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Mrittik-Server – an open-source REST API developed with Node.js and Express.js

Mrittik-Server is a REST API that I created using Node.js and Express.js, aimed at helping front-end developers practice building e-commerce projects or need to implement search, sort, and filter functionality without the hassle of dealing with the backend and data.

It offers a wide range of endpoints for searching, sorting, and filtering products by different attributes like category, name, price, tag, id, and more. You can utilize this API in any JavaScript framework of your preference to develop exceptional e-commerce projects or other projects that require searching, sorting, and filtering features.

As this is an open-source project, I welcome anyone who wants to contribute to it by adding new features, data sets, bug fixes, or documentation. You can also create issues on the repository if you find any problems or have any suggestions for improvement. This way, we can make this project better and more useful for the community. I hope you find this project helpful and interesting. Please feel free to check it out, give it a star, fork it, clone it, or use it in your projects. And don’t forget to share your feedback and experience with me. I would love to hear from you.

Kindly, check to make this API more enriched and functional.

Hosted in Vercel -> Mrittik Server

This project utilizes the Vercel CLI for automatically deploying every git push to the main branch.

Live Links

Get all Product Categories:

Get Product details by category id:${id}


Get Product details by Product id:${id}


Get all Products with Tags:

Search Products by Tag Name:[TagName]=[SearchItem]


Get all Products with Brands:

Search Products by Tag Name:[BrandName]=[SearchItem]


Setting up the development environment

Download the NodeJS and install it.

How to run code

Clone the repository

git clone

Now, open the Mrittik-Server folder in your IDE (VS Code recommended) and run the following commands on terminal (Git Bash)

  npm install --global yarn
  yarn install
  nodemon index

You can run the local server on port 4000. Now, you should have accessed the following URLs on your local server.

Get all Product Categories: http://localhost:4000/category

Get Product details by category id: http://localhost:4000/products/category/${id}

Example: http://localhost:4000/products/category/1

Get Product details by Product id: http://localhost:4000/products/${id}

Example: http://localhost:4000/products/1

Get all Products with Tags: http://localhost:4000/tags

Search Products by Tag Name: http://localhost:4000/products?[TagName]=[SearchItem]

Example: http://localhost:4000/products?tag=a

Get all Products with Brands: http://localhost:4000/brands

Search Products by Tag Name: http://localhost:4000/products?[BrandName]=[SearchItem]

Example: http://localhost:4000/products?brand=a