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Spring Boot REST API + Keycloak and Angular Web App


  • A sample app to demonstrate Spring Boot - Angular Web App
  • The server scraps the websites (uses JSoup) to read Quotes and store into db.
    • see WebScraper interface
    • see also GoodReadsScrapper
  • The client (web app) has option to subscribe to receive random quotes daily
  • The logged in user can manage the quotes, view all
  • The client (mobile app in branch mobile-ionic-app) also pulls and displays the quotes

Keycloak Setup

  • Run using docker
    • $cd _config
    • $docker-compose up
    • note that two users will be already loaded from realm-export.json
      • username/passwords are: user1/pass, user2/pass
  • Or run manually:
    • Create a realm named 'quote-app'
    • Manually create users with role = 'user'

How to run Locally?

  • Start Server :

    • Import project into your IDE and run QuoteApplication inside server module
    • OR navigate to server module and run 'mvnw or ./mvnw'. The default goal is spring-boot:run which starts the app automatically
  • Start client : Navigate to web module and run 'npm install' for one time to install dependencies and then npm start afterwards to run the ap

  • Start keycloak docker. Run docker run -p 8082:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin

  • Open http://localhost:4200

Server: Spring Boot

  • Uses JSoup to parse the quote websites and stores into H2 database at startup
  • Quotes can be retrieved by REST apis HOST/quotes
  • Deploy to Heroku
  • Did below updates for Heroku. Since its a multi module Maven app:
    • Added file: Procfile web: java -jar server/target/server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dserver.port=$PORT
    • Added server.port entry on application.yml server: port: ${PORT:8080}

Angular Web App

  • Install Dependencies: npm install
  • Start locally: npm start.
  • Proxy is configured to handle cors request. Review 'start' scripts at web/package.json
  • Prod build : ng build --prod
  • Run in production: using express/node : node server.js
  • Note the following dependencies
    "cors": "^2.8.5",
    "express-http-proxy": "^1.6.0",
    "port": "^0.8.1",