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TetSphere Splatting: Representing High-Quality Geometry with Lagrangian Volumetric Meshes

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TetSphere Splatting: Representing High-Quality Geometry with Lagrangian Volumetric Meshes

This repository contains the implementation code for the paper TetSphere Splatting: Representing High-Quality Geometry with Lagrangian Volumetric Meshes.

In this work, we introduce TetSphere splatting, an explicit, Lagrangian representation for reconstructing 3D shapes with high-quality geometry, which employs tetrahedral meshes as the geometric primitives. This approach directly yields superior mesh quality without relying on neural networks or post-processing. It deforms multiple initial tetrahedral spheres to accurately reconstruct the 3D shape by combining differentiable rendering and geometric energy optimization, resulting in significant computational efficiency.

overview (a) Eulerian vs. Lagrangian geometry representations: DMTet employs a deformable tetrahedral grid, assigning signed distance values at vertices, whereas TetSphere splatting reconstructs 3D shapes by directly deforming tet-spheres, enhancing computational and memory efficiency. TetSphere splatting supports a range of applications, including (b) single-view 3D reconstruction from Google Scanned Objects dataset, (c) SDS-based image-to-3D generation, and (d) text-to-3D generation.



  • CUDA: We use cuda-11.8 for both PyTorch and TetSphere geometry energies. Please install the corresponding CUDA version on your machine following this link. The default install path is /usr/local/cuda-11.8/. If you don't have sudo permission, you can install it in your custom directory by using the runfile(local) installer (only install ToolKit w/o Driver, change ToolKit Install Path to a custom directory, disable the symbolic link creation, desktop shortcuts, and manpage documents in ToolKit Options).

  • TetWild: We use TetWild during the initialization of TetSpheres and merge the optimized TetSpheres into one shape. Clone from the following forked repository which offers the feature of turning generated tetmeshes into .npy and build it.

git clone [email protected]:gmh14/TetWild.git
cd TetWild
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j

Conda Environment

We use conda to install the dependencies for TetSphere splatting.

git clone [email protected]:gmh14/tssplat.git
cd tssplat
conda create --name tssplat python=3.10
conda activate tssplat
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.8

Replace CUDA_HOME with your custom CUDA path if you installed it in a different directory.

The script contains the installation of multiple packages and libraries that are built from scratch. This is recommended for its robustness and ability to avoid package conflicts across all platforms we have tested. However, please note that installing all dependencies may require significant time.

We use the custom CUDA extension of TetSphere splatting for geometry energy computation and optimization, as it is significantly faster in wall-clock speed compared to the vanilla PyTorch version. To use this extension, we need libpgo, a C++ library with Python bindings for Physically-based simulation, Geometric shape modeling, and Optimization. Follow the instructions in the original repo to get libpgo installed inside the conda environment of tssplat we just created.

With libpgo installed, the custom CUDA extension is built with the following additional steps:

cd tssplat_ext

Once the extension is installed correctly, run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CUDA_HOME}/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH && python The expected result will be

tet_spheres_ext imported successfully

Use TetSphere Splatting

Data Preparation

The input data for TetSphere splatting consists of multi-view RGBA images (optionally including depth/normal images) and their corresponding camera poses. We provide example data folders in this link, including examples from multi-view images obtained from both Wonder3D and image-to-3D generation (DreamCraft3D). Download the data from the link and unzip it into the img_data/ folder.

To create your own data, use Mitsuba3 for rendering images from a 3D shape. Check the example script under the data/ folder to understand the required format of input data, which should match the provided example data. The following steps render multi-view images for the GSO Mario model and save them to img_data/mario/ (the paths are hard-coded in the Python file):

cd data
cd ..

TetSphere Initialization

export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.8

cd data
export expr_name=a_white_dog
python \
    --img_path ../img_data/$expr_name \
    --expr_name $expr_name \
    --save_path ../mesh_data/$expr_name \
    --rendering_type mistuba
cd ..

Replace expr_name with the folder name in img_data/containing the input images. The script will generate the radii and center positions of initial TetSpheres and save them in the mesh_data/ folder as .json files. The candidate points and the coarse voxel grid (represented using surface mesh w/ Marching Cubes) are also saved in the corresponding mesh_data/ folder as .obj files.

Other parameters:

  • radius_scale: the scale factor for the initial radius of TetSpheres (default: 1.1).
  • offset: the offset for the initial center of TetSpheres (default: 0.06).
  • surf_res: the grid resolution of coarse voxel grid (default: 50).
  • pc_res: the grid resolution controlling the number of initial candidate points (default: 50).

Increase both surf_res and pc_res for higher resolution and more accurate initialization. However, this will increase the computational cost.

The implementation is slightly different from the paper: here, we use scipy.milp following the official implementation of Coverage Axis. Our original implementation is based on Gurobi and requires academic licenses for large-scale MILP optimization, which cannot be acquired for non-academics. In practice, we find that the current implementation performs similarly to the original one.

Run TetSphere Splatting

export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.8
python --config ./config/img_to_3D.yaml \
    expr_name=$expr_name \

Replace **/path/to/tetwild** with the path to the TetWild executable. The script will optimize the TetSpheres to reconstruct the 3D shape and save the intermediate and final results in the results/ folder.

We only use RGBA images for the TetSphere splatting when dense view images are provided (with expr_name in a_white_dog, camel, horse, cartoon_man, mario).

Result Visualization

We provide Colab for visualizing the intermediate results of TetSphere splatting, which can be found here.

Visualizing the results locally using modeling tools like MeshLab or Blender is recommended to show better quality and details. Some results are shown in here.

WIP Features

  • Wonder3D examples

  • Text-to-3D threestudio plugin

  • Vanilla PyTorch version of TetSphere geometry energies

  • HuggingFace Gradio app


Implementing TetSphere splatting is partly based on threestudio.


If you find the idea or code useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={TetSphere Splatting: Representing High-Quality Geometry with Lagrangian Volumetric Meshes},
  author={Guo, Minghao and Wang, Bohan and He, Kaiming and Matusik, Wojciech},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.20283},


Don't hesitate to contact [email protected] if you have any questions. Enjoy!