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Important note: this code is still in development, it should be used with caution.


Syrah (simple random access dataset format) allows for fast random access of on-disk indexed arrays of arbitrary types.

It was designed as a backend for the PyTorch dataset API when the data does not fit in memory.

Syrah works by loading only the dataset metadata in memory (arrays type, size and file offset) and using it to rapidly access and deserialize arrays from the file on disk.

This package contains the high level implementation to read and write syrah files as well as wrappers for the PyTorch dataset API.

1. Installation

For a default installation without PyTorch datasets (see 4.):

git clone
cd syrah
pip install --upgrade .

For a full installation including PyTorch datasets, replace the last line with:

pip install --upgrade .[all]

2. Writing to a syrah file

Let us first create a random dataset of fixed size float feature vectors and their corresponding binary labels:

import numpy as np
from syrah import File

num_samples = 10_000
num_features = 1_000

features = np.random.random(size=(num_samples, num_features))
labels = np.random.randint(2, size=(num_samples, 1))

Each sample is added as a dictionary of arrays using the File.add_item() method:

file_path = '/tmp/test.syr'

with File(file_path, mode='w') as syr:
    for i in range(num_samples):
        syr.add_item({'label': labels[i], 'features': features[i]})

Important note: if a syrah File is opened in writing mode outside a context manager (with statement) it needs to be closed explicitly using the File.close() method to ensure that the metadata is written at the end of the file and that the headers are properly updated.

Note: if the data type is "str", the array is serialized as a byte array.

3. Reading from a syrah file

Similarly to writing, the whole sample can be read at once and returns a dictionary of arrays:

with File(file_path, mode='r') as syr:
    for i in range(syr.num_items()):
        # item is a dictionary with keys 'label' and 'features'
        item = syr.get_item(i)

Or each array can be read independently:

with File(file_path, mode='r') as syr:
    for i in range(num_samples):
        label = syr.get_array(i, 'label')
        features = syr.get_array(i, 'features')

Note: if the data type is "str", the array is deserialized as a byte array and converted to an length-one array of a string fro compatibility reasons.

4. PyTorch dataset API

If the data does not need to be preprocessed before being fed to the network, a SyrahDataset object can be used with a PyTorch Dataloader:

from import SyrahDataset
from import DataLoader

dataset = SyrahDataset(file_path, ['features', 'label'])
data_generator = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)

for features, labels in data_generator:

Note: requires installation with PyTorch datasets support (as detailed in 1.).

If data preprocessing is needed, the __init__() and __getitem__() methods should be overridden:

class CustomSyrahDataset(SyrahDataset):
    def __init__(cls, file_path: str, *args):
        Create a new `Dataset` object.
        :param file_path: path to the Syrah file
        :param args: list of extra arguments required for the preprocessing
        super().__init__(file_path, ['features', 'label'])

    def __getitem__(cls, item: int) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]:
        Access the item at the  specified index
        :param item: index of the item
        :return: features and corresponding label
        features, label = super().__getitem__(item)
        features = ...
        return features.astype(np.float32), label.astype(np.float32)

If the dataset consists of multiple syrah files, a SyrahConcatDataset object should be created from a list of SyrahDataset objects:

from import SyrahConcatDataset

concat_dataset = SyrahConcatDataset([dataset_1, ...])

5. Multiprocessing concurrency issues

Syrah high level API supports multiprocess read access but each worker needs to call the method to get his own file object and avoid concurrency issues when reading from multiple processes:

from multiprocessing import Pool

num_workers = 8
syr = File(file_path, mode='r')

def read_item(i):
    item = syr.get_item(str(i))

p = Pool(num_workers,, initargs=(file_path, 'r')), range(num_samples))

Similarly, when using num_workers > 0 with PyTorch Dataloader, SyrahDataset.worker_init_fn also needs to be called by each worker (or SyrahConcatDataset.worker_init_fn in case of multiple syrah files):

data_generator_multi = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers, worker_init_fn=dataset.worker_init_fn)

for features, labels in data_generator_multi:

6. File format summary

The file format is as follows:

  • headers (first 22 bytes):
    • 2 bytes for the format "magic bytes" ("\x47\x53")
    • 4 bytes for storing the version number (4 uint8: 0 followed by x, y, z as in version x.y.z)
    • 8 bytes for the serialized metadata offset (int64)
    • 8 bytes for the serialized metadata length (int64)
  • data (arbitrary size):
    • concatenation of byte representations of all arrays in the dataset using little endian encoding
  • metadata (arbitrary size):
    • serialized metadata using bson