of the CV. The default one is one recognized by Github Pages, so you don't need to create a special branch just for hosting your CV.