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Software Engineering Assignment #1 - Clean code

Harshita Sharma(20171099)

Instructions to run the code:

Install/Update Java

  * sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
  * sudo apt-get update -q 
  * sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk 

For The Main File

  * Clone this repo 
  * install ant by running 'sudo apt-get install ant'
  * then go to the folder where you have cloned this repo
  * Run 'ant compile'
  * Run 'ant jar'
  * Run 'java -cp build/jar/args.jar com.cleancoder.args.Arguments'

For the tests

  * Run the command given below from the root folder of this repo
  * Run 'java -cp "lib/junit-4.13.jar:lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:build/jar/args.jar" ./test/com/cleancoder/args/ testCreateWithNoSchemaOrArguments'

Clean code:

[Ref. Clean code by Robert C. Martin and class slides]


    a. Naming:

    • [OUT OF THE BOX] Class name ArgsMain has been changed to Arguments to avoid mental mapping and because classes should have noun or noun phrase names and to avoid mental mapping.
    • Changed e to exception

    b. Visual Design of Code:

    • Unifying list of arguments i.e. arguments in separate lines
    • Removed extra whitespaces and newlines
    • [OUT OF THE BOX] Removed extra curly braces that reduce the readability of the code

    c. All methods now follow noun-verb naming convention.


    a. Naming: "A long descriptive name is better than a short enigmatic name. A long descriptive name is better than a long descriptive comment."

    • Variable schema changed to argSchema for reflecting the components of the schema.
    • Method parseArgumentStrings changed to parseListofArguments for better readability and to provide better and descriptive names.
    • Changed elementTail to elementSymbol.
    • Changed argsList to listOfArgs for better readability.
    • Renamed method parseArgumentCharacter to setMarshaler.
    • Renamed meaningless variables m and e to more meaningful name like matchedMarshaler, err respectively.
    • Renamed method has to hasFoundArgument

    b. Reduced number of function arguments for:

    • parseSchema() and parseListofArguments() by declaring all variables in the entire scope of the class Args().
    • Passed element to method putIntoMarshaler instead of passing elementId and elementSymbol separately.

    c. Functions must do exactly one thing:

    • Broke down parseSchemaElement method into parseSchemaElement and putIntoMarshaler corresponding to the two fuctions/actions which were being preformed.
    • Broke parseArgumentCharacters method into matchMarshaler and setMarshaler corresponding to the two fuctions/actions which were being preformed.

    d. [OUT OF THE BOX] Order of functions changed according to: "put the private utilities called by a public function right after the public function itself. This follows the stepdown rule and helps the program read like a newspaper article."

    e. [OUT OF THE BOX] Using inbuilt function isBlank() to check for blank or empty strings instead of element.length() > 0.

    f. [OUT OF THE BOX] In method parseSchemaElement, to avoid using hardcoded indices for e.g. -

    char elementId = element.charAt(0);

    used variables instead -

    int index = 0;
    char elementId = element.charAt(index);

    f. [OUT OF THE BOX] To improve the scalability of the code, a HashMap marshalersMappedToSymbols (that maps each schema symbol to its corresponding marshaler) has been added. Now, in the case of adding a new Marshaler type, one just needs to add an entry of the form put("Symbol", marshalerType()); in the hashtable, and a corresponding get function at the end of the class.

    g. [OUT OF THE BOX] Added new utility functions to improve the readability of if-else statements. For example: Changed if(!Character.isLetter(elementId)) to if(isNotLetter(elementId)).

    h. Visual Design of Code:

    • Unifying list of arguments i.e. arguments in separate lines
    • Removed extra whitespaces and newlines
    • Removed extra curly braces that reduce the readability of the code

    i. All methods now follow noun-verb naming convention.


    a. Naming:

    • Changed am to argsMarshaler
    • Changed e to exception

    b. [OUT OF THE BOX] Functions must do exactly one thing: Divided method set into three methods set, parseEntry and putInMap where:

    • set: parses the list of entries
    • parseEntry: parse each entry into its entry components and checks their length making sure each entry has one key-value pair.
    • putInMap: Inserts each key-value pair into the map.

    c. Visual Design of Code:

    • Unifying list of arguments i.e. arguments in separate lines
    • Removed extra whitespaces and newlines
    • Removed extra curly braces that reduce the readability of the code

    d. All methods now follow noun-verb naming convention.


    a. Naming:

    • Changed am to argsMarshaler
    • Changed e to exception

    b. Visual Design of Code:

    • Unifying list of arguments i.e. arguments in separate lines
    • Removed extra whitespaces and newlines
    • Removed extra curly braces that reduce the readability of the code

    c. All methods now follow noun-verb naming convention.


    a. Naming:

    • Changed am to argsMarshaler
    • Changed e to exception
    • Changed parameter to a more meningful and descriptive name argValue

    b. Visual Design of Code:

    • Unifying list of arguments i.e. arguments in separate lines
    • Removed extra whitespaces and newlines
    • Removed extra curly braces that reduce the readability of the code

    c. All methods now follow noun-verb naming convention.


  • Corrected name of method malFormedMapArgument() to malformedMapArgument()
  • Corrected name of method malFormedMapArgumentExcess() to malformedMapArgumentExcess()
  • Corrected test corresponding to malformedMapArgument()
  • Added a test for negative numbers
  • Added a test discovering a multiple flag function i.e. -xy 7 3.6


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