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Welcome to ConsoleGames, a great Python module to make great console games!

How does it work?

First, you need to initialise an instance of Game:

import console_games

game = console_games.Game()

Game is a container for all child objects. As of 0.03, you can add figure.Figure, fancy_text.Text() and selector.Selector()

The _object.Object class (from which all of these inherit) has these functions:

game.figure.reset() # Resets the object to its original sprite

game.figure.offset(x=3, y=3) # Offsets the object

game.figure.animate_offset(x=3, y=3) # Animates the offset

game.figure.color(Fore.BLUE) # Colors the object in the specified color using colorama

To initialise an object:

figure = figure.Figure()



Figure has the animate function, which takes the animation to be executed, amount of loops, and 2 parameters for offset during animation.

figure.animate(, loop_offset_x=1)


Text generates a plain object but using fancy text characters using pyfiglet.

title = fancy_text.Text(text="Super Mario Bros.")


title.toggle_multicolor() # Toggles whether the object is multicoloured.


Selector is NOT an object. It contains a private property _object that holds the actual object used in the game. You can, however use offset() and remove() normally. To get the current selected option, use get_current_option().

selector = selector.Selector(("GAME 1 ( 100% )", "GAME 2", "GAME 3"), current_game=game)


When can I use it?

As of now, console_games is very early into development. When it is the very best I can make it, I will release it on PyPi :)


console_games is under the Apache-2.0 license.