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RestAPI-JIRA-Lib on Build status NuGet

  1. Library of jira routines based on REST API
  2. form : DLL
  3. used to extract or to get informations on Jira server and on Jira objects ( groups, users, issues , .....)
  4. is used with C# code

Solution Explorer

List of classes and modules packed in the library : alt text


  1. Package distributed as a nuget package at :
  2. Package, also, distributed as a nuget package at :

Is distributed as a .DLL library file


  1. package EPPlus
  2. package Newtonsoft.Json;

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  1. Packages referenced in the Library :

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  1. Download the nuget package : in your project

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  1. It is also available for download at

  2. JiraLib methods can be used and referenced with the JiraLib.dll reference in your c# project

  3. is used with C# code

  4. Developed and tested in Visual Studio 2019

How to use

  1. using JiraLib; in your project, reference this package (package name : RestAPI-JIRA-Lib)
  2. using Newtonsoft.Json; in your project, reference this package
  3. using OfficeOpenXml; only for JiraLib methods using Excel, such as GetAllUsersDetailToXL() or GetAllUsersToXL()
  4. using System.Threading.Tasks; Routines are async methods and need the use of await and async Task declaration instruction

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routines are async . so use await instruction for some routines

Routines inside the Library :

  1. GetAllGroups : Get a list of all Jira groups and save the list in 2 files : List-groups.json & List-groups.txt
  2. GetUSersFromGroup() : Get the list of all user's username belonging to a group and save the list in 2 files : List-users.json & List-users.txt . Print the list to the console
  3. GetUsernameFromGroup(username, password, urlbase, group) : Get the list of all user's username belonging to a group and save the list in 2 files : List-username-from-group-{0}.json & List-username-from-group-{0}.txt . return a list of group's username as a string array
  4. Post1
  5. ConverJsontoString
  6. PickItems() : create 2 files : List-items.json & List-items.txt which include the groups and/or names and/or emailadresses with string matching
  7. Find-Users() : Returns a list of users that match the search string.(store the results in 2 files : List-users.json & List-users.txt)
  8. JsontJObjectToString() : read a json formated file (type JObject) and convert to a text (string) formated file
  9. JsontJTokenToString() : read a json formated file (type JToken) and convert to a text (string) formated file
  10. JsontArrayToString() : read a json from a file (type JArray) and convert to a text (string) formated file
  11. GetServerInfo() : Get informations on Jira server
  12. GetAllProjects() : Get all Jira projects and save the list in 2 files : List-projects.json & List-projects.txt
  13. GetAllUsers() : Get All Jira user's username (from all groups) and store the list for each group in 2 files : List-all-users-from-group.json & List-all-users-from-group.txt ( store it in the current directory). Returns a list of objects (objects of type Group) List
  14. GetAllUsersToXL() : Get the list of all Jira users and groups and store the list for each group in 2 files : List-username-from-group-...json & List-username-from-group-...txt & write result to an Excel file (List-ALl-UsersGroups.xlsx). Returns a list of objects (objects of type Group) List
  15. GetUsersDetailFromGroup() : returns a list of users details for a group. As objects (objects of type Group) List & write result to file (Json style) : List-Details-from-group-{0}.txt" & write result to file (text file) : List-accounts-from-group-{0}.txt" Details are : username, full name, email, group , active user or not
  16. GetAllUsersDetail() : get all users details from all JIRA groups. GEt results as json file and Text file and as an array of Objects list : <List[]
  17. GetHttpResponse() : include try catch methods to get errors when using http protocol services for geting or posting Rest Api Demands to JIRA server.
  18. GetAllUsersDetailToXL() : Execute a GET http request on a Jira server with Rest API, to get all users details from all JIRA groups . Store all users's details in a file : List-ALl-UsersGroups.xlsx in the current directory . Return an array of List objects which contains all JIRA users details from all JIRA groups
  19. GetAllIssuesPj() Get a list of all issues in a project. Write list to a Excel file with list of all issues status, assignee,resolution, ......
  20. JiraPostRequest() This simple method allows to make a post rest api request to a jira server . write results to console & and to files located in the current directory .: Response.txt & Response.json. Parameters to give is a json file , containing your post request
  21. GetProjectIssues() : Get all issues details in a project. Get it from the json JObject Ob parameter. It parses and anlizes the JObject object & returns an array of all Issues ( type of array : IssueInfos[]) inside the project.: GetProjectIssues(string projectname, JObject Ob, int NumberOfIssues)
  22. GetUnrIssuesPj() : returns a list of all non resolved issues in a project. Write them in a Excel file
  23. GetAllAssigned() : It returns a list of all issues assigned to a user. Wrtites results to 2 files : a json file and a text file : List-issues-{user}.json and List-issues-{user}.txt
  24. GetAllAssignedToXL() : It returns a list of all issues assigned to a user. Wrtites results to a Excel file : List-Issues-AssignedTo-{user}.xlsx
  25. CreateGroup() : Create a Jira group

detailed list of all methods in the library

. Goto to the following github site page for the methods docs :
(Master site : )

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Pickitem() :method

a simple routine which retruns a list of groups and/or names and/or emailadresses with string matching alt text alt text alt text

GetAllUsersToXL() : method

  • Export to a Excel file, the list of all groups and of all the users belonging to each group :
  • name of the export file : List-ALl-UsersGroups (Store all users's details in the file : List-ALl-UsersGroups.xlsx in the current directory)
  • Return an array of List objects which contains all JIRA users details from all JIRA groups
  • Doc at :

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GetAllIssuesPj() : method

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GetUnrIssuesPj() : method

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GetAllAssigned() : method

GetAllAssignedToXL() : method

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