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Interpretable Control Competition

Repository for the GECCO'24 interpretable control competition.


Clone the repository and create the conda virtual environment with all needed packages.

git clone
cd interpretable-control-competition
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ic38

Alternatively, if you do not want to use conda, you can also directly create a virtual environment from the Python version installed on your system (must be at least Python 3.8.18):

git clone
cd interpretable-control-competition
python3 -m venv ic38
source ic38/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Continuous control: Walker2D

Task details

For more details on the 'Walker2D' we refer to the official documentation on the Gymnasium website:

Repository content

The continuous package contains two files:

  • has a general controller class (which you can extend with your own implementation), and a random controller for testing purposes
  • shows the basic evaluation loop for the chosen environment, the Walker2d-v4

The competition's final evaluation will be performed with the same environment (Walker2d-v4) and episode length (1000 steps) as in the file.

Discrete control: 2048

Task details

As discrete control task we chose the game 2048. For further details on the game play we refer to the Wikipedia page of the game

The action space is a Discrete(4), each corresponding to a movement direction, and a keyboard key (if the game was playing by a human on a PC):

Value Meaning Button
0 UP W

The observation space is a Box(0, 2048, (4, 4), int), corresponding to the current status of the game board.

At each step, the reward consists of the score increase determined by the move.

Within the info, there are other game play details:

  • direction: the direction of the last move (as button)
  • spawn: the location $(x,y)$ and value of the last spawned value
  • total_score: the game total score
  • highest_tile: the highest tile on the board
  • move_count: the number of moves performed

The game starts with an empty board, i.e., all zeros, except two randomly placed 2.

The game ends if one of the following conditions is met:

  • game won: the highest tile is 2048
  • game lost: the board is full and no more moves are possible
  • illegal: the last move performed was illegal. This can be disabled by setting terminate_with_illegal_move=False when creating the environment.

Repository content

The discrete package contains various files:

  • env_2048 is the package containing the simulator for 2048 and its Gym wrapper
  • has a general controller class (which you can extend with your own implementation) and a random controller for testing purposes
  • shows the basic evaluation loop for the 2048 environment

Note that if you want to employ this environment outside the discrete package you need to import such package.

The 2048 environment can have illegal moves, you can decide the behavior of the environment with the argument terminate_with_illegal_move. The competition's final evaluation will be performed with terminate_with_illegal_move=True, i.e., we will terminate the evaluation if the policy performs an illegal move.

Competition rules


Participants can take part in either or both of the tracks. The goal is to provide an interpretable control policy that solves the task.

To ensure fairness we set a computational budget limit of 200000 episodes for each optimization. An episode is a simulation of 1000 steps for Walker2D and a game for 2048.

Each submission will have to include:

  • Control policy score, explanation, and pipeline description: a document
    • containing the score obtained by the policy, an interpretability analysis of the policy (covering all relevant information deducible from it), and the pipeline used to obtain it
    • of up to 2 pages in the Gecco format, excluding references
  • Control policy and code: for reproducibility and assessment purposes, we require
    • updated environment file or additional requirements needed to make the code work
    • run file, i.e., a Python script, from which the submitted policy can be assessed on the environment
    • optimization file, i.e., a Python script, from which the optimization process can be reproduced
    • optimization log reporting the progression of the policies scores during the performed optimization


Each submission will be evaluated according to two criteria:

  • Performance rank, which will be evaluated by simulating the submitted policy
  • Interpretability rank, which will be appraised by a panel of judges, who will consider:
    • Clarity of the pipeline
    • Readability of the model
    • Clarity of the explanation provided
    • Amount of processing required to derive the explanation from the raw policy

These two ranks will be combined using the geometric mean to compute the overall global rank for each competition entry.


Winners will be awarded a certificate. We are actively pursuing sponsorships to furnish monetary prizes.

Selected participants will also be invited to co-author a report about the competition.


Repository for the GECCO'24 interpretable control competition.







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