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Beginner python project

This project is a simple email slicer created with Python v3.9.7 with Juypter Notebook.

The slicer takes an email address as input and slices it to produce username and associated domain.


We begin by asking the user to input their email.
email = input("Enter Your Email: ").strip()  

In the above code snippet, we use input() method to get input from the user, then save it to the email variable.

The strip() method removes unwanted and additional spaces on both sides of the strings. This will ensure that we only get the email from the user.

The next step
username = email[:email.index('@')]
domain = email[email.index('@') + 1:]

The code above separates the username with the domain. The variable username selects the part of the string that comes before the @ as the username. index() returns the position at the first occurrence of the specified value which in this case is @. We are also using the slicing operator (:) . The domain variable also works the same.

Let us take for example an email like [email protected]. The index() function will interpret the email as email[:9], because the @ is found at index 9. So the part of the string that comes before index 9 will be taken and the rest of the string will be ignored. The vice versa is true for the part of the string that comes after @ when picking the domain name.

Finally we print the output
print(f"Your username is {username} & domain is {domain}")  

We use the f_string to allow us to directly place our variables in the output string. The f-string is very useful as it has minimal syntax for string formatting.

The project is for beginners. If you are a beginner like me, this is a good way to practice Python.