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An AutoHotKey Script

Converts month names into month numbers and vice versa.
Converts month numbers into month names handling various formats. 01.07.2018, 01 /07/ 2018, 01/07/2018, 01 07 2018, and 01-07-2018, become 01-JUL-2018.
Converts month names into month numbers handling various formats. 01.JUL.2018, 01 /JUL/ 2018, 01/JUL/2018, 01 JUL 2018, and 01-JUL-2018 become 01-07-2018.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Given that you are a GitHub user, I am not covering basics of installation issues.


In order to develop an AutoHotKey script, you need

  • A text editor, such as Notepad++
  • AutoHotKey compiler. It is free and can be downloaded from the official website


  • Once you open autohotkey website, a download link appears. Download the zipped folder and extract the files.
  • Open Notepad++, create a new file, and save it as test.ahk
  • Copy the code below, paste it in test.ahk, and save it
; This entire line is a comment.
; the code below defines control+1 as a hotkey
; it means the script will work when the user does ctrl+1
MsgBox, This is an autohotkey file
  • Find the file in the compiler folder that will compile test.ahk file to an exe file, which is currently named as Ahk2Exe.exe. Browse and select test.ahk as source and create a test.exe at the destination. The compiler has a simple GUI and option labels are self-explanatory.
  • Run the test.exe file. An icon will be inserted in your taskbar, indicating that autohotkey has been activated.
  • When you do ctrl+1, a pop-up that reads "This is an autohotkey file" will appear.


  • Armagan Tekdoner - Initial work - grifare


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


No description or website provided.








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